Video article 2:54
The cooking time for funa-zushi, a specialty of Shiga Prefecture, is a whopping three years! The roots of Japan's sushi culture, made with the particular methods of artisans in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture.
Food & Drink- 236 plays
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Gourmet local delicacy “funa-zushi” - Video introduction of the special manufacturing process by a long-established craftsman in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture. "Before Sushi, There Was Funazushi" is a video produced by Great Big Story to promote Funazushi, a local specialty of Shiga Prefecture. This is the video for “Kitashina-roho,” a long established Funazushi shop founded 400 years ago in the Edo Period. Kitashina-roho has closed down once before, but 18th generation craftswoman Mariko Kitamura and her husband Atsushi aimed for a fresh start through the production of high quality Funazushi. The video shows a craftsman explaining what Funazushi is and how it's made. We don't recommend watching this on an empty stomach! What Is Funazushi? Photo:Funazushi Funazushi is a local food made around Lake Biwa (琵琶湖:Biwa-ko), the largest lake in Japan. Japan has a history of fermenting fish using lactic acids such as salt, rice, or rice malt, in order to make sushi. Funazushi was an especially popular preserved food around Lake Biwa, an area far from the sea. How Funazushi Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot Funazushi is known as one of the roots of Japanese sushi culture. Sushi in Japan is characterized by the craftsmanship of the chefs. Sushi is prepared by the chefs in seconds and eaten immediately. This became a popular part of culture in the edo period and was known as "Hayazushi" (lit. Fast Sushi). However, Funazushi, being a fermented food, takes a long time to prepare. In fact, it can take as long as three years from the time of production to the time it is eaten. According to the explanation by Atsushi Kitamura in the video (1:41), "There are three important things in making Funazushi: gutting, blood letting, and desalination." Funazushi is made from Nigorobuna living in lake Biwa. To make Funazushi, the sushi chef starts by prepping the fish. From here, the fish is stuffed with salt and then transferred to a barrel with more salt. Mariko Kitamura says in the video "I want everyone to understand the time and effort to make Funazushi, and to understand that Funazushi is one of the roots of the sushi we eat today" (2:10). There are two types of Funazushi: Honnarezushi which is fermented using only salt, and Hayanare that is fermented using vinegar. Eating Shiga's Local Specialty Photo:Funazushi Chazuke Shiga's local specialty, Funazushi, is available in stores on Nishikikoji-dori in Kyoto or by mail order service. We recommend buying this as souvenir and enjoying the distinct flavors of this traditional snack. If this distinct smell bothers you, we recommend eating the Funazushi with chazuke. In Japanese style restaurants in Shiga or Kyoto, it's often paired with locally made sake. Although Funazushi is not grilled, it tastes similar to roasted foods, such as ham. Summary of Funazushi Funazushi used to be a common food in Japanese homes. As you can see from the video, it takes time and effort to make this delicious food. You can see the time and effort that chefs put into making these Funazushi by watching the video. The smell of fermented food can be off putting to many people, but the flavor can be quite addictive. Eating such a rare treat is akin to dining on caviar. If you're planning on dropping by Shiga, be sure to visit the famous Japanese restaurants in Shiga to try some delicious Funazushi! ◆Kitashina-roho◆ 【Address】1287 Katsuno Takashima-shi Shiga 【Hours】10:00 to 17:00 【Closures】Monday・Thursday 【Telephone】0740-20-2042 【Tabe-log】Kitashina-rouho https://tabelog.com/en/shiga/A2505/A250501/25000007/ -
