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Atami Tourism Association
Feb. 15, 2024
Shinsui Park Moon Terrace Shinsui Park continues south from Sun Beach. Atami City is a sister city to Sanremo City in northern Italy, and because of the similarity in topography and cityscape, it is developed with the image of a resort area in the northern Mediterranean. The "Sky Deck" in the first construction zone, which is inspired by the "Côte d'Azur in southern Europe," was made of bricks, the second construction zone "Rainbow Deck," which was inspired by the "Sanremo Rivera Coast in Northern Italy," was built on stones, and the third construction zone "Nagisa Deck," which is connected to Nagisa Small Park by a pedestrian bridge, was inspired by the "Neapolitan Coast of Southern Italy" and was planted with flowers and trees. It is a place that is popular with locals and tourists alike as a place for walking, sunbathing, holding events, and commemorative photos. ・March 1997 (1997 (Heisei 9)) Completed the first construction zone (approx. 170 × 50 meters deep) including Moon Terrace ・ 2000 (Heisei 12)) The second construction zone (138 meters) was completed in March ・In April 2009 (2009 (Heisei 21)), the third construction zone (approx. 160 × depth 40 meters) was completed. < nickname> ・ 2003 (Heisei 15 (Heisei 15)) In September, the first construction zone "Sky Deck" and the second construction zone "Rainbow Deck" were decided. ・ In October 2009 (Heisei 21), the third construction zone "Nagisa Deck" was decided. Address: 〒413-0014 Shizuoka Prefecture Atami City Nagisa Town Phone number: 0557-86-6218 (Atami City Parks and Green Space Division) Access: From JR Atami Station, take a bus bound for Atami Port for about 10 minutes → get off at Ginza or Shinsui Park. Parking lot: Municipal Shinsui Park parking lot for 140 cars (municipal P: 110 yen for 30 minutes)
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Feb. 15, 2024
An ancient style of swordsmanship that originated in the Warring States period, Hiten Goken-ryu specializes in one-on-one combat. Why don't you master the Hiten Goken-ryu, a killer sword of divine speed, which maximizes the speed of the sword, the speed of the body, and the speed of reading the opponent's movements to finish off multiple opponents simultaneously with a minimum of movement, under the supervision of Hiko Seijuro, the 66th successor of the style, and make your trip memorable? 60 min. 22,000 yen Inheritance of Hiten Goken-ryu Tensho Ryusen Professional Movie Shooting 戦国時代に端を発する古流剣術で、一対多数の斬り合いを得意とする流儀。 剣の速さ・体のこなしの速さ・相手の動きの先を読む速さを最大に活かし、最少の動きで複数の相手を同時に仕留める神速の殺人剣の飛天御剣流を第六十六代目の継承者である比古清十郎のもとで、極め、旅の思い出に残しませんか。 60分 22,000円 飛天御剣流 奥義継承 天翔龍閃 プロフェッショナルムービー撮影
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Feb. 15, 2024
Former Kiya Takeshi Family Residence / Okinawa World Ryukyu Kingdom Castle Town Okinawa World is located in Nanjo City in the southern part of Okinawa Prefecture. It is a registered tangible cultural property located in the castle town of the Ryukyu Kingdom, where red-tiled kominka houses that recreate the townscape of the Ryukyu dynasty are lined up. It is a private house built in the late Meiji era, and it is a building that miraculously survived the ravages of war in the most intense place during the war. (It was moved here from its original location.) It is now used as a hands-on workshop. There were quite a few people who experienced it ^^ It is a valuable building that I would like to preserve in the future.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • History
  • Ryukyu
  • Traditional culture
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  • Nanjo
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Feb. 15, 2024
Former Kiya Takeshi Family Residence / Okinawa World Ryukyu Kingdom Castle Town Okinawa World is located in Nanjo City in the southern part of Okinawa Prefecture. I went to the castle town of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which reproduces the townscape of the Ryukyu Dynasty era lined with red tile kominka, which is a registered tangible cultural property. The building in the photo is a private house that miraculously survived the ravages of war and was the site of the most intense ground battle of the Pacific War. On the pillars on the side of the corridor, the scars of shells received during the war were still vivid. (The building was moved here from its original location.) Since it was relocated, it has been used as a hands-on workshop. A very valuable building that tells the history of the Battle of Okinawa, I want to preserve it for a long time.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Okinawa Prefecture
