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Dylan Gibson
Mar. 1, 2021
Wow I looked this place up and it's amazing! I'm surprised it doesn't seem as popular as other flower parks but it has some really beautiful scenery. There's a ton of different gardens all with different themes as well. Spring is coming soon so it's something to keep in mind I suppose! I've never heard of Tasha Tudor either but I'm curious to see what kind of picture books she wrote know. I love that Japan has a lot of these types of themed attractions so you can not only enjoy the location itself but also the history behind it or the history that it is brings to life. Hopefully I can get out to Gifu this spring/summer. The place is called "Flower Festival Commemorative Park" for anyone wondering.
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Oct. 19, 2020
@可児市 Hana Festa Memorial Park

The garden of American picture book author Tasha Tudor.

It's not Japan, it's America! It seems to be plunged in,
"Tasha's garden was reproduced with flowers in the Japan."
In a way, it may be the personality of Japan ...
  • Flower garden
  • Sightseeing
  • Nature
  • Writer
  • Spring
  • Gifu Prefecture
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 19, 2021
Man that's beautiful. I read an article about this place on here as well. I really want to visit. The water is so clear it reminds me a lot of Oshino Hakkai, but I think the color of the water makes this place just a liiiiittle more beautiful. Although it's a pretty tough call lol. It's interesting how the article mentioned that the best time of year is fall to see the autumn leaves reflected on the surface of the water, but I bet spring would be just as beautiful. I guess it depends on if there's any cherry blossoms around the pond. I definitely saw maples though! I'll have to try the chimaki as well if I get the chance, I'd never heard of it until now.
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koichi hakuchuu
Oct. 18, 2020
Monet's Pond.
Originally a nameless pond.

The transparent water shines with the light shining in the morning.
  • Ponds
  • Nature
  • Gifu Prefecture
  • Local gourmet
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Autumn leaves
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 15, 2021
Whoa! Now those are some fireworks! Holy crud, this is insane. I don't think I've ever seen fireworks this bright and colorful and I've been to the Omagari Fireworks Festival before! Didn't know that Mie had such amazing fireworks. All of the good fireworks festivals are so far away from Tokyo ?. Just more reason to explore other areas of Japan though I suppose. Apparently this is the Kihoku Lantern Festival too so I'd get to see some beautiful lanterns on the water as well. Hopefully I can get out some this summer, been cooped up indoors for way too long at this point, and I'm starting to miss the fresh nippon breeze ?. Hopefully spring comes somewhat early this year so I can see some cherry blossoms and drink some plum wine while barbecuing lol!
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しんご @shingo_camera
Oct. 18, 2020
Fireworks at the Kihoku Lantern Festival in Mie Prefecture.
The highlight of this firework is a firework called Colored Senwa,
Colorful flowers dye the sky and the river.
  • Fireworks
  • Mie Prefecture
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Festival
  • bbq
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 9, 2021
What a beautiful photo! I've seen a Japanese friendship garden in Portland I think it was but this one has a totally different atmosphere. It's really cool to see the different styles. I hadn't heard of West Lake before but I looked at some pictures of it and it looks like a beautiful place. I like how the architecture of the pavilions is very similar as well. I'm certainly a fan of all of the winter scenery I've gotten to see this year, but I feel like the cherry blossoms would certainly look amazing here. That or even the foliage in the autumn. I'd like to check this out when I get the chance. It looks like there are some interesting restaurants in the area as well so I can look forward to some tasty food!
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石原 良慶
Feb. 8, 2021
Gifu Park Japan-China Friendship Garden Snow Scenery ❄️

In 1989, Gifu City and Hangzhou City, People's Republic of China, created a garden to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the friendship city partnership, and a gate with a design full of Chinese atmosphere, earthen walls, gardens, and a pond made to imitate West Lake, a famous place in Hangzhou City.

