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Miyako Wasure
Aug. 30, 2022
It is the garden of Ōshoji Temple in Fukusaki Town, Hyogo Prefecture. Kansai Hanaji Temple 25th Sacred Ground No. 8 and Banshu Yakushi Sacred Site No. 13 are famous as Sara temples. In front of the mountain gate, there is a reclining Buddha with a head and feet made of stone and a body of Satsuki with a height of about 8 meters. As befits a flower temple, you can see not only Sara but also seasonal flowers. From spring to summer, the green of the azaleas seen from inside is beautiful, and in autumn, you can enjoy a dreamy world of reflection with the addition of bright red camellia.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Jan. 3, 2022
[English/Japanese] Happy New Year to you all! I hope to see you again this year. In Japan, the new year begins on January 1st. What do you do at the beginning of a new year in your country? This time, I would like to introduce the Japanese New Year. 1) Nengajo(New Year's card) A letter sent between January 1 and January 7 to wish someone a happy new year is called a nengajo. Recently, many people have been using social networking services instead of letters. Also, New Year's greeting cards cannot be sent to family members or relatives who have passed away in the previous year. Please be careful with this. 2) Hatsuhinode(First sunrise) The sunrise on the first day of the year is called the "first sunrise" and is considered to be a very good omen. Did you see it? 3) Hatsumode(First visit to a shrine) A New Year's visit to a shrine to pray for the safety of the year is called "Hatsumode". At Hatsumode, people draw omikuji (fortunes) to tell their fortune for the year and buy good luck charms. 4) Otoshidama(New Year's gift) Onyedama is money that children can receive on New Year's Day. It is a fun event for children. 5) Osechi cuisine Osechi-ryori is a New Year's feast. Each of these treats has its own meaning. For example, prawns have a meaning of "long life" because of their bent waist. Also, yellow food is believed to bring good luck with money. This is eaten from January 1st to the 3rd, which also means that you don't have to do any housework for the three days of the New Year. 6) Hstuyume(First dream) What kind of dream did you have at the beginning of the year? In Japan, it is said to be good luck to dream of "Mt. May this year be a wonderful one for all of you! Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year. The new year begins on January 1 for Japan. What do you do at the start of a new year in your country? This time, I would like to introduce the New Year of Japan. (1) New Year's card Letters sent between January 1 and January 7 to convey New Year's wishes are called "Nengajo". Recently, more and more people are doing it on SNS instead of letters. In addition, New Year's cards cannot be sent to people who have lost their family or relatives in the previous year. Please be careful. (2) First sunrise The sun that rises on January 1 is called the "first sunrise." This first sunrise is considered very auspicious. Have you seen it? (3) First visit Visiting a shrine to pray for the safety of the year on New Year's Day is called "first visit". At the first visit, you draw fortunes to predict the fortune of the year and buy amulets. (4) New Year's Ball New Year's money is money that children can receive on New Year's Day. It can be said that it is a fun event for children. (5) Osechi cuisine Osechi ryori is a feast eaten on New Year's Day. Each of these treats has its own meaning. For example, shrimp have a bent waist, which means "you can live a long life". In addition, yellow food is said to increase fortune. This is something to eat from January 1 to 3, and there is also the point that you do not have to do housework for three days on New Year's Day. (6) First dream What dreams did you have at the beginning of the year? In Japan, dreaming of "Mt. Fuji", "Falcon" and "Eggplant" is considered auspicious. May this be a wonderful year for all of you!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Dec. 13, 2021
[English/Japanese] Yesterday, the Kanji characters representing Japan for this year were announced. This event is held every year. Incidentally, this year's kanji was "gold. Why do you think this kanji was chosen? The reason lies in the fact that the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo this year. Japan won more gold medals than any other country in history, which is why they chose this kanji. So what else was popular this year? Let's take a look at Japanese culture through what was popular this year. Maritozzo Maritozzo is a pastry that originated in Rome, Italy. It is a round loaf of bread with a lot of cream in between, and is eaten as breakfast in Italy. This year, Maritozzo has become a big hit in Japan. Many cafes and convenience stores lined up their stores with Maritozzo, and many people queued up to buy Maritozzo. In Japan, it is not uncommon for sweets from other countries to become popular in this way. For example, last year it was tapioca from Taiwan, and before that, macarons from France. It is said that Japan is an island nation with a strong desire to learn about the cultures of other countries. Perhaps this is reflected in the food we eat. Movie Box Office Revenue In this year's global box office