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Feb. 5, 2024
【In admiration of the first foreigner who became a Samurai】 Have you ever heard of a samurai named "Yasuke"? About 440 years ago, Yasuke became a vassal under Oda Nobunaga and was later granted samurai status. What is surprising is that he was an exotic man of African origin. Yasuke left his mark on the pages of Japanese history as "the first foreigner to become a samurai.
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  • Samurai lord
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  • Osaka Prefecture
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  • Osaka Castle
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Feb. 5, 2024
The last great battle between Toyotomi and Tokugawa is revealed. Why did the generals fight to the death? What was the real reason for the fire of Osaka Castle? The last decisive battle of the Osaka battle is set in the gorgeous Osaka Castle, built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi! 豊臣×徳川、最後の大合戦が明らかになる。 なぜ武将たちは、死を賭して戦ったのか? 大坂城炎上、本当の理由とは? 豊臣秀吉が築城、絢爛を極めた大坂城を舞台にした大阪の陣最後の決戦へ⚔ 甲冑兜を着用して、いざ出陣!
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  • Osaka (City)
  • Warring States Period
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  • Japanese swords
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  • Osaka Castle
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Feb. 4, 2024
Osaka no Jin⚔Before participating in the war, there was an angel at Osaka Castle with a free hug sign hanging from his neck. The samurai refused the angel's hug, not wanting to taint it... and the angel made a sad face. The expression on his face is like watching a loved one die right in front of your eyes. The samurai wanted to protect this purity. However, he could not say anything lightly to the angel whose whole body was crying. The angel said as he wiped away his tears as if he had distilled only trust and goodwill towards others. "Thank you very much for today... but... Samurai-san and I... are not... friends yet." Angel was desperate. ``How can I become your friend?'' He handed me a homemade shuriken origami. His hands were shaking. The samurai had no words to answer, and was unable to look into the angel's eyes... A stifling voice came out of the man's mouth as he remained face down. The samurai was crying. Then, he gently hugged the angel. 大阪の陣⚔参戦前に大阪城で首からフリーハグの看板を下げている天使がいた。 天使が求めるハグを、侍は汚したくない思いで断った… すると天使は悲しい顔をした。 大切な人が目のまえで死んでいくのを見るような表情である。 侍はこの純真さを守ってやりたかった。 だが、全身で泣いている天使に軽々しい言葉はいえなかった。 人への信頼や善意だけを蒸留したよう天使は涙を拭きながらいった。 「今日は… どうも… ありがとう… でも、まだ… お侍さんと… 僕は… お友達じゃ…… ないんですよね」 天使は必死だった。 「お友達には… どうしたら… なれますか」とお手製の手裏剣の折り紙を手渡してくれた。 彼の手は震えていた。 侍には返す言葉がなく天使の目を見ることができずに… 伏せたまま男の口から、押し殺すような声が出ていた。 侍は泣いていた。 そして、天使をそっと抱きしめた。
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  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
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