Video article 8:17
The Splendid Skills of the Artisans of the 200-Year-Old Eel Shop "Nodaiwa" in Minato, Tokyo! Explore the Secrets of a Popular Japanese Dish That Has Long Delighted the Japanese Palate
Food & Drink- 382 plays
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日本食になくてはならないうなぎ料理 こちらの動画は「Eater」が公開した「Chef Kanejiro Kanemoto Is Japan's Grilled Eel Master — Omakase」です。 日本食を代表する料理の一つが「うなぎ料理」ですね。 今回は東麻布にある200年の歴史を持った老舗うなぎ屋「野田岩」の板前さんたちが職人技をふるううなぎ料理について紹介していきます。 うなぎが土曜の丑の日に食べられるようになったのは江戸時代の蘭学者平賀源内の発想が起源と言われていますが、実は万葉集にはすでに大伴家持が石麻呂という人に「夏痩せにはうなぎを食するのがいい」と薦めている一句があります。 そう考えると7世紀ころの日本にはすでに夏になるとうなぎを食べるという風習が始まっていたのですね。 日本グルメの歴史は長くて深いのです。 東麻布野田岩の歴史とうなぎ職人の実演披露 うなぎ料理の代表といえばなんといっても「蒲焼」ですね。 蒲焼の作り方はいたってシンプル。 開いたうなぎを串に刺しタレを塗りながら熱した備長炭で焼いけば店内は香ばしい香りでいっぱい! しかし捌くのに3年、串打ち3年焼きは一生と言われるほど高度な職人技術が要求される料理で、さばいた後の内臓も残すところなくいただけます。 うなぎの肝吸いは蒲焼とならんだ定番料理の一つといえるでしょう。 動画では板前さんたちがその作り方を惜しげもなく披露してくれます。 名人の包丁捌きは見逃せません。 うなぎのさばき方と焼き方 うなぎの調理法には関東風と関西風という違いがあるのをご存知ですか? 関東風のうなぎの蒲焼の作り方は「背開き」といって、まな板にうなぎの頭を目打ちという道具で刺して固定し、背中から開いていきます。 焼く前に蒸して肉を柔らかくするのも関東風の特徴です。 また関東では、「う巻き」や白焼きなど料理の種類もバラエティに富んでいます。 一方の関西風は「腹開き」といって生きたままお腹から包丁を入れて開いていきます。 焼く前に蒸さずそのまま備長炭で焼いていくという違いもあります。 生臭さを取るために開いたら素焼きにしてすぐタレにくぐらせるので、関東のような白焼きという文化はありません。 ほかにも人気のうなぎ料理には名古屋周辺が発祥の「ひつまぶし」があります。 日本の伝統グルメうなぎ料理紹介まとめ いまや世界中で愛されている日本の食文化の殿堂が「うなぎ料理」ですが、蒲焼のほかにもうな重、うな丼、う巻き、茶碗蒸し、酢の物、肝吸い、ひつまぶし、白焼きとうなぎだけでコース料理が楽しめます。 こちらの動画をご覧になると野田岩の麻布飯倉本店にいってうなぎ料理コースを食べたくなりせんか? 今度の休みはうなぎの白焼きを肴に日本酒を一献!と洒落込んでは如何でしょう? -
Video article 17:04
Sushi Saito Is a Great Place in Roppongi That Was Awarded Three Michelin Stars. A Look Inside the High Class Restaurant
Food & Drink- 28 plays
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Sushi Saito, the Three Michelin Star Restaurant in Roppongi This is a documentary video of Takashi Saito, the owner of "Sushi Saito." Sushi Saito is an out-of-this-world restaurant that received 1 star the first year it opened in Japan, 2 stars the second year, and 3 stars the third year, and every year thereafter it has received 3 Michelin stars. The middlemen at Tsukiji market say they won't sell fish to Saito if they don't have top quality fish, despite having fish available. The only item on the menu is the "Omakase Course," but the restaurant is currently not taking reservations from the general public as they are incredibly popular. You can see the ingredients and how he prepares sushi in the video, as well as Saito's thoughts on sushi. Be sure to check out the passion of this 3 Michelin star restaurant in the video! ◆Sushi Saito Store Information◆ 【Address】106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 1 Chome−4−5, ARK Hills South Tower, 1F 【Access】A 5-minute walk from Tameike Sanno Station / An 8-minute walk from Toranomon Station / 60 meters from Roppongi-Itchome Station 【Cost】¥3000+ 【Hours】12:00-14:00 / 17:00-23:00 【Closures】Sunday, Holidays (Excluding holidays that are not consecutive holidays) 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3589-4412 【Tabelog】Sushi Saito (鮨 さいとう) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1308/A130802/13015251/ -
Video article 3:09
Rare video showing the working process of Takaoka Bronzes, a traditional craft of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. 400 year old crafts are popular as works of art and fine arts in the world.
Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture History- 657 plays
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The Takaoka Copper Casting of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture – A Traditional Japanese Craft This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「高岡銅器」Takaoka Copper Casting," was produced by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square." It introduces Takaoka Copper Casting, a traditional craft in Takaoka City, Toyama. Takaoka Copper Casting in Takaoka City, Toyama originates from a factory opened in the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD) by Maeda Toshinaga in the Kaga Maeda Clan with the seven metal casters from Tamba, Kyoto, said to be the birthplace of metal casting. Most of the Takaoka Copper Casting products are related to Buddhist tools such as vases and a large part of the production process involves the attentive handiwork of artisans. The traditional Japanese craftsmanship is appreciated even outside of Japan. The Takaoka Great Buddha at Daibutsuji Temple (大佛寺, Daibutsu-ji) is said to be one of the most impressive pieces made by the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans. This is a rare video that introduces the production process of Takaoka Copper Casting. Please enjoy watching the craftsmanship of the Takaoka copper casting artisans. Takaoka Copper Casting: One of the Greatest Treasures in Japanese Culture- How It's Done Source :YouTube screenshot Takaoka Copper Casting is essentially produced with a metal casting technique where a piece of metal is melted at high temperature and poured into a mold to form the desired shape. Japanese metal casting techniques are highly recognized worldwide, and the metal casting of Takaoka City, Toyama is especially famous. Now, let's take a look at how Takaoka Copper Casting products are made. 1. Making the original model (0:18) Based on the blueprint, a prototype is created using wood, plaster, clay and resin. This prototype becomes the grand image of the final product. 2. Making the mold (0:29) A fire-resistant material is used for the original model, and a casting is made to pour the copper into. This is said to be the most important step. The mold made from casting sand is an example of exquisite craftsmanship. 3. Refining and melting (0:44) Refining refers to the process of removing impurities and increasing the purity of the metal. The refined metal is melted and liquefied at high temperatures.. The molten copper alloy reaches 1200 degrees Celsius in this process. 4. Casting (1:00) The refined molten copper is poured into the casting. 5. Removing the mold (1:23) The cooled and hardened copper is removed from the casting and the finishing process begins. 6. Polishing (1:48) The product is beautifully polished. 7. Coloring (2:05) After coloring and inlays are added, the work is complete! At 1:31 in the video, one of the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans explains “We hope that our Buddhist statues and monuments will convey what the customer had in mind, and will be loved.” The Art Pieces of Takaoka Copper Casting Gained Worldwide Popularity at the World Expo in Paris Source :YouTube screenshot A number of art pieces such as Buddhist statues and vases made using Takaoka Copper Casting were exhibited at the World Expo in Paris, and the name has come to be known around the world. These reason these artifacts are so beautifully shaped is because they were developed through producing bronze casting products adorned with carvings. In Takaoka City, Toyama, the descendants of the master craftsmen of the past have inherited the traditional crafting techniques and skills and have created many works of art. They continue to do so even today. Summary of Takaoka Copper Casting Source :YouTube screenshot The entire process of Takaoka Copper Casting has been done with the careful handiwork of artisans for more than 400 years. "We want to pass down the 400-year-old technique to the next generation," says one of the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans at 2:26 in the video. To inherit this valuable Japanese culture, Takaoka City has held workshops of Takaoka Copper Casting to train potential artisans. Miyuki-cho in Takaoka City has the Takaoka Copper Casting Museum where you can see and purchase products. Some large bronze statues are valued at millions of yen (tens of thousands of dollars). Takaoka Copper Casting products are also available at online marketplaces such as Rakuten and Amazon, and include ochoko (small sake cups), ornaments, paperweights, and more. The most popular ones are made by Takenaka Bronze Works Co.,Ltd. The company donated a 1/100 scale bronze casting model to Zuiryuji Temple (瑞龍寺, Zuiryuji), a temple designated as a National Treasure, in Takaoka City. The temple is one of the most popular tourist spots in Takaoka City renowned for its spring event of lighting up the temple, where the bones of Oda Nobunaga and his son are buried. Tourists can visit the grave of Maeda Toshinaga, who was deeply involved in the history of Takaoka Copper Castings, by way of a path called Hocchodo, lined with stone lanterns. In recent years, nine companies that are members of the Takaoka Copper Industry Cooperative Society have made original "Takaoka Wind Chimes" and sold them at the Takaoka Regional Industry Center, Takaoka Mikurumayama Museum, and shops where crafts are sold. 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 25:02
Masahiro Takashima Enjoys Yakitori, a Popular Japanese Food! Talking With a Chef Who Elevates a Food We All Know and Love to the Realm of Inspiration!
