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Community Posts

Dylan Gibson
Apr. 28, 2021
What a beautiful photo. I've always found it interesting but never understood the train enthusiast culture, but when you see photos like this you really start to understand why. I really love seeing the old steam locomotives personally, as opposed to the newer models and shinkansen. I know about the Sagano romantic train and always thought it'd be a really cool experience to go on a sightseeing trip in Kyoto using it. I never knew Gunma had such amazing scenery as well. My friend from there always tells me how unbearably hot it gets in the summer so I just always assumed there couldn't be too much worthwhile, but I guess Japan's four seasons really are as prominent as they say. Amazing...
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濱島 康郎
Apr. 27, 2021 (edited)
Shooting points of the "Watarase Valley Railway" crowded with shooting iron
Cherry blossom petals fluttered due to a sudden strong wind.
Midori, Gunma
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Gunma Prefecture
  • Sightseeing train
  • Train
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 27, 2021
What a cute picture! Before coming to Japan I never really payed much attention to the natural scenery and wildlife, but, and I don't if it's because I've aged or because Japan has so much natural beauty, I've come to appreciate it much more. Seeing photos like this I just can't help but think how amazing it is. It's so cool that it can just hang upside down like that too lol. It's such a beautiful photo, capturing not only nature in the cherry blossoms and with the cute bird, but the clear blue skies above them as well. It's another one of those photos where you can practically feel what the weather was like on the day it was taken.
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Apr. 26, 2021
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  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Photography
  • Sunny
  • Kawaii
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 26, 2021
What an interesting photo... I don't usually associate the buddha with being cute, but this one deserves an exception I suppose lol. Something about the way he's standing and just saying "hey" is really intriguing. It's a really interesting decoration for a chozuya as well. I can't read cursive to save my life, but I think it says something about the Amitabha Buddha? I can only make out the first character and I think it's a longer sutra maybe. Anyways, I've never been to Taisho Temple, it looks like it has a lot of interesting history to enjoy though. It looks like it'd be a nice play to go on a slightly warm day when the cherry blossoms are out, just like in this photo.
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Apr. 26, 2021
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo
Taishoji Temple is close to Chofu Station.
The scenery with the cherry blossoms is Japanese.
  • Japan
  • Temple
  • Sightseeing
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Buddha statue
  • Tokyo
  • Chofu
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 23, 2021
Wow, this is so cool. It's crazy that the ground is so shiny here that you can see the cherry blossoms reflecting off the ground. This temple seems like it'd be amazing t visit at night. I wonder how the stars look from here. If you could see them from here that'd make this a 10/10 lol. I'm not actually sure what temple this is, but Japan has so many amazing temples that are like this and they just have some of the most amazing architecture and views. I'll still never forget the first time I went to Kiyomizudera and was just blown away by not only the scale of the temple, but the architecture and history that you could feel just by being there. Might visit a temple over golden week, we'll see. Gotta find out where this is at too!
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Apr. 23, 2021 (edited)
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  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Temple
  • History
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Great view
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 22, 2021
Gorgeous photo! I want to visit the Tottori Sand Dunes so badly. There was a photo of them going around the internet a while back with the covered in snow. It's such a strange concept to me having snow on sand. I, and probably most people as well, generally associate sand dunes and deserts with hot weather so it's really sort of fantastical. I've still never actually experienced that in person, and I lived relatively close to a beach most my life. It always got cold there but didn't snow much, or if it did I just wasn't going anywhere near it I suppose lol. The San'in Region is supposed to be full of really amazing natural scenery though so it seems like it'd be a cool place to visit during the summer or even for golden week or something.
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Apr. 21, 2021
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  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Tottori Prefecture
  • Sand dunes
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Snow
  • Spring
  • Summer
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 21, 2021
Wow this is awesome! I went to Ashikaga Flower Park a while back and had a blast! It was a bit cold when I went but I made sure I got some snacks at one of the vendors. The park was quite a bit larger than I was expecting and the illuminations were really cool as well. I didn't think there'd be so much wisteria but the large trellises were really beautiful. The other flowers in the park were amazing as well obviously, but there's something about the cascading wisteria that just looks so fantastical. Even in this picture you can kind of see how they almost create waves with the lighting and the angle. It kind of reminds me of the Northern Lights, albeit only orange-ish in this photo. What a great photo though. Good memories here!
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Apr. 20, 2021
Wisteria flowers at Ashikaga Flower Park, lit up ?

It was ☺️ fantastic and very beautiful.
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Ashikaga
  • Park
  • Great view
  • Wisteria trellis/Wisteria festival

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