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  • Nanjo
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Atami Tourism Association
Feb. 13, 2024
Atami Ropeway Just in front of the Atami Korakuen bus stop, take a walk in the air for about 3 minutes in a retro gondola. When you get off the ropeway, you will arrive at the summit of Mt. Hachiman, the best observatory in Atami. From the summit terrace, you can see the city of Atami City below, and on a sunny day, you can see the Boso Peninsula and Miura Misaki in the east, Hatsushima Island in the foreground if you look south, and Izu Oshima Island in the far Pacific Ocean. At the tip of the observatory is the "Umisora Terrace" where you can feel the closeness of the sea and the sky. Also pay attention to the "Aijo Monument", a memory spot for lovers, "Umisora Cafe", which is popular for ice cream, and Koi Mikujido. Address: 〒413-0023 Shizuoka Prefecture Atami City Wadahama Minami-cho 8-15 Phone number: 0557-81-5800 Access 【Sanroku Station (in front of Korakuen Hotel)】 From JR Atami Station, take a bus to Atami Port and Korakuen Gardens for about 10 minutes → get off at Korakuen Garden. 【Summit Station】 From JR Atami Station, take the Yu~Yu bus for about 15 minutes→Atami Castle get off → about 3 minutes on foot. Business hours: 9:30 a.m., 5:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Open open all year (may be temporarily closed due to stormy weather, maintenance, etc.) Fee/ Adults (junior high school students and older) 400 yen one-way, 700 yen round-trip Children (4 years old ~ elementary school students) 300 yen one way, 400 yen round trip Parking lot: Use of the multi-storey parking lot of "Atami Korakuen Hotel" (free for 2 hours by showing your parking ticket at the window)
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  • Ropeway
  • Atami Ropeway
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  • atami korakuen hotel
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Atami Tourism Association
Feb. 13, 2024
Atami Port Sea Fishing Facilities A must-see for those who like fishing and those who are thinking of starting out! With the "Atami Port Sea Fishing Facility", you can enjoy fishing in the best location where you can see the cityscape and mountains of Atami. The embankment is 260 m long × 14 m wide, and Use the inland sea (Atami Bay side) (the outside is off-limits). In spring, sea tanago, rockfish, whitefish, medina, blue squid, red squid, urmei sardines, etc., and in winter, medina, scorpionfish, spruce sardines, soda bonito, kingfish, rockfish, etc. Black bream and red bream are also caught. We also sell rental rods and bait sets (rods, reels, bait, widgets, buckets, water buckets, etc.) and take-out firing coolers + ice, so you can enjoy it even if you come empty-handed. Sea fishing debut in Atami! Address: 〒413-0023 Shizuoka Prefecture Atami City Wadahama Minami-cho 1694-32 Phone number: 0557-85-8600 Access: About 10 minutes by bus from JR Atami Station bound for Korakuen → 10 minutes on foot → get off at the last stop, Korakuen Gardens Business hours/ April ~ October: 6:00 ~ Sunset November ~ March: 7:00 ~ Sunset Closed: The park may be closed for safety management depending on weather conditions such as stormy weather, high waves, and strong winds. * Closed after 12:00 on fireworks festival days * Closed on the third Wednesday of the month when there is no fireworks festival * The fireworks festival is closed once a month on the third Wednesday of the month. * Fireworks festival is open at least twice a month on the third Wednesday of the month. Fee/ ■ Use admission: 500 yen for adults, 300 yen for elementary and junior high school students (free for children under elementary school) ■ Rental rod set: 2000 yen for 2 hours per rod (tax included, admission fee is not included: advance reservation is not possible) Parking lot / 500 yen per day for a regular car (advance payment system) * Closed at 13:00 on the day of the fireworks festival (must leave due to danger area) Remarks * Pets are not allowed to enter. * Please check the other precautions Publication on the official website in advance.