Food & Drink- 42 plays
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A Michelin-Starred Restaurant! Torishiki, the Most Difficult Yakitori Restaurant in Japan to Get a Reservation For! This video is a documentary on the yakitori restaurant "Torishiki," a restaurant just a few minutes away from Meguro Station in Shinagawa, Tokyo, which was introduced in a BS Fuji production of "Palais de Z - The Future of Deliciousness." The video is narrated and facilitated by Masahiro Takashima. Yoshiteru Ikekawa, the owner of Torishiki, was originally a businessman. On his birthday, he visited the famous yakitori restaurant "Toriyoshi" in Nakameguro, Tokyo, with his then wife. The visit had a profound impact on him and at the age of 27, he quit his job and entered an apprenticeship. After less than seven years of training, he started his own business at the age of 34. Torishiki's yakitori is grilled with binchotan charcoal and finished with 50 year old sauce, chicken fat, sake, soy sauce, soup stock, and olive oil, all of which he learned to utilize during his apprenticeship. The yakitori is so popular that it has been called the "most difficult yakitori restaurant in Japan to get a reservation for." Torishiki was awarded one star in the Michelin Guide just three years after becoming an independent restaurant. Currently, he and his like-minded companions have formed a group called "Yakitori Tatsujin" (yakitori experts) and are focusing their efforts to share yakitori with the world. They also have a store in Manhattan, New York, which was introduced in the video, where they operate under the name "Torien." In Japan, they have Torikado in Meguro, Tokyo; Torioka in Roppongi, Tokyo; and Torisaki in Kyoto. In the video, Yoshiteru Ikegawa, the owner of Torishiki, talks about his thoughts on yakitori and his commitment to it. Be sure to check out the video to see his passion in action. ◆Torishiki Store Information◆ 【Address】2-14-12 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa, Tokyo 【Access】2 minutes from Meguro Station by foot 【Avg. Cost】¥8000+ 【Hours】18:00-22:00 (Last entry) 【Closures】Sundays and Mondays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3440-7656 【Yelp】Torishiki (鳥しき) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E9%B3%A5%E3%81%97%E3%81%8D-%E5%93%81%E5%B7%9D%E5%8C%BA?osq=Torishiki -
Video article 8:33
The Most Famous Restaurant in Japan on Tabelog Talks About Its Commitment to Cuisine! Located Deep in the Mountains of Minami, Gifu Prefecture, Yanagiya Is a Famous Michelin-Starred Restaurant With a Reputation for Excellence!
Food & Drink- 177 plays
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Video introduction of Japanese food at Irori, a famous restaurant in Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "Chef Masashi Yamada Serves Wild Game Hunted in the Mountains of Japan — Omakase Japan," was released by "Eater." It introduces the Japanese restaurant Yanagiya in Mizunami, hidden deep in the mountains of Gifu prefecture. Yanagiya is a famous Japanese restaurant and has been highly rated as the number one restaurant on Tabelog (a popular review sites for restaurants, hotels, etc. in Japan). It was ranked among the world's top 10 out of more than 16,000 restaurants in 2019 by La Liste, a French restaurant guide that showcases outstanding gastronomic establishments from around the world, and also received an award for outstanding regional cuisine. Many customers from all over the world come to Yanagiya to eat the local cuisine prepared by Chef Masashi. A Closer Look at Yanagiya, One of the Finest Restaurants in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Yanagiya is a famous restaurant in Mizunami, Gifu, that serves exquisite regional cuisine using fresh, local ingredients. The restaurant is popular for its Japanese