ranking, live-action movies from China and the U.S. are ranked from first to fifth. So, is it the same for Japan? The Japanese box-office ranking is completely different from the global ranking. From first to fifth place, all live-action movies are based on anime or manga. Last year, the anime "Demon Slayer" rewrote the top spot in the all-time box office ranking. Although there are many teenagers who visit theaters, there is not that big a difference in the age of the audience. This means that people of all ages are watching anime movies. That is how widespread anime and manga are as a culture in Japan. The Real Two-Way / Showtime The words "real two-faced" and "showtime" were nominated as buzzwords this year. These two words refer to Shohei Ohtani, who is active in the American big leagues. In this way, words related to baseball players are often chosen as buzzwords. When it comes to sports in Japan, many foreigners think of sumo wrestling. However, few people know that baseball is actually the most popular sport in Japan. When I tell this to foreign students, they often say, "I thought soccer was more popular than sumo." Do you share the same opinion? In this article, I introduced some of the things that were popular in Japan this year. I would like to continue introducing them in the next issue. By the way, our school holds an event to introduce what is popular in our country. It is a good opportunity to learn about the trends in different countries and to understand different cultures. Please let us know what's popular in your country. Yesterday, the kanji for this year's Japan were announced. This event is held every year. By the way, this year's kanji was "gold". Why do you think this kanji was chosen? The reason is that the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo this year. Japan won the most gold medals in history, so it became this kanji. So what else was trendy this year? Let's get in touch with the culture of Japan from what was popular this year. Maritozzo Maritozzo is a sweet that originated in Rome, Italy. It is made with plenty of cream sandwiched between round breads and is eaten as breakfast in Italy. This Maritozzo has become a big boom in Japan this year. Maritozzo was lined up in many cafes and convenience stores, and many people lined up to buy Maritozzo. It is not uncommon for sweets from other countries to become popular in Japan in this way. For example, tapioca from Taiwan last year and French macarons before that. It is said that Japan is an island country and has a strong desire to learn about the cultures of other countries. This may be reflected in food. Movie box office Looking at this year's world box office rankings, Chinese and American live-action films are ranked from 1st to 5th. So is it the same with Japan? Japan's box office rankings are completely different from world rankings. Surprisingly, from 1st to 5th place, all are live-action movies based on anime and manga. Last year, the anime "Demon Slayer" broke the first place in the all-time box office ranking. Movie theater users may be among their teens, but there is not much difference by age. This means that people of all ages are watching animated movies. It can be said that anime and manga have permeated as a culture in such a Japan. Real Dual-wielding/Showtime This year's buzzwords "Real Dual-wielding" and "Showtime" were nominated. These two words refer to Shohei Ohtani who is active in the American major leagues. In this way, words about baseball players are often chosen as buzzwords. Many foreigners think of sumo wrestling as a sport in Japan. However, few people know that baseball is actually a sport that is often seen in Japan. When I told this story to international students, they said, "I thought soccer would be more popular if it was anything other than sumo," and "I don't know much about what kind of sport baseball is." I answer. Do you all agree with me? This time, we have introduced some of the things that have become popular in Japan this year. I would like to continue to introduce it next time. By the way, at our school, we hold events to introduce what we do in our own country. It is a good opportunity to learn about the trends of various countries and understand different cultures. Please tell us what is popular in your country.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Nov. 8, 2021
[English/Japanese] In this issue, I would like to introduce you to some of the things that you should not do in Japan. There are things that you may have done without knowing it, but that even foreigners are not allowed to do. How many of Japan's unique cultures do you know? Gift Giving Etiquette There are two numbers that are frowned upon in Japan: 4 and 9. 