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Jan. 16, 2024
You pulled me out... you became my body... you became the master of the sword. A thumbnail is only a thumbnail, but it is the first point of contact for the user For today's viewers, who are hungry for stimulation and easily bored, it is important not only to make them watch today's activities, but also to provide them with stimulation within "one episode" so that they do not leave the site halfway through. Some users may click on the video and say, "What's going to happen? The "thumbnail" of the video is definitely a factor in this decision. In other words, the thumbnail is the look, the appearance, the face of the person of the opposite sex. If the title of the video includes words such as "Cursed or possessed" or "Too much flying" (too conscious of Rurouni Kenshin), which make people expect something happening, or if the thumbnail shows a woman's cleavage, the number of views is likely to increase. For those who are interested in "samurai," such as sword fighters and reki-fat people, "cleavage" means... I think it's a real "Yokatana" like the god Anubis, who controls the person who holds him or her as a swordsman. Even I am excited. Just as important as the thumbnail is to have an eye-catching, radical and catchy title. In addition, making it impossible for fans to go to sleep because they are so excited and worried about their fantasies is a great way to differentiate yourself. I agonize over a new story every day to keep not only the users but also myself occupied.... Well, it's hard to think, but thanks to the 2 million drawers I have, it's not a problem at the moment ⚔. I would like to thank the production team for their ability to take my fantasies and images and quickly materialize them. (Thank you ♡♡♡♡♡ お前は私を抜いた… お前は私の本体に… お前は刀の達人に たかがサムネイル、されどサムネイルはユーザーにとって最初の接点 刺激に飢え、飽きやすい現代の視聴者に対しては、本日の活動内容を観させるだけでなく“1話”の中でも途中離脱させないための刺激を散りばめることが重要だ。 「これ、どうなるの」「やってみたい」と動画をクリックするユーザーもいるだろう。 その判断に働きかけているのが、間違いなく動画の“サムネイル”とういう存在。 即ち、異性選びにおけるルックス、外見、顔がサムネイルだ。 動画のタイトルに「呪いや祟が」や「天翔け過ぎ」(るろうに剣心を意識しすぎ)といったハプニングを期待させる言葉や、サムネイルで女性の胸の谷間が映っていると再生回数は伸びやすいんです。 SAMURAIに興味がある層の、刀剣◯子や歴◯にとって“胸の谷間”にあたるのは… 本当の“自らを握った者を剣士として操る”アヌビス神並みの「妖刀」ではないでしょうか!? 私でも((o(´∀`)o))ワクワクする。 サムネイルと同じくらいで大事なのは、人目をひく過激でキャッチーなタイトルをつけること。 さらに、ファンの妄想をふくらませ悩んで興奮して寝ることができなくすることは、差別化に最適ィィィ ユーザーだけでなく己も飽きさせない為に毎日、新しいネタを悶々と…。 まぁ、考えるのは大変ですが、私には200万の引き出しがあるので、おかげでいまのところは問題ありません⚔ 私の妄想やイメージを、サクッと具現化してくれる制作陣には ∧_∧ (=^°^) 感謝♡ / つ(⌒⌒) しー \/
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Jan. 13, 2024
・Name : Aritomo Yamakata ・Job Title : Assistant ・Specialization : Samurai Tea Ceremony and Iaido ・About him : Those who are bound by the common sense and norms of tradition tend to think within the existing paradigm and are not quick to change when something new is proposed. However, Aritomo Yamakata never fails to seek out and incorporate new things based on his belief that traditions and morals are there to be broken. He is truly a "destroyer." ・Favorite historical figure : Isoroku Yamamoto ・Ambition : He would like to Japan Broadcasting Corporation to produce a historical drama about him. ・名前 山片 有朋 Aritomo Yamakata ・職種 アシスタント ・専門分野 武家茶道・居合道 ・紹介文 伝統にありがちな従来の常識や当たり前にとらわれた人達は、新しいものを提案されても『うーん、でも~』といった感じで、既存のパラダイムの中で考えてしまい、なかなかすぐには変われない。 しかし、彼は“伝統や道徳は壊すためにある”を信念に新しいことへの探求と取り入れを怠らない。 まさに“破壊道”である。 ・好きな歴史上の人物 山本五十六 ・野望 儂を題材とした大河ドラマを求む。
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  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
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Jan. 13, 2024
・Name : Carlos ・Job Title : Assistant ・Specialization : Seppuku ・About him : Carlos has blue eyes, but he looks more like a real Japanese than any other Japanese, just like a real samurai. ・Favorite historical figure : Kenshin Uesugi ・名前 火流炉洲 Carlos ・職種 アシスタント ・専門分野 切腹 ・紹介文 蒼い目をした日本人よりも日本人らしいサムライブルー ・好きな歴史上の人物 上杉謙信
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  • Armor/Helmet
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Dec. 31, 2023
『Link More HIMEJI』 2023.11.30 pm9:03 Taken in front of Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. I saw the light-up show of the commercial facility "Piore Himeji" in front of Himeji Station. The illumination on the wall vividly colors the city at night. The square in front of the castle is also lit up as a project to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Himeji Castle World Heritage Site, and the illumination imitating matches, which is a local industry in Himeji, is shining. Sightseeing in Himeji at night is hot!
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  • Photo Contest
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  • Hyogo Prefecture
  • Himeji
  • Himeji Castle
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Dec. 31, 2023
Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture in Japan is one of the few cities in Japan where balloons fly. The first ordinance in Japan was the "Kasai Ordinance for Balloon Flying Towns". At such a balloon event "Happy Balloon Christmas", a mooring flight experience was held that rose to 20 meters in the sky. Many people from outside the city visited from 7 a.m., and we were able to overlook Kasai City from the sky above the ruins of Tsuruno Airfield. It had rained the day before, so there were puddles here and there, and the reflection of the balloon was attracting the attention of the photographers. Some people fly balloons, some ride balloons for the first time, and some take pictures、、、 Many people enjoyed the event with their own excitement in their hearts.
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  • Cool Japan
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  • Instagrammable
  • Kasai
  • Hyogo Prefecture

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