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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Mar. 29, 2024
Mt. Fukino is a 550-meter-high mountain that rises near the boundary between Matsuzaki and Nishi-Izu towns, northeast of Matsuzaki City, along with Mt. Chokuro in Amagi. Located at the top of the mountain, the Soto School Fukino Mountain Treasure House is an ancient temple opened by Kukai (Kobo Daishi) in the 3rd year of Datong as a sacred place for esoteric Buddhism, and was originally called Fukino Jizo Secret Temple. In the Muromachi period, it flourished as a large sacred site with 88 temples, but after that, it was deserted and rebuilt by the monk Iwanaka. In the Bunki year (1501~04), the 4th generation monk Kiyoyasu of Kawazu and Fumon-in converted from Shingon Buddhism to Soto School, and from this time on, it became Hozoin. In the precincts, the largest cedar in Minami-Izu (circumference 6.5 m, height 34 m), which is estimated to be about 400 years old, and Oshima cherry trees that are 150 years old are densely grown, and it is rare to see more than 180 "wild Buddhas" lined up around the approach. Dainichi Nyorai, Yakushi Nyorai, Amitabha Buddha, Jizo, Kannon, Kobo Daishi, etc., all of which look like mossy stone Buddhas, seem to be singing a chorus of heartlessness in the human world. It is also the 7th sacred site of "Izu Yokodo 33 Kannon".
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  • Matsuzaki
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  • Shizuoka Prefecture
  • Matsuzaki Onsen_Shizuoka
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  • Izu Peninsula/Izu Archipelago
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Shizuoka, Matsuzaki Tourism Association
Mar. 29, 2024
In the western and southern parts of the Izu Peninsula, the ejecta of ancient submarine volcanoes is widely distributed. After a long period of undersea volcanoes, the whole of Izu rose and emerged on land, and subsequent erosion gave it its current appearance, allowing us to see firsthand the beautiful internal structures that would have been buried underground. Among the submarine volcanic ejecta, volcanic ash and pumice that fell on the seafloor were transformed into stone over a long period of time, retaining the stripes and other patterns that were formed on the seabed. The stone made in this way was useful as a soft, easy-to-process, and fire-resistant stone (Izu stone), and was produced and shipped in various parts of Izu until the beginning of the Showa era. Muroiwa-do is a quarry that was in operation from the Edo period to Showa 29, and is one of the few places where you can visit it while retaining the state of that time.
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  • Matsuzaki
  • Sightseeing
  • Shizuoka Prefecture
  • Matsuzaki Onsen_Shizuoka
  • Travel
  • Mt. Fuji
  • Tourism Association
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  • Izu Peninsula/Izu Archipelago
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Abhi Sen
Mar. 28, 2024
Despite being adjacent to Tokyo, Saitama prefecture is often overlooked by tourists. However, this prefecture has a lot to offer with its mesmerizing natural beauty. Currently, Kita Asaba Sakura Zutsumi is gaining attention, thanks to photographers who have captured its beauty. I visited this place last year, but this year, I witnessed the astonishing view of the pink sakura rows against the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Spring
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  • Great view
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  • Japan
  • Photography
  • Kanto region
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  • Cherry blossoms
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Abhi Sen
Mar. 22, 2024
Two children Under mighty cherry blossom tree. The elder sister was consoling her younger sibling who seemed to be feeling down. Although it was unclear what had caused the younger sister's sadness, it was heartwarming to witness the pure and simple expression of love and care between the two siblings. The scene made the observer reflect on how children are able to find happiness in even the smallest moments, while adults often struggle to do so. Taken in kitaasaba Sakura Zutsumi Saitama
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  • Photo Contest
  • Spring
  • Kanto region
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  • Cool Japan
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st situation
Mar. 6, 2024
There are two large cherry blossoms in Yamazaki-cho, Shiso City, Hyogo Prefecture, and there is no name for the place where I happened to find them by car, so my family calls these two cherry blossoms the couple's cherry blossoms, and there is a chair made of stumps under them, which is a place of relaxation, and it is my favorite place ? to see cherry blossoms before There is an atmosphere that can be called spring in Japan, and it is a scene that I want to connect to the future.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Spring
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  • Great view
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Abhi Sen
Feb. 27, 2024
This place is often compared to the renowned Tokyo station by many tourists. It used to be the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice but now serves as the Institute of Legal Affairs and the Legal Library. The Meiji period construction was designed by two competent German architects. Despite being damaged in World War II, it was successfully restored. The symmetrical and majestic architecture of the building is simply breathtaking. The European style of the Meiji period is beautifully represented in this structure and looks even more stunning during the rare snowfall in Tokyo. Exploring new places in this bustling city during the snow season is an experience worth having.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Great view
  • Japan
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  • Kanto region
  • Photography
  • Tokyo
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  • Festival
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