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Dylan Gibson
Aug. 26, 2021
Lots of awesome photos being posted today. It's kind of making me jealous with how beautiful they all are. I went for a walk today and took a picture somewhere along the Arakawa River. I'll have to try and walk it all the way to Kitasenju someday lol. That or maybe take it all the way to Chichibu in Saitama. I know it's a really long river. I don't think I could make it that far though sadly. Kind of disappointed that summer is basically over already but at the same time I'm excited for the autumn colors this fall. Hopefully I can get out and visit some temples and shrines out in the countryside or something. I saw some photos like that mostly in Kyoto but I'm sure there are some places nearby Tokyo or in the Kanto region in general where I can see some nice scenery. If not then I'll just have to go somewhere and find it!
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  • River
  • Tokyo
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Japan
  • Autumn leaves
  • Walk
  • Temple
  • Shrine
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Jun. 4, 2021
What a beautiful photo! It actually reminded me of the Takeda Castle Ruins. All of the amazing autumn foliage and the sea of clouds in the area. Dang it, now I have to come here in two different seasons lol! I already knew the cherry blossoms were amazing on Mt. Yoshino but now I have to see the autumn foliage as well and hopefully the sea of clouds along with it. I love that you can see Kinpusenji Temple as well. I guess it's a World Heritage Site and I'd love to see it. I wonder if there are any nice inns up here as well. It'd be an amazing experience to stay the night up on the mountain after sightseeing in the area with all the natural scenery and the temple and then have some kaiseki cuisine at a nearby inn... But now I'm just getting myself excited and hungry haha. I'll have to do a bit more research later!
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Nguyen Vu
Jun. 4, 2021 (edited)
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  • Nara Prefecture
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Temple
  • Kaiseki cuisine
  • Japanese inn
Dylan Gibson
May. 26, 2021
Wow, what a breathtaking view. It really does look just like a mirror, it's incredible how perfect the reflection is. I really love the green as well, it's such a brilliant shade it really gives you the feeling of the rich, verdant countryside. I've had a love of rice fields since before I can remember, just because they look so beautiful and you can really appreciate the technology of humankind through them. I've never seen the rice fields in Kyoto to be honest, only the temples and shrines, which isn't exactly unfortunate, but I would really like to get out into the countryside as well. This reminds me so much of Akita as well and I only have fond memories of my time there. Going to have to throw the rice fields of Kyoto on my list for my next visit. On a bit of a tangent, it's pretty amazing you can take photos like this on cell phones now. Incredible how far we've come.
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May. 26, 2021
This is one photo taken in Ohara, Kyoto. The scenery of the rice fields in the countryside reflecting the scenery and sky like a mirror is superb. I would like people from overseas to enjoy the beauty of this scenery.
I used an iPhone 11 Pro for the shooting.
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Instagrammable
  • Great view
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • Temple
  • Shrine
  • Akita Prefecture
Dylan Gibson
May. 17, 2021
Such a picturesque rock garden, I can't even imagine how relaxing it would be to just sit down somewhere nice in the garden on a quiet day and enjoy lunch or some tea. Mibudera is another temple I need to add to my list for the next time I visit Kyoto I suppose. I wonder if there are any koi in the pond at all. I never knew that this temple was the headquarters of the Shinsengumi either, that's some pretty cool history. I guess that explains why they have such a nice rock garden though. I'd like to explore this place a bit, I guess there's a graveyard dedicated to members of the Shinsengumi here as well. Sounds like a really interesting place to visit. Of course it's Kyoto too, so that's to be expected
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May. 16, 2021
After the heavy rain, I want to see the garden of Mibudera again, where water accumulated in the pond and sparkled!
I want to go to Kyoto!
  • Japan
  • Temple
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • Japanese garden
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • History
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 30, 2021
What an awesome gate. I can't remember if it's the same place, but I think I went here a few years ago, I went to several different areas and I'm pretty sure this is one of them. Either way, if I did go I'm certain I wasn't able to climb the stairs of the gate. I'd love to see the inside of it though. I guess it was built a little more than 200 years ago according to an article I was looking at. Also there are two statues of Nio on the other side, so I'm almost certain this was the place I visited, although I wasn't able to go to the main temple as it was getting late I believe. I'll have to go back to see it. I always hear how cool Setagaya is anyways and I never get a chance to go out there. Golden Week plans maybe?
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山本 こころ
Apr. 29, 2021
Okuzawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Kushinbutsu Joshinji Temple You will be overwhelmed by the beauty of the fresh greenery that covers the mountain gate.
  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Setagaya City
  • Temple
  • Architecture
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 26, 2021
What an interesting photo... I don't usually associate the buddha with being cute, but this one deserves an exception I suppose lol. Something about the way he's standing and just saying "hey" is really intriguing. It's a really interesting decoration for a chozuya as well. I can't read cursive to save my life, but I think it says something about the Amitabha Buddha? I can only make out the first character and I think it's a longer sutra maybe. Anyways, I've never been to Taisho Temple, it looks like it has a lot of interesting history to enjoy though. It looks like it'd be a nice play to go on a slightly warm day when the cherry blossoms are out, just like in this photo.
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Apr. 26, 2021
Location: Chofu City, Tokyo
Taishoji Temple is close to Chofu Station.
The scenery with the cherry blossoms is Japanese.
  • Japan
  • Temple
  • Sightseeing
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Buddha statue
  • Tokyo
  • Chofu

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