4 is pronounced "shi" and 9 is pronounced "ku" in Japanese. "Shi" means "death" and "9" means "suffering", so anything with "ku" and "shi" in it is frowned upon in many situations. For example, "comb" is not allowed to be sent as a gift because it has a bad meaning. In addition to this, there are a few other gifts that should not be sent. For example, a plant in a pot should not be sent to a person in the hospital. A plant in a pot has roots. This is because it can be taken to mean that the plant will have roots in the hospital, meaning that the illness will last longer. If you want to give flowers to someone who is in the hospital, use cut flowers instead of potted plants. However, even cut flowers such as chrysanthemums, which are used for funerals, are considered rude, so be careful. Also, do not send a handkerchief as a wedding gift. Why is this? Because handkerchiefs are associated with tears. Other items that can be broken, such as china and mirrors, are also considered bad luck. Similarly, for housewarming gifts, lighters and ashtrays should not be sent because they remind people of fire. These are just a few examples. If you are going to give a gift to a Japanese person, you need to find out beforehand if it would be a rude gift. Dining Manners Your country also has various manners for eating. I have heard manners such as never using your left hand when eating curry from Nepalese students at our school. So, what kind of manners do we have in Japan for eating? In Japan, we use chopsticks when we eat. Chopsticks are difficult to use, but their manners are also complicated. For example, the worst thing you can do is to use two chopsticks to hold your food. The reason why this is not allowed is because it is the same act as placing the bones of a deceased person in an urn at a Buddhist funeral. (*Not talking about chopsticks, but putting the right collar of the kimono on top of the left collar is the same as wearing the kimono of the deceased, so you have to be careful. ) There are many other manners of chopsticks that should not be practiced, such as "stabbing chopsticks" and "yose-chopsticks". In addition to chopsticks, it is also bad manners to eat rice without holding the bowl, or to put your elbows on the table. However, if you think about it too much, it will be difficult to eat a good meal. I recommend that you learn at least the minimum manners for eating, and then gradually get used to them. Superstitions How many superstitions do you know about in Japan? The first one is the "north pillow". The first one is "north pillow", which means that you should not sleep with your pillow in the north, because it is related to Buddhism and there is a theory that putting your pillow in the north means death. Second, don't cut your nails at night. There is a superstition that if you cut your nails at night, you will die before your parents do. One reason is that nails are the place where a person's "soul" is located, so they must be taken care of. Another reason is that in the days when there was little light, cutting nails at night would cause injury. The third is "don't whistle at night." In Japan, there is a saying that whistling attracts spiritual things. This spirituality includes not only good things, but also bad things, so there is a theory that it is dangerous to whistle at night, when spirituality is more active. The three I've mentioned so far are all things you shouldn't do, but I'll end with a superstition that has a good meaning. The last superstition that has a good meaning is "If a pillar of tea stands, good luck will come. A pillar of tea means that the stems of the tea in the teacup stand up like a pillar when the tea is made. For Japanese people, a "pillar" has a powerful impression as something that supports a house. (A recent popular manga often features a "pillar [Hahira]”) For this reason, the tea pillar is known as a good omen. Incidentally, I have heard from Mongolian students that there is a superstition that if a pillar of tea stands, relatives will come to your house. In different countries, superstitions have completely different meanings, don't they? I hope you now have a better understanding of manners. In the next article, I will introduce manners at leisure facilities. This time, I will introduce "what not to do in Japan". Even if you don't know it, there are things that you can't forgive because you're a foreigner. How many unique cultures do you know of Japan? Gift etiquette There are figures that are hated in Japan. 4 and 9. 4 is pronounced as Japanese, "shi" and 9 as "ku". Since "shi" means "death" and "9" means "suffering", things with "ku" and "shi" in the words are disliked in various situations. For example, "comb" is a gift that has a bad meaning, so it is not allowed to be sent. There are a few other gifts you shouldn't send. For example, plants in pots should not be sent to people who are in the hospital. The plant in the pot has roots. This is because it is taken as the meaning of being rooted in a hospital, that is, the meaning of prolonged illness. If you want to give flowers to someone who is in the hospital, cut flowers instead of potted plants. However, be careful not to use cut flowers such as "chrysanthemums" used for funerals, as they will be rude. Also, if it is a wedding gift, do not send a handkerchief. Why? Because handkerchiefs are associated with tears. In addition, crackable objects such as pottery and mirrors are also considered unlucky. In the case of housewarming, lighters and ashtrays should not be sent because they are reminiscent of fire. These are just a few. If you are going to give something to Japan someone, you need to research it in advance to see if it will be a rude gift. Dining etiquette Your country also has various dining etiquette. I have heard from Nepalese students at our school that they never use their left hand when eating curry. So, what kind of dining etiquette is there in Japan? In Japan, chopsticks are used when