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hiromi sakata
Jun. 17, 2024
Fresh greenery of Metasequoia trees 2024.06.16 About 500 metasequoia trees are planted on the prefectural road Koaraji Makinozawa Line, which runs through the agricultural park Makinopic Land, for a length of about 2.4 km, forming a landscape typical of the Highlands as an approach road to the Makino Highlands. The beautiful scenery of the four seasons, such as the budding and fresh greenery of Spring, the deep green of summer, the Autumn leaves of autumn, and the bare trees and Snow Flower in winter, harmonizes with the mountains of the Nosaka Mountains, which are in the distance, and fascinates people who visit. In 1994 (Heisei 6), it was selected as one of the Yomiuri Shimbun's "New 100 Views of Japan Street Trees" and has attracted public attention.
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  • Metasequoia Namiki
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hiromi sakata
Jun. 16, 2024
Baekje Temple 2024.06.15 Baekje-ji Temple is one of the oldest Temple in Omi Province, founded by Prince Shotoku in the 14th year of Suko, more than 1400 years ago. A long time ago, when Prince Shotoku took inn at the foot of Mt. Tarobo in Yokkaichi, he saw Zuiko (Myoko) in the eastern mountains every evening. The next morning, the prince was mystified, and when he entered the mountains, he found a large tree with the upper half of its trunk cut off in the place of the light spring. Around this large tree, Mr./Ms.'s mountain monkey worships with fruit offerings. When the prince saw this scene, he felt that this great cedar tree was a sacred tree, and he was instructed to build a statue of the Bodhisattva Kanzenon with this large tree growing, and he put his first sword into it. This Kanzenon is called "Ueki Kannon" because it is a large tree with roots, and the trunk of the upper half becomes the "eleven-sided Kannon" enshrinement facing east at Yongunsa Temple in Baekje, and the west-facing "Ueki Kannon" faces each other to become "two Kannon-sama of the same tree". From HP
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  • Hyakusaiji Temple
  • Prince Shotoku
  • Shiga Prefecture
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Jun. 14, 2024
"Sawajiri's Terraced Rice Fields" in Marumori Towns, Miyagi Prefecture Masonry, which is rare in Tohoku, is a historic terraced rice field that was developed from the Edo period to the Showa period. It has been selected as one of the "100 Best Terraced Rice Fields in Japan" and was certified as a "Tsunagu Terraced Rice Heritage" by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the 4th year of Reiwa. I hope that we will always be able to see the original scenery of Japan, which has such a long history.
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  • Tohoku region
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  • Miyagi Prefecture
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Kutsuwada Noriyuki
Jun. 13, 2024
Kannon-do at Ninna-ji Temple The construction of Ninna-ji Temple began at the request of Emperor Mitsutaka, and was founded by Emperor Uta in the 4th year of Ninwa (888). It has been revered by successive emperors as a private temple of the Imperial Family. The photograph is a high-resolution image of 33 enshrinement Buddha statues and murals Reproduction the normally non-Open to the public Kannondo at the Tokyo National Museum. There were so many visitors that it was difficult to take pictures so as not to let people in, but this was the only one that looked like Kannondo. It's really beautiful.
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  • Sobunzan Rinpoche Temple
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • Kyoto (City)
  • History
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  • Buddha statue
  • Ancient city
  • Cultural Properties in Ancient Kyoto
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Kutsuwada Noriyuki
Jun. 12, 2024
Narai juku "It's off-limits today due to road construction!" Alamār!" It is located in Narai, Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture. Narai Juku is the 34th post town in the Nakasendo Highway, counting from Itabashi Inn on the Edo side and Moriyama Inn on the Kyoto side, just in the middle of the Nakasendo Highway. The Town has been selected as a national Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings and retains a strong appearance of the past. On the day I visited, half of the road was off-limits due to road construction (tears). The construction had not started yet early in the morning, so I asked to take a picture. "It's off-limits today due to road construction!" Alamār!" I don't know if the two people in the photo were talking. Restrooms available.
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  • Narai-juku
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Kutsuwada Noriyuki
Jun. 12, 2024
Cherry blossoms and Himeji Castle Himeji Castle is also known as White Heron Castle, a castle located in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. Major buildings such as castle towers and turrets built in the Edo period still exist, and are registered as national treasures, important cultural properties, and UNESCO World Heritage Lists. I visited Himeji Castle when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, The photo was taken from the restaurant in the building. I tried to make it a panoramic style, and when you look at it like this, it is quite wide. Cherry blossoms and egret castle are the best match.