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  • Fishing
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Atami Tourism Association
Feb. 13, 2024
Atami Castle Atami Trick Art Labyrinth Museum Atami Castle towers over the summit of Mt. Nishikigaura, a scenic spot in Atami. The Tenshukaku Observatory, where you can enjoy a 360-degree panorama, is the best viewing point in Atami where you can see not only the city of Atami City, but also Yugawara, the Manazuru Peninsula, Hatsushima and Oshima floating on a clear day, and the Izu Peninsula in the direction of Ajiro and Ito. In spring, it is known as a famous place for cherry blossoms, and in summer, you can watch the fireworks festival from the castle tower as if you were a prince. (Cherry Blossom Festival is late March ~ early April) In the castle, there is a samurai culture museum that exhibits armor and swords, a ukiyo-e shunga museum, an Edo experience where you can change into Edo costumes and take pictures, a jet foot bath 120m above sea level, a free game corner, etc., so there are plenty of highlights and fun! At the Atami Trick Art Labyrinth Museum, an annex of Atami Castle, you can enjoy a very mysterious trick art where you can feel the three-dimensional two-dimensional paintings. About 40 pieces of various trick art such as sea creatures, dinosaurs, beasts of prey, and jaws are on display. Not only to look at the art, but also to take interesting pictures, experience the illusion of being a giant or a dwarf, see, touch, shoot, and have a great time! Lose track of time and get carried away with tricks. It is a place where you can have an exciting experience with your family, friends, and couples, no matter who you come with. Address: 〒413-0033 Shizuoka Prefecture Atami City Sogayama 1993 Phone number: 0557-81-6206 (Atami Castle) Access/ ■About 10 minutes by car from JR Atami Station ■ From JR Atami Station, take the bus to Atami Port and Korakuen for about 10 minutes, get off at Korakuen Garden→ take the Atami Ropeway Use about 3 minutes→ walk from Summit Station, and walk for about 3 minutes. ■ From JR Atami Station, take the Yu~Yu~ bus for about 15 minutes →Atami Castle get off Business hours: 9:00~17:00 (Admission until 16:30) Open open all year Facility fee: 1100 yen for adults, 600 yen for elementary and junior high school students, 450 yen for 3~6 years old (2-facility set ticket / 1800 yen for adults, 950 yen for elementary and junior high school students, 700 yen for 3~6 years old) Parking fee for 100 cars: 500 yen (1 time)
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  • Atami Castle
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  • Cherry blossoms
  • Cherry blossom viewing
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Atami Tourism Association
Feb. 13, 2024
Atami Sun Beach The blue sea, the white sand beaches, the hotel county, the palm tree-lined streets, the beach has an atmosphere similar to that of a foreign luxury resort. In summer, it is a popular place for families and couples as a swimming beach, as well as a place where you can walk on the sand and frolic in the waves. In the early morning, you can see the beautiful scenery of the sunrise from the horizon dyeing the beach and the city, and at night, you can enjoy a fantastic view with the illumination of Japan's first beach by world-renowned lighting designer Mikiko Ishii. Use by many people as a beach in the summer, the very popular "Sun Beach Water Park" is also thriving. It is often used as a location for the drama "Spark", TV shows, photo books, etc. Address: 〒413-0012 Shizuoka Prefecture Atami City Higashikaigan Town Phone number: 0557-86-6218 (Atami City Parks and Green Space Division) Access: About 20 minutes on foot from JR Atami Station / About 5 minutes by bus from JR Atami Station bound for Atami Port and Momijigaoka→ Get off at Sun Beach → about 3 minutes on foot Business hours/Swimming hours during the opening period 9:00~16:00  Light up every night sunset ~ 22:00 (Fireworks off time) Parking lot: 250 cars in the adjacent Municipal East Parking Lot (Municipal P parking fee: 110 yen for 30 minutes) * Since it is a non-smoking beach, please smoke in the designated area
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  • Atami Sun Beach
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