eating. Chopsticks are difficult to use, but their manners are also complicated. For example, the last thing you should do is hold one food with chopsticks for two people. The reason why this should not be done is because it is the same act as placing the bones of a deceased person in an urn at a Buddhist funeral. (* I'm not talking about chopsticks, but you have to be careful if the collar of the kimono is in front of the right, because it will be the same as the kimono worn by the deceased.) In addition to this, there are many other acts that should not be done, such as "embroidery chopsticks" to embroider food and "chopsticks" to pull plates together. It is also bad manners to eat rice without holding a bowl in addition to chopsticks, or to elbow yourself on the table. However, if you think about it too much, it will be difficult to eat delicious rice. We recommend that you learn the minimum manners of your meals and gradually get used to them. superstition How many superstitions do you know about Japan? Here are some of them. The first is the "North Pillow". There is a theory that you should not sleep with a pillow in the north, which is related to Buddhism, and that placing a pillow in the north means "death". The second is "do not cut your nails at night." There is a superstition that if you cut your nails at night, you will die faster than your parents. There is a theory about this, but there is a teaching that nails must be cherished because they are the place where the person's "soul" is, and there are reasons that in an era when there was little light, cutting nails at night would injure you. The third is "Do not whistle at night." There is a Japan tradition that whistling attracts spiritual things. There is a theory that this spiritual thing contains not only good things, but also bad things, so whistling is dangerous at night when spiritual things are active. The three things I've introduced so far are all things you shouldn't do, but here are some good and meaningful superstitions at the end. It is "good luck comes when the tea pillar stands". A tea pillar is a tea stalk that stands like a pillar in a teacup when tea is brewed. For Japan people, "pillars" have a powerful impression as they support the house. (Recently, popular manga often have "pillars.") Therefore, tea pillars are known as auspicious. By the way, I have heard from Mongolian students that there is a superstition that "relatives come to the house when the tea pillar is erected." Different countries have completely different meanings of superstition. Do you understand manners? Next time, we will introduce manners at leisure facilities.
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Nov. 1, 2021
[English/Japan] Things that surprised foreign students when they came to Japan. ~Fashion (2) Continuing from last week, this week I would like to introduce the fashion of Japanese people. Mysterious message written on a T-shirt One of the most famous Japanese fashion items that made foreign tourists and international students laugh was the English logo T-shirts. An English logo T-shirt is a T-shirt with English stylishly written on it. Most Japanese people who wear these T-shirts sometimes wear them just because they are "fashionable" or "cool" without thinking about the meaning of the English written on them. However, the content of the English written on them is often strange, and they are sometimes laughed at by English-speaking foreigners. One person told me that when she was standing in line at the checkout counter after shopping at a supermarket, the staff member (a Japanese woman in her 50s or 60s) was wearing a T-shirt with "born in L. A." written in large letters on it, and she had a hard time holding back her laughter. However, this is not only Japanese. Some Western tourists also wear T-shirts (and tattoos) with strange kanji characters. However, this is not the case with international students who are learning Kanji. Let's all study Japanese and try to read the kanji on the T-shirts properly. The More Natural the Makeup, the More Time Japanese Spend on It Many foreigners are surprised to see Japanese women applying makeup in the restroom or even on a shaky train. Compared to other countries, Japanese women are famous for wearing makeup more often. Japanese makeup is characterized by a heavy application of foundation and a focus on eye makeup. However, all of these are not flashy makeup; the emphasis is on how to make it look natural. Also, since they started wearing masks due to the influence of Corona, more and more people have started to be particular about their eye makeup. Furthermore, cosmetics for men have recently been marketed and are very popular. It is now commonplace for high school boys to trim their eyebrows, which was rare a few years ago. Japanese makeup products are also popular overseas, and many people take them as souvenirs. I hope you will give them a try too. Regional differences in fashion I've written before about regional differences in the Japanese personality, but there are also regional differences in fashion. For example, even in Tokyo, Marunouchi is an office district, so many people wear stylish suits. Harajuku is also known as the fashion district, with people walking around in unique fashions such as Lolita and punk. In Osaka, many people like to wear very