cuisine prepared on an irori. At 3:13 in the video, you can see the food being cooked on the restaurant's irori. An irori is a sunken hearth in the center of a room in older Japanese houses. The irori is blanketed with charcoal, and wood or charcoal is burned in it for heating or cooking purposes. The irori reflects the historical wisdom of Japan to create a space where people can gather in a circle to enjoy local cuisine in a heated room. Seasonal Japanese Food at Yanagiya – Taste the Four Seasons of Japan Source :YouTube screenshot A Variety of gourmet Japanese dishes, including popular game dishes, are prepared over Yanagiya's irori. The menu at Yanagiya features a variety of local ingredients, such as wild vegetables, river fish, (including sweetfish), eel, grilled duck skewers, and mushrooms, such as matsutake mushrooms, which give guests a taste of Japan's four seasons. Another popular dish on the menu is the delicious duck hot pot featured at 6:51 in the video. If you're not sure what kind of Japanese food to order, we recommend the Japanese course meal (和食コース料理) as it’s a great way to sample a variety of local cuisine. Summary of Yanagiya, a Restaurant Where You Can Enjoy Delicious Local Cuisine Over an Irori Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, one of the unique characteristics about the way the chefs at Yanagiya prepare their dishes is the fluid handling of ingredients and instruments. The quick and experienced knife skills of the chefs will even provide entertainment for your meal. The cuisine cooked on the irori of Yanagiya is sure to create a lasting impression. Yanagiya is a famous restaurant, so be sure to make reservations in advance. ◆Yanagiya|General Information◆ 【Address】573-27, Mashizume, Sue, Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture (〒509-6361 Gifu, Mizunami, 陶町猿爪573-27) 【Access】20 minutes by taxi from Mizunami Station on the Chuo Line 【Hours】[Mon. – Sat.] 12:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 22:00, [Sun.] 12:00 - 15:00, 17:00 - 21:00 【Closures】Irregular holidays 【Telephone】0572-65-2102 【Remarks】Yanagiya uses a 100% reservation system. You will be unable to dine without one. 【Yelp】Yanagiya (柳家) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E6%9F%B3%E5%AE%B6-%E7%91%9E%E6%B5%AA%E5%B8%82-2 -
Video article 9:36
Meet the Female Sushi Chefs Who Serve Dainty Sushi With the Same Level of Knife Skills as Their Male Counterparts! The Owner of the Famous Shop "Uotakesushi" in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Talks About Her Commitment to Japanese Food!
Food & Drink- 280 plays
- YouTube
千葉由美さんは全国でも珍しい女性の寿司職人 この動画は「Eater」が公開した静岡県清水区で寿司職人として活躍する千葉由美(Yumi Chiba)さんにインタビューを行った「How Master Sushi Chef Yumi Chiba Perfected Tamago — Omakase Japan」です。 寿司は日本のグルメの歴史の中で日本食・和食を代表するほどの食べ物になった。 現在では世界中に寿司職人が存在しており、日本人のみならず、世界中の日本食・和食好きに愛されている。 しかし寿司職人の多くは男性であり、女性の寿司職人を見ることは殆どない。 静岡県清水区で江戸前寿司をもてなしているグルメ店「魚竹寿し」の女性の寿司職人・千葉由美さん。 日本食屋・和食屋では非常に珍しい女性の板前である千葉由美さんだが、その職人技は男性顔負けであり、魚を捌く様子は真剣なそのものだ。 女性の寿司職人が少ない理由とは? 寿司職人のグルメの歴史において「寿司は男性が握るもの」という考え方は古くより存在している。 これは「女性の高い体温では握りを作る際にネタが傷んでしまう」と言われていたためである。 もちろんこの考えは根拠が殆んどなく、女性より体温の高い男性はいくらでもいる。 しかしながら、日本のグルメで古くから信じられてきたこの考えは寿司職人業界で「女人禁制」という文化を定着させているのも事実だ。 現在、寿司を提供している日本食屋・和食屋において、世界的なグルメ本『ミシュランガイド』に掲載されている店は400店以上もある。 しかし、それらのお店で女性の寿司職人はたった1人しかいないほどだ。 千葉由美さんの作る寿司へのこだわり 千葉さんが代表取締役を務める「魚竹寿し」では、伝統的な江戸前寿司を提供している。 寿司はもちろんのこと、旬のネタや新鮮な魚介類・海鮮を使った「お造り」も人気のグルメだ。 なかでも寿司を中心に日本食・和食に欠かせない厚焼き玉子(玉子焼き)は、千葉さんが最も時間をかけるグルメだ。 その製法は消えるような弱火でじっくりと玉子を焼いていく、昔ながらの作り方である。玉子を焼き終わるのに1時間以上もかかるという。 海外でも愛される日本食・和食の文化の紹介まとめ 日本食・和食は世界中のグルメで愛されている料理だ。 特に生魚を食べる文化のない海外においては、魚の刺身や寿司は口にする機会がなく、本場の寿司を食べるために日本に旅行に来る方も少なくはない。 寿司は日本が世界に誇るグルメであることは間違いないが、「女人禁制」という閉鎖的な考え方も並列して存在している。 最近では女性が日本食・和食の板前になることも増えつつあるが、まだまだ数は少ない。 女性の板前だからといって味が落ちることはない。女性の板前を見かけても否定的にならず、好意的に捉えることが、これからの日本食・和食のグルメの促進につながるだろう。