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Hiroaki Okuyama
Apr. 23, 2021
Tsuruta Town, Aomori Prefecture, Tsuru no Mai Bridge Lake Tsugaru Fujimi, where the Tsuru no Mai Bridge is located, has a tragic love story from 600 years ago. At that time, the lord of Kiyomizu Castle Mayamanomori falls in love with Princess Hakusan, whom he met at a house he stopped at while hunting. It is said that the princess, with her long black hair and fair skin, looked like a white lily. However, the owner of the castle changes his mind and marries Kotohime, who was introduced to him by a wealthy farmer. Upon learning of this, Princess Hakusan throws herself into the Great Reservoir, and her remorse turns into a white dragon and curses the castle owner. And the castle owner also threw himself into this reservoir. Thanks to the memorial services of the villagers, this pond has now become a source of water for Tsugaru Shinden and has been blessed with abundant blessings.
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