flashy patterns such as leopard print, and in Nagoya, it is said that many people wear brands. In areas where there are many people, fashion also varies. Of course, there are trends, but no matter what kind of fashion you wear, it is unlikely that people will look at you strangely. Please enjoy Japan in your own way and in the fashion you like. Have you learned a little about Japanese fashion? Our school holds an event to wear Yukata (summer kimono) before the summer vacation. I'm sure you'll love these yukata, so airy and with great patterns! What surprised international students when they came to Japan. ~Fashion(2)~ This week, continuing from last week, I would like to introduce the fashion of Japan people. Mysterious message written on the T-shirt One of the most famous fashion for Japan people who made foreign tourists and international students laugh is the English logo T-shirt. An English logo T-shirt is a T-shirt with English written stylishly on the T-shirt. Most Japan people who wear this T-shirt wear it only with the image of "fashionable" and "cool" without thinking about the meaning of the English written on it. However, many of the English contents written there are strange, and foreigners in English-speaking countries sometimes laugh at them. One person said that when he was shopping at a supermarket and was standing in line at the cash register, the cashier staff (Japan women in their 50s ~ 60s) was wearing a T-shirt with the words "born in L.A." written in large letters, and it was difficult to hold back her laughter. But this applies only to Japan people. Western tourists may also wear T-shirts (tattoos, etc.) with strange Chinese characters. However, this is not the case for international students who are learning kanji. Everyone, let's study Japanese and read the kanji on the T-shirt properly. People who spend as much time as natural makeup Japan Many foreigners are surprised to see Japan women fixing their makeup in the toilet and putting on makeup even on a swaying train. Japan women are notorious for wearing makeup more often than in other countries. Japan people's makeup is characterized by applying foundation well and sticking to eye makeup. However, these are all emphasized not on flashy makeup, but on how natural it looks. Also, since they started wearing masks due to the influence of Corona, it seems that the number of people who are particular about eye makeup has increased. More recently, men's cosmetics have also been on sale and are popular. It is now commonplace for high school boys to trim their eyebrows, which was rare a few years ago. Japan's makeup products are very popular overseas, and many people take them as souvenirs. Please give it a try. Regional differences in fashion I previously wrote in a column that there are regional differences in the personality of Japan people, but there are also regional differences in fashion. For example, even in Tokyo, Marunouchi is an office district, so there are many people wearing stylish suits. Harajuku is also said to be a fashion town, and there are people with unique fashions such as Lolita and punk walking around. It is said that many people in Osaka prefer to wear very flashy patterns such as leopard prints, and many people wear brands in Nagoya. In areas where there are many people, fashion also varies. Of course, there are trends, but in any fashion you are unlikely to be seen strangely by people. Please enjoy Japan in your own fashion and your favorite fashion. Did you get to know a little about Japan fashion? Our school holds an event to wear a yukata (summer kimono) before the summer vacation. I'm sure you'll love yukatas with good ventilation and nice patterns!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Oct. 12, 2021
[English/Japanese] Continuing from last week, I would like to introduce some of the behaviors and conversations that international students find strange when communicating with Japanese people. Shy Japanese? International students often tell me that many Japanese people are shy. When I ask them why, they say that many Japanese do not express their opinions clearly, do not make eye contact, and are shy about dancing or singing in public. Do you think that Japanese people are really shy? In Japan, modesty and mutual respect have long been regarded as virtues. For this reason, I think many Japanese people are careful to avoid doing anything that might draw attention to themselves. However, there is one situation where shy Japanese people can act boldly. One of them is hot springs. International students often say that it is strange that Japanese people are so shy that they show their nakedness to others and take a bath together. They also say the same thing about Japanese people who cosplay at anime events. When it comes to hot springs, the reason given is that it is a part of Japanese culture that they have grown accustomed to, so few Japanese question it. Also, cosplaying is a way to "be someone else," and many people are open to it. ✌ In your country, what kind of poses do you take when taking photos? When you take photos at your Japanese language school, you can discover the differences between countries. For example, male students from Nepal and Bangladesh "wear sunglasses and put their hands in their pockets and hold them at an angle," while female students from Asian