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  • Hyogo Prefecture
  • Himeji
  • Himeji Castle
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Tradition
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Jun. 11, 2024
Wishes come true "Shikinamiya" / Ryukyu Hachisha It is one of the eight Ryukyu shrines in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture. Restrooms available are shrines that received special treatment from the Ryukyu royal government, and they are called the Ryukyu Eight Shrines. Restrooms available has a legend in Shikina Shrine, and there is a cave behind the Main Shrine. A long time ago, a woman named Ōama Shirarei found a cave that emitted a mysterious light at night, and found a binzuru in it, and her wish came true because she deeply believed in it. In addition, since he cured the illness of the son of the king of Ryukyu at that time, it is said that he founded the Shikina Palace there. The Main Shrine was built around the 16th century. The pre-war building was built in the style of Sangensha and was roofed with main tiles, but it was burned down in the Battle of Okinawa, rebuilt in 1968 (Showa 43), and rebuilt in 2013 (Heisei 25) to become the current structure. I went to Shikinagu for the first time ^^ I also went to see the cave behind the Main Shrine, but it's a pity that the gate is closed, and it seems that the cave door opens on the 1st and 15th of every month and you can go inside. It is also known as the Power Spot.
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  • History
  • Shrine
  • Ryukyu
  • Naha
  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Power spot
Kutsuwada Noriyuki
Jun. 9, 2024
Azuchi Castle Ruins It is Azuchi Castle, which Oda Nobunaga built as a base for the unification of the world and made it his own residence. It was destroyed by fire shortly after Nobunaga's death. It is a paving stone that remains in the ruins of the castle tower of Azuchi Castle. Is it because of the raging fire that it is turning red? I remember wiping my sweat off the steep slope with high steps, and the rain-soaked shore of Lake Biwa, which Nobunaga must have seen, was also impressive. Anyway, I saw "The Dream of the Strong" and felt the impermanence of all things.
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  • Shiga Prefecture
  • Samurai
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  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • aduchi station
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Jun. 9, 2024
Iwakuni, Yamaguchi (Recommended Spot in Yamaguchi Prefecture) #Kintai Bridge #Kintai Bridge  Today, from Iwakuni City in neighboring Yamaguchi Prefecture, a traditional event that has been handed down since ancient times, I have a cormorant ? The light of torches floats on the Nishiki River, and the cormorants begin to Gari as they descend the river little by little. I took a bird's-eye view from the top of the bridge, but it was quite difficult to shoot because it was too dark. ?iso2000 f1.8 1/80
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Jun. 9, 2024
Two Ryukyu kings sleep in "Urasoe Yodo" / Urasoe Ruins of the Castle It is "Urasoe Yodo" in Urasoe City, Okinawa Prefecture. Here is the tomb where the two Ryukyu kings are buried on the rock wall of Urasoe Ruins of the Castle. It was devastated in the Battle of Okinawa, but was restored in 2005 (Heisei 17). "Yodo" is a Ryukyu word for "yunagi" and means when the evening waves and breezes calm down. By the way, Urasoe Castle is a castle that was burned down during the invasion of the Ryukyus by the Satsuma army in 1609. Next to this Urasoe Yodo (in the back of the photo) is Hacksaw Ridge. Now it is covered with trees and looks gentle, but at that time it was a place where fierce fighting was fought on the cliffs.
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  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Urasoe
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Jun. 9, 2024
Maeda Kochi / Urasoe, the setting of the movie Hacksaw Ridge / Urasoe Ruins of the Castle Have you ever heard of the movie "Hacksaw Ridge"? The movie is based on the true story of saving many wounded soldiers without weapons during the Battle of Okinawa. The actual location that took place was Maeda Highland (Urasoe Ruins of the Castle) in Urasoe City, Okinawa Prefecture. Rice troops who landed from the Coast of Chatan Town in April 1945 had this Maeda Highland on their way to Shuri, where the Japanese headquarters was located. This area is a precipitous cliff, which is faithfully reproduced in the movie, but it is not depicted that many residents were also sacrificed here. It was a place where there was a fierce battle, but now it is a calm park with a very nice view. Please stop by when you are nearby.
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  • Photo Contest
  • History
  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Urasoe
  • Urasoe Grand Park
  • Castles
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