Video article 4:40
Take a Trip to Hokkaido's Northern Region, One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Spots! The Area Around Asahikawa City in Hokkaido Is Full Of Activities, Including Skiing, Curling, and the Fantastical Sounkyo Onsen Ice Fall Festival!
Things to Do Sports- 48 plays
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Let's watch a sightseeing video of Northern Hokkaido! This time, we'll be taking a look at the video "'Welcome to DOHOKU Winter,' a PR Video for Northern Hokkaido" (道北地域プロモーション動画「Welcome to DOHOKU Winter」), released by "Asahikawa City Hall." Asahikawa, Nayoro, Shibetsu, and other parts of north central Hokkaido are areas where temperatures can drop to minus 20 degrees Celsius in winter. Despite this, many people visit the northern area of Hokkaido to enjoy sightseeing unique to the harsh winter season. Asahikawa and the Northern Hokkaido Region Photo:Wolves at Asahiyama Zoo, Hokkaido, Japan Asahikawa, Hokkaido is a core city that boasts the second largest population in Hokkaido after Sapporo City. The city is characterized by a large difference in temperature, with an annual difference of more than 50 degrees Celsius. In addition to Asahikawa's popular Asahiyama Zoo, there are spots such as Ueno Farm and the Arashiyama Observatory in the Northern Hokkaido region. Be sure to check out the Nayoro Observatory Kitasubaru, Kamui Kotan, and the Ayako Miura Memorial Literature Museum. For shopping, we recommend the convenient "AEON MALL Asahikawa Ekimae," which is directly connected to the glass-faced station building. There is also an entertainment district called "Sanroku-gai" in Northern Hokkaido. Activities To Enjoy in Northern Hokkaido Photo:Curling As you can see from 0:36 in the video, there are not only ski resorts where you can going skiing and snowboarding, but also places where you can experience curling in Northern Hokkaido. In the snowy mountains where you can enjoy the scenery of nature, you can see owls and the Japanese serow, as shown from 2:40. At Hyobaku Shrine in the Sounkyo Visitor Center area of Daisetsuzan National Park, the "Sounkyo Onsen Hyobaku Festival" is held in winter and is usually bustling with visitors. In Furano, you can enjoy a walk through the flower fields and a paraglider sky walk tour in the summer. Enjoy the Delicious Food of Northern Hokkaido, Shown in the Video Photo:Asahikawa Ramen, Hokkaido In the northern Hokkaido area, you will want to enjoy the delicious local delicacies from the sea and the mountains. Enjoy Jingisukan (a Japanese grilled mutton dish) that can be eaten at "Yagitsukai-no-Ie," Asahikawa Ramen at "Asahikawa Ramen-Mura," and coffee at "Coffee Mori-no-Tokei". you can also enjoy exquisite sake at the Otokoyama Sake Brewing Museum. Summary of the Northern Area of Hokkaido Photo:Snowboarding This time, we introduced the charming Northern Hokkaido area. Because Hokkaido is very large, we recommend using Asahikawa Airport for transportation to northern Hokkaido, including places like Asahikawa. There are many hotels and hot spring inns in the Northern Hokkaido area, including Hoshino Resorts, where you can enjoy a luxurious stay, so we recommend making reservation before your trip! -
Video article 3:18
Outstanding Views of Flowers and Nature in Biei and Furano, Hokkaido. The Scenic View of Lavenders and Poppies, Together With the Natural Scenery of the Surrounding Area, Will Make Your Trip Unforgettable!