countries who like Korean culture "make a heart with their index finger and thumb overlapping. And most Japanese teachers make the "peace sign". There are many theories as to why Japanese people make the peace sign. Some foreign students think that Japanese people are boring when it comes to posing for photos. However, for shy Japanese who feel embarrassed to be true, it may be a relief to have a standard pose. Different Personalities in Different Regions When people talk about the personality of the Japanese, they are often referring to the Japanese living in the Tokyo area. So, are Japanese people in other areas the same as in Tokyo? Osaka is famous for being different from the typical Japanese character. Osaka has prospered as a city of commerce and is home to many people who like to talk and make people laugh. For this reason, I often hear foreign students who have visited Osaka for the first time or who have talked with people from Osaka say that they do not feel like Japanese. Also, being located in the southernmost part of Japan, Okinawa has a large number of people who love to dance and sing. Just like the climate, the people in Okinawa are warm and cheerful. On the other hand, people in colder areas such as Tohoku are more humble and less talkative than those in Tokyo. Even in the same region of Japan, the atmosphere of the people differs depending on the region, so please try talking to Japanese people in different regions. Over the past two weeks, I have introduced the personality and behavior of Japanese people. International students who have just arrived in Japan often have misunderstandings about the behavior of Japanese people. In order to reduce such misunderstandings, Japanese language schools offer classes on Japanese culture as well as on the character of Japanese people. Please come and observe our classes. Continuing from last week, I would like to introduce the actions and conversations that international students thought "Japan people are strange" when communicating with Japan people. Shy Japan? International students often say that many Japan people are shy. When asked why, they say, "I don't express my opinion clearly," "I don't make eye contact," and "I am shy about dancing or singing in public." Do you think Japan people are really shy? It has long been a virtue for Japan to be humble and to give in. Therefore, I think there are many people who are careful not to do anything that attracts Japan attention of themselves. But why would such a shy Japan do such a thing? There are also situations where I have doubts. It is a hot spring. International students often tell me that it is strange to show others their nakedness and take a bath together, even though they are Japan shy. There are also similar opinions about Japan people who cosplay at anime events. When it comes to hot springs, the reason is that few people have doubts about them because they are familiar with Japan Japan culture. Also, cosplay is about "becoming a different you," and many people open up. ✌ What kind of pose do you take when taking photos in your country? Taking photos at Japanese schools allows you to discover differences between countries. Male students from Nepal and Bangladesh "put their hands in their pockets with sunglasses and hold them diagonally," while Asian female students who like Korean culture "put their index fingers and thumbs on top of each other to make a heart." And Japan teachers mostly make a "peace sign". There are theories as to why Japan people do pieces. Some international students find it boring to pose for photos of Japan people. However, for shy Japan who find photography embarrassing, it may be reassuring to have a standard pose. Personality varies by region When talking about the personality of Japan people, most of them are aimed at "Japan people living in the suburbs of Tokyo". So, are Japan people in other regions the same as in Tokyo? Osaka is famous for being different from the typical Japan personality. Osaka is a thriving city of business, and there are many people who like to talk and want to make people laugh. For this reason, I often hear from international students who visit Osaka for the first time or who have spoken with people from Osaka that they are not like Japan people. Also, Okinawa, which is located in the southernmost part of the Japan, has many people who love to dance and sing. Like the climate, the people are warm and cheerful people live here. On the other hand, there is an image that in cold regions such as Tohoku, there are even more humble people and fewer words than in Tokyo. Even in the same Japan, the atmosphere of people differs depending on the region, so please try talking to Japan people from various regions. Over the course of two weeks, we introduced the personalities and behaviors of Japan people. International students who have just arrived at Japan often misunderstand the behavior of Japan others. In Japanese schools, in order to reduce such misunderstandings, the Japan culture and the personality of the Japan person are also dealt with in class. Please come and observe the class.
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  • Life in Japan
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  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi

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