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Community Posts

Oct. 8, 2023
Mikoshi Town Gyotoku At this time of year, festivals are held in various places in the local Gyotoku! And Gyotoku was protected as the tenryō of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Gyotoku, which has a deep history, is both a little-known hidden gem spot and a place ♪ to feel autumn. [40% of the mikoshi in Japan] is Gyotoku mikoshi! !️ In 1991 (1991 (Heisei 3)) in Koto-ku, Tokyo The headquarters mikoshi of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine was made as a mikoshi famous as the best golden mikoshi in Japan! It is a gorgeous mikoshi also called a billion yen mikoshi, but when this mikoshi was delivered, it seems that the funato shrine was reproduced spectacularly! Why don't you come ☺️ and see the mikoshi this autumn season?
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  • Photo Contest
  • Autumn
  • Four seasons
  • Hidden gem
  • Chiba Prefecture
  • History
  • Local PR
  • Shrine
  • Traditional culture
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  • ...and 4 others
Oct. 6, 2023
It was cloudy on this day, but for a moment, the light came in and the fantastic scenery spread. Every year in late September, more than 3 million red spider liliies grown by local people bloom all at once along the Yakachi River embankment for about 1.5 km, and the entire area is covered with a bright red carpet. It is named after the description written in the fairy tale "Gongitsune" that "the higan flower is blooming like a red cloth". It all started with planting red spider liliies bulbs at the suggestion of Daizo Oguri, who had played with the creator Nankichi Niimi as a child.
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  • Autumn
  • Photo Contest
  • Aichi Prefecture
  • Handa
  • Spider Lily
Engaru Tourism Association
Oct. 5, 2023
 "2023 Engaru Love Food Fair" is being held at 26 restaurants in the town from October 1st ~ 31st.  This fair is a project where you can taste original dishes using "Shirataki jaga" potatoes harvested in the Shirataki area at each store, and this year is the 14th time.  In the Shirataki area, where "Shirataki Potato" is harvested, the altitude is 400 meters, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, so Hokuhoku potatoes with a high starch value are harvested. In addition, there are only 8 farmers that produce "Shirataki potato", and it is a rare and valuable potato that is distributed almost only in the town.  While preserving the goodness of the ingredients themselves, please ♪ enjoy the "Shirataki potato cuisine" ingenious and ingenious of each store at Engaru Town.
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  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Sightseeing
  • Local PR
  • Engaru
  • Autumn
  • Okhotsk
  • Events
  • Gourmet
  • Instagrammable
Oct. 5, 2023
Sanadazaemon Sayukimura, who persevered in righteousness in the world of the warring states and crossed paths with Tokugawa Ieyasu, was killed in the Osaka summer camp. However, he was handed down as the number one soldier of Hihon, and the border from Tennoji to Osaka Castle was Sanada Yukimura's Bushido (Favorite quote, "Forget your indebtedness, devour your self-interest, can you call me a person?") I came around in red armor to feel it.
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  • Autumn
  • Four seasons
  • Photo Contest
  • Osaka Castle
  • Light up
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Bushido
  • Samurai
  • Samurai lord
  • Japanese swords
  • ...and 7 others

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