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Community Posts

Mar. 9, 2022
Last Sunday, I went to Izu to see the Kawazu cherry blossoms. On the way, cross Amagi from the direction of Shuzenji and see Joren Falls from above before heading to Kawazu Town Kawazu cherry blossoms in full bloom Stretch your legs further to the Izu-Shirahama coast for the first time in a long time On the way back, go around Nishiizu and get Mt. Fuji over the sea Introducing articles on Kawazu cherry blossoms
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The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Is a Popular Event in Izu, Shizuoka Where the Entire Town Is Dyed Pink With Cherry Blossoms. A Look at Izu's Beautiful Spring Scenery and Recommend Tourist Attractions!

  • Izu Peninsula/Izu Archipelago
  • Waterfall
  • Kawazu
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Spring
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Shimoda
  • Mt. Fuji
  • Nishiizu
  • Shizuoka Prefecture
Dylan Gibson
Nov. 9, 2021
Some more photos I took at Asukayama Park the other day. I really liked this statue of Avalokitesvara, as I felt like it was really well crafted. I included the description to this monument as it's hard to read what is carved onto the stone and it's written in older Japanese too so my friends couldn't even read it lol. I think it has something to do with a poem about cherry blossoms although I could be wrong about that. It's pretty cool seeing the older Japanese from hundreds of years ago though. Even if I can't read it it's interesting to see how the Japanese language itself has evolved throughout the years. I'll be posting more photos of this place tomorrow as well!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Autumn
  • Park
  • History
  • Photography
  • Buddha statue
  • Cherry blossoms
Dylan Gibson
Oct. 1, 2021
I thought this was a really nice article and video. I hadn't heard about Utase ships or Utase fishing before. I mentioned the other day in a post about the Edo-Tokyo Museum how I really liked seeing the architecture of the ships and just happened to come across this today. I love how you can see a full broadside view of the ship and its sails. Apparently there are a bunch of different varieties of sails and different numbers used depending on the size, etc. of the ship. I've never had the opportunity to go to Kumamoto sadly, but I'd like to see this in action if I get the chance. I've seen a lot of photos of Kumamoto Castle as well, so that's definitely something I'd be checking out if I visited. I'd like to do it in the spring to see the cherry blossoms as well.
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Beautiful "Utase Ships" Sailing Across the Vast Seas of Kumamoto. Japan's Traditional "Utase Fishing" Has a Long History of Coexisting With Nature, and Has Been Passed Down for Generations!

  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Fishing
  • Traditional culture
  • Kumamoto Prefecture
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Castles
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 15, 2021
Some photos I took at Nijo Castle in spring 2018. You can see the cherry blossoms in some of the photos just starting to bloom, but not quite in full bloom, and the rest of the gardens were really enjoyable as well. I really liked the gold decorations/designs on the buildings. The gate was also really cool. I believe it's called Karamon Gate although I'm not 100% sure on that. The moat around the castle was pretty neat as well, I can imagine it was a strong fortification, especially since it belonged to Tokugawa Ieyasu, although I'm not entirely sure about the rest of the castle's history. The photos of the moat and surrounding area were taken from on top of a small vantage point, and I wonder if it was originally some sort of turret, but I'm not sure about that either. Either way, I definitely recommend giving it a visit to anyone in Kyoto or anyone planning to visit Kyoto. I believe it was relatively close to the Golden Pavilion as well, so if you have the chance, why not?
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  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Castles
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Architecture
  • Japanese garden

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