Local PR Travel Nature- 499 plays
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Biei and Furano, Hokkaido The video this time is a 4K video introducing the beautiful scenery of Biei and Furano in Hokkaido. Biei and Furano are one of the most popular tourist spots in Japan. Let’s take a look at the colorful flower fields in Biei and Furano! This article will talk about tourist information in the Hokkaido area. Please enjoy the video showcasing the natural scenery and colorful flower fields of Hokkaido! The Flower Field of Farm Tomita in Furano, Hokkaido Photo:Farm Tomita flower field “Farm Tomita” is one of the most popular flower fields in Japan with more than 100 years of history. At the farm, the beautiful rainbow colored flower fields with lavenders, poppies, soaproots, Sweet William Catchflys, and Californian poppys awaits you. The field will make you think that you've actually come to rainbow. Be sure to check it out in the first half of the video! Enjoy the Natural Scenery of Biei and Furano in Hokkaido We recommend visiting Saika no Sato if you're visiting Furano. In addition to the magnificent 15 acre lavender field, there are also colorful flower fields of lupine and sunflowers around the area, which offer impressive scenery. You can also pet some animals at the alpaca farm. Sightseeing in Biei and Furano in Hokkaido Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond After visiting the flower fields, make your way to the top of Furano Nishidake. Using the Furano gondola will take you to the top of the 4,400 ft. tall mountain. From here, you can enjoy a full 360° view of Furano and the natural scenery of the area. Shirogane Blue Pond is a spiritual spot in Biei. Shirogane Blue Pond was actually made by accident as a by-product of attempts to control mudslides. Aluminium that seeped into the water scatters the sunlight causing the pond to appear blue. As you can see in the video, the natural scenery surrounding Furano and Biei, with the glorious rivers and mountain paths, make it a popular location for nature loving travelers. Gourmet Food in Biei and Furano, Hokkaido Photo:Melon Souvenirs we recommend from Furano include Furano Melon (Honey dew), Furano curry, and ice cream that can be purchased from Furano Marche. Summary of Biei, Furano in Hokkaido One of the reasons Furano is such a popular tourist destination is because it's the perfect place to visit during summer when you're trying to avoid the extremely hot weather. Because Hokkaido is such a large island, we recommend planning ahead and using the available transportation wisely. Be sure to check out locations such as the flower fields and Shirogane Blue Pond introduced in the video. These spots are also great for taking Instagram photos! You won't forget the beautiful views and breathtaking natural scenery of Furano! 【Tripadvisor】Furano https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g674811-Furano_Hokkaido-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:00
Asahikawa Is One of Hokkaido's Most Popular Tourist Destinations. Nature, Gourmet Food, Stunning Winter Views, and the Charm of the Asahiyama Zoo Will Steal Your Heart!
Local PR Travel- 124 plays
- YouTube
グルメと景色を楽しめる「北海道旭川」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「旭川市役所」が公開した「旭川地域観光プロモーション動画(Tourism Promotion Video Asahikawa Hokkaido)」です。 北海道旭川で観光する予定のある方におすすめの動画です。 旭川の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットや絶品グルメなどが紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光地である北海道旭川の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の情報 観光名所がたくさんある北海道旭川市は、自然が豊かな北海道の中心的な都市です。 北国の綺麗な景色や絶品料理を求め、国内外から多くの観光客が訪れます。 雪がたくさん降る町の旭川は、樹氷や川霧といった厳しい寒さの中でしか見ることができない景勝を眺められます。 また、北国の雄大な景色の中で滑ることのできるスキーもぜひ体験したいアクティビティ。 動物たちのありのままの生態を見ることができる旭山動物園は、旭川市に訪れた際には必ず行きたい名所。 海外からの来園者も増えています。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川のおすすめのグルメ 旭川市はラーメン、ジンギスカン、焼き鳥などおいしい食べ物が充実しています。 旭川のグルメと言えば旭川ラーメンと言われるほど、旭川市にはラーメン屋がたくさんあります。 旭川ラーメンの特徴は濃厚なスープの醤油ラーメンで、豚骨・鶏ガラと魚介のWスープを使っています。 冬の北国で食べる熱々のラーメンは絶品で体の芯から温まります。 ジンギスカンも旭川を観光するなら食べておきたい一品。 たっぷりの野菜と一緒に食べスタミナをつけましょう。 他にも、焼鳥や日本酒も旭川グルメで有名ですよ。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である北海道旭川は、絶景を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 まずおすすめなのが、旭川の町並みを一望できる嵐山展望台です。 自然が豊かな旭川公園の中にある展望台で、石狩川や大雪山などの美しい景勝をご覧になることができます。 夜になると旭川の街あかりがとても綺麗に見えるので、カップルで行くのがおすすめ。 美しい景色を楽しみ、心に残る旅行にしましょう。 旭川の自然の景色を楽しめるスポットは、他にもアクティビティ上野ファーム、旭岳、黒岳、就実の丘などがあります。 日本の観光地である「北海道旭川」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では旭川の自然やグルメなどさまざまな魅力が紹介されています。 旭川に旅行する予定のある方は必見ですよ。 日本の人気の観光地である旭川。 北国の綺麗な景色と美味しい料理を楽しみ、満足いく旅になるはずですよ。