Thank you everyone for your amazing entries for the 23th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest. After thorough screening, we have decided on the prize-winning entries and will announce the results here.
Click here for the details page and contest overview


Thank you very much for the many submissions to the "23rd COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest."

The theme of this photo contest is "Japanese History." All the submitted works were fascinating, capturing historical landmarks, traditional events, and the history of Japan as it lives in everyday life. Among them, we selected the works that best conveyed the essence of history.

The "COOL JAPAN VIDEOS" photo contest is held regularly, and we look forward to your participation in future contests.

We hope that by sharing Japan's attractions and information through your posts, more people will learn about the charm of Japan, leading to an increase in visitors from around the world.

Announcement of Results

※In no particular order
If you were selected as a winner, please follow the proper procedures to receive your prize.
「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS」Photo Contest Grand Prize
Judges' Comments
A photograph capturing a scene from the traditional kagura dance, passed down since the founding of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, established by Minamoto no Yoritomo, is a historic shrine known as the guardian deity of the Minamoto clan. The kagura performed at this sacred site carries on the ancient traditions and still retains its form today.

We have selected this photograph for the grand prize due to its beautiful contrast between the glow of the flames and the darkness, evoking the depth and mystery of history. The solemnity and mystique of the ritual are felt through this remarkable image.
「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS」Photo Contest Honorable Mention
Judges' Comments
A photograph capturing a scene from "Luminarie," the winter illumination event held in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. Luminarie is a festival of lights that began as a requiem for the victims of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, and the beautiful arches of light adorn the entire photograph.

This festival of lights that colors the night in Kobe seems to shine with the heartfelt emotions of many. We have chosen this photograph for an honorable mention as it captures a moment that remains in the hearts of many.
「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS」Photo Contest Honorable Mention
Judges' Comments
A photograph impressively capturing the figures of trainee monks inheriting the spirit of Kukai in front of the Sai-to (Western Stupa) at Koyasan, the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism located in Wakayama Prefecture. Koyasan, opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai, is an important sacred site of Japanese Buddhism and is also registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site under "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range." The depth of its history and culture is felt throughout the entire photograph.

The misty background further enhances the mystical atmosphere, highlighting the solemn posture of the trainee monks. We have chosen this photograph for an honorable mention as it wonderfully expresses the solemn air of Koyasan, which conveys the spirit of Kukai to the present day, and the earnest appearance of the monks.
「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS」Photo Contest Honorable Mention
Judges' Comments
A tourist train, "SL Yamaguchi-go," running through the Nagato Gorge in Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. The D51 steam locomotive, affectionately known as "Degoichi," impressively runs with great power, and the sight of it billowing black smoke evokes a true sense of history.

The beautiful scene of the train crossing the bridge brings a sense of nostalgia for the romance of the railways from the good old days. We have chosen this photograph for an honorable mention for its evocative portrayal of this timeless train.
「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS」Photo Contest Honorable Mention
Judges' Comments
A powerful photograph taken at Ryounji Temple in Shizuoka Prefecture. The contrast between the world's largest calligraphy of the Heart Sutra by renowned calligrapher Shoko Kanazawa and the figure standing in front of it is striking.

The light streaming in from outside gently spreads throughout the Japanese-style room, imparting an overall serene and sacred atmosphere. With the history and culture of Ryounji Temple as its backdrop, this photograph beautifully conveys Shoko Kanazawa's exceptional calligraphy skills and the profound meaning of the Heart Sutra. We have chosen this photograph for an honorable mention.
「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS」Photo Contest Honorable Mention
Judges' Comments
A scene capturing the sunrise at Nata Beach in Oita Prefecture. The sky and sea, tinted red by the light of the rising sun, merge into one, creating a beautiful silhouette of a torii gate standing in the water, resulting in a fantastical landscape.

Our ancestors, who lived alongside the sea in this island nation of Japan, must have witnessed the same view. We have chosen this photograph for an honorable mention as it allows one to feel the passage of eternal time.
Thank you
for all your submissions!

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