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Dylan Gibson
Feb. 19, 2021
Man that's beautiful. I read an article about this place on here as well. I really want to visit. The water is so clear it reminds me a lot of Oshino Hakkai, but I think the color of the water makes this place just a liiiiittle more beautiful. Although it's a pretty tough call lol. It's interesting how the article mentioned that the best time of year is fall to see the autumn leaves reflected on the surface of the water, but I bet spring would be just as beautiful. I guess it depends on if there's any cherry blossoms around the pond. I definitely saw maples though! I'll have to try the chimaki as well if I get the chance, I'd never heard of it until now.
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koichi hakuchuu
Oct. 18, 2020
Monet's Pond.
Originally a nameless pond.

The transparent water shines with the light shining in the morning.
  • Ponds
  • Nature
  • Gifu Prefecture
  • Local gourmet
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Autumn leaves
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 9, 2021
What a beautiful photo! I've seen a Japanese friendship garden in Portland I think it was but this one has a totally different atmosphere. It's really cool to see the different styles. I hadn't heard of West Lake before but I looked at some pictures of it and it looks like a beautiful place. I like how the architecture of the pavilions is very similar as well. I'm certainly a fan of all of the winter scenery I've gotten to see this year, but I feel like the cherry blossoms would certainly look amazing here. That or even the foliage in the autumn. I'd like to check this out when I get the chance. It looks like there are some interesting restaurants in the area as well so I can look forward to some tasty food!
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石原 良慶
Feb. 8, 2021
Gifu Park Japan-China Friendship Garden Snow Scenery ❄️

In 1989, Gifu City and Hangzhou City, People's Republic of China, created a garden to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the friendship city partnership, and a gate with a design full of Chinese atmosphere, earthen walls, gardens, and a pond made to imitate West Lake, a famous place in Hangzhou City.

This pond is a pond that can be enjoyed throughout the four seasons.
? The cherry blossom season is famous, but the snowy scenery is also the best.
When you come to Gifu, please take a walk in Gifu Park. ?
  • Japanese garden
  • Gourmet
  • Gifu Prefecture
  • Winter
  • Nature
石原 良慶
Feb. 8, 2021
Gifu Park Japan-China Friendship Garden Snow Scenery ❄️ In 1989, Gifu City and Hangzhou City, People's Republic of China, created a garden to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the friendship city partnership, and a gate with a design full of Chinese atmosphere, earthen walls, gardens, and a pond made to imitate West Lake, a famous place in Hangzhou City. This pond is a pond that can be enjoyed throughout the four seasons. ? The cherry blossom season is famous, but the snowy scenery is also the best. When you come to Gifu, please take a walk in Gifu Park. ?
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  • Winter
  • Great view
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Instagrammable
  • Gifu
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Snowscape
  • Park
  • Local PR
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 6, 2021
Oh my god... this is just breathtaking. It's like a paradise above the clouds. I love all of the different colors of leaves that you can see. The blue skies as a backdrop makes it look like something you'd only find in a movie. I really think this settles it. Japan has the most beautiful scenery of any country I think. This is making me want to put on my boots and go for a hike. I've heard of Mt. Taisen before but I never heard the scenery was this amazing. I really like the pond in the middle too, I wonder if there are any fish in it. It'd be amazing if there were some koi in it or something. That'd just be the icing on the cake lol. Going to have some good dreams of this place tonight!
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Oct. 18, 2020
Ofunayama in Oita Prefecture!!
In autumn, the area near the top of the mountain becomes such a superb view!
  • Nature
  • Great view
  • Autumn leaves
  • Sightseeing
  • Autumn
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 4, 2021
I keep seeing pictures of the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces and I really just need to go and see it myself. I don't know what it is about rice fields but they're some of the most beautiful scenery you can find in my opinion. I think that's another thing I really love about places like Akita, Saitama, etc. It really just makes me wish summer was here already. I want to go outside and enjoy a barbecue at some park. Spring would be great too, I'd get some plum wine and eat some barbecue under the cherry blossoms. I always love seeing the rice field art too, so if I can see some this year I'll be really happy. I think I saw some in Akita but I didn't get a chance to see any in Saitama yet, so maybe I'll try and find some out there and go out for a visit.
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Oct. 18, 2020
"Shirome Senmaida" in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
  • Rice paddy
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Nature
  • Spring
  • Summer

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