This pond is a pond that can be enjoyed throughout the four seasons.
? The cherry blossom season is famous, but the snowy scenery is also the best.
When you come to Gifu, please take a walk in Gifu Park. ?
  • Japanese garden
  • Gourmet
  • Gifu Prefecture
  • Winter
  • Nature
石原 良慶
Feb. 8, 2021
Gifu Park Japan-China Friendship Garden Snow Scenery ❄️ In 1989, Gifu City and Hangzhou City, People's Republic of China, created a garden to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the friendship city partnership, and a gate with a design full of Chinese atmosphere, earthen walls, gardens, and a pond made to imitate West Lake, a famous place in Hangzhou City. This pond is a pond that can be enjoyed throughout the four seasons. ? The cherry blossom season is famous, but the snowy scenery is also the best. When you come to Gifu, please take a walk in Gifu Park. ?
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  • Winter
  • Great view
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Instagrammable
  • Gifu
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Snowscape
  • Park
  • Local PR
  • ...and 1 others
Dec. 26, 2020
・ ?Web store Hoshino (2nd time) SNS→Instagram( @cksb_hoshino )、Twitter。 Kiyoyu Soy Sauce Hoshino's mail order shop in Nagano Prefecture. This is the first order since the collaboration with Tsukesoba Shonen in Nagano Prefecture. I bought it at @baseec, who often uses it this time. < soba noodles 2 meal set (1900 yen, shipping not included)> The set includes 2 types of noodles, soup with menma, 2 types of char siu, and noodle salt. + Ingredients are kelp water (kelp + boiled and dried), trefoil ? I like the smooth type of kelp water more than mush, so I love Rausu kelp without using gagome or root kelp ?. For niboshi, choose Ibuki Iriko! Prepared by draining the water from the day before. The timing of boiling two types of noodles is difficult ? It's (^^) nice to be able to compare thin noodles and medium thick noodles. The umami of the chicken and the crisp soy sauce are also good! It has a good balance with fat. Menma, char siu, etc. are still the best ? ♂️ Thank you for the delicious feast ^ ^
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  • Gourmet
  • Instagrammable
  • Japan
  • Traditional Japanese Food
  • Ramen
  • Nagano Prefecture
  • Tokai region
  • Photo Contest
Dec. 22, 2020
Soba restaurant "Koyama" in Sekigahara City, Gifu Prefecture. It is ? a luxurious interior with a high ceiling ⠀ ⠀ Tempura soba black rice cooked rice set (1630 yen + large serving 300 yen)⠀ ⠀ Tenzarunami (1630 yen tax included)⠀ Soba knot, 2 shrimp, pumpkin, carrot, square bean, sweet potato, flower noodle, nori, kowabu, large leaf, lotus root, soba roll ⠀ Tempura is fluffy and has a light texture that almost melts in your mouth! !️ The soba knot is fragrant and the soba roll is crunchy and firm, the soba noodles are firm and have the ? best ❣️ smooth texture ⠀ I made it side by side, but I ran out ? of soba tempura was so delicious that I was impressed ? that it was so delicious that I couldn't get tired of it ❣️ ⠀ Soba Koyama Sekigahara store⠀ 0584-51-3030⠀ 1673-38 Nogami, Sekigahara-cho, Fuwa-gun, Gifu
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  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Japan
  • Instagrammable
  • Gourmet
  • Traditional Japanese Food
  • Autumn
  • Gifu Prefecture
  • Lunch
  • Drive
  • ...and 1 others
Dec. 14, 2020
・ ? Lape Hydrangea SNS→ Instagram ( @hydrangea410 )Twitter ? Sakurai Chinese Soba SNS→Twitter IF YOU'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE ROAD ULTIMATE! Rape hydrangea and Sakurai Chinese soba shop (Kanagawa Prefecture) luxury collaboration ✨ only on December 13th The collaboration between famous restaurants that were together during the training period is too ? precious Open from 11 o'clock to 200 meals (ramen + gateau chocolate), toppings for 100 meals each. Numbered tickets will be distributed from 7 o'clock. Up to 4 tickets can be issued per person (only representatives are OK), and each ticket can be exchanged for 1000 yen. (Refund later) People gathered early in the morning, so it seems that numbered tickets were distributed from 6 o'clock! At 7 o'clock, there was an announcement that there were 40 cards left, and I was ? in a hurry. I left the house at 7:30, so I almost gave up. It takes about 50 minutes to go down. Arrived at 8:20, miraculously remained and sold ? out there I'm ? glad I didn't give up Please come back at 5 p.m.! I saw a lot of people from outside the prefecture. I returned at 5 p.m., but I was ? about an hour late. Many people who didn't know about limited sales came ? I arrived around (^^) 6:30 p.m. <Shimanto turkey and Lulu Rosso× Musou wheat temomi Chinese soba + homemade soy sauce gateau chocolate (2000 yen)> As expected, the toppings were sold out at the end. A variety of rare ingredients that you don't usually eat! It looks simple, but the rich soup with full chicken flavor is irresistible ?. The hand-rubbed noodles had a chewy texture, and the more I ate them, the more they intertwined ? ♂️ with the soup. The large-format char siu is also soft and excellent. I finished drinking and eating for the first time in a long time. Gateau chocolate is also delicious ? even after eating ramen. It's not ? the quality you get at a ramen shop. Thank you for the delicious feast ^ ^ I couldn't be happier.
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  • Gourmet
  • Instagrammable
  • Japan
  • Aichi Prefecture
  • Nagoya
  • Ramen
  • Traditional Japanese Food
  • Sweets/Dessert

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