Traditional Crafts
Video article 3:31
The Appeal of Kumano Brushes, a Traditional Craft of Kumano, Hiroshima That Even Top Make-up Artists Are Paying Attention to! Get a Taste of Japan's Brush Culture, Which Has Been Growing in Popularity Since the Edo Period!
Traditional Crafts- 71 plays
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製造は手作業で。広島県熊野町で作られる熊野筆 こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「熊野筆」Japan Kumano Writing Brush/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 書道や化粧筆など、日本の文化と切っても切り離せない筆。 熊野筆と聞いて美容に関心のある人はピンと来たかもしれませんね。 整った毛先が洗顔中の顔の毛穴の汚れをとり、きめこまやかな肌にしてくれると口コミが広がったのを覚えている人もいるのではないでしょうか。 また、チークブラシをセットにした商品「筆の心」も人気がありおすすめです。 広島県熊野町で作られる熊野筆の歴史 熊野筆は広島県安芸郡熊野町で生産される伝統工芸品です。 その昔、江戸時代に広島藩の産業奨励により筆作りを各地で学んだ若者たちがいました。 村に戻り、彼らが村民に筆の作り方を伝えたのが熊野筆の始まりです。 現在、町ではおよそ2,500名の方が手作業で熊野筆の生産に携わり、20名の伝統工芸士がいます。 熊野筆の歴史は挑戦の連続だったといっても過言ではありません。 戦後、日本各地の筆の生産地が筆作りをやめていくなか、熊野町は筆作りの技術を応用して、画筆や面相筆など、書筆以外の筆作りに取り組みました。 昭和30年代には、化粧品メーカーが化粧道具としての筆に着目し、熊野筆に白羽の矢があたります。 熊野筆で作られたファンデーションブラシはその品質の高さから国内外で評判に。 その成果や取り組みが認められ、昭和50年(1975年)には国の伝統的工芸品に指定されるにいたりました。 熊野筆の文化が受け継がれる企業 筆作りの文化が育まれた熊野町には、伝統工芸品として熊野筆を代表する企業「白鳳堂」があります。 白鳳堂は本社を熊野町に置いていますが、世界中からの観光客が訪れる京都にも店舗を構え、筆の文化を国内外に発信しています。 白鳳堂で取り扱っている化粧筆はギフトラッピングや名入れも可能で、プレゼントにもおすすめ。 そしてもうひとつ有名な筆工房に「竹宝堂」があります。 ファンデーションブラシをはじめとする化粧筆を専門に扱い、世界でもトップの化粧筆メーカーとして高い評価を得ている企業です。 熊野筆職人後継者問題への挑戦 熊野町で生産される熊野筆は、全国で生産される筆の8割を占めています。 しかし、ほかの伝統工芸と同じように、後継者への文化継承問題は熊野筆も例外ではありません。 筆作りの担い手を確保することが課題となっています。 というのも、交通網の発達から町の外へ働きに出る若者が増えたことや、筆作りには長く根気のいる手作業をするため、若者がやりたがらなくなったため。 このため、町や協同組合が熊野筆のPRや産業振興に尽力。 手作りの筆の良さに理解を示す人が着実に増えつつあります。 熊野筆紹介まとめ 動画では熊野筆がどのように作られるか紹介されています。 その職人技をとくとご覧ください。 伝統工芸である熊野筆を通して、日本の文化に思いを馳せてみるのもいいのではないでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:24
Experience Traditional Japanese Weaving on Shiraishi Island in Okayama Prefecture, a Place Full of Nature! The Traditional Textiles and Beautiful Scenery Are Sure to Revitalize!
Traditional Crafts- 270 plays
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Traditional Japanese Weaving on Shiraishi Island! Shiraishi Island belongs to the Kasaoka Islands (笠岡諸島) found near Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region. The island has an area of 1.86 km², a max elevation of 169 meters, and has a population of 750 people. The island is known for being an exceptionally scenic area in Japan. The island's traditional woven goods are made using a loom called a "hata" (機). This has led to products made with this method being known as "hata-ori" (機織り). In this article, we'll introduce the weaving experience available on the island. Try Your Hand at Weaving on Shiraishi Island Photo:Hata-ori During the Genroku Period (1688-1704), the weaving trade thrived on the reclaimed settlement of Shiraishi Island. In recent years, in an attempt to revive the tradition, a weaving workshop where visitors can experience "hata-ori" was started. As seen from 0:42 in the video, the relaxing sound of the cotton gin is one of the features of the weaving experience. You might even find it therapeutic. Next, the cotton is spun into threads on a spinning wheel. The finished product is unimaginably soft to the touch. The woven products of Shiraishi Island are colored using dyes made from plants grown on the island itself. As shown at 2:05 in the video, onions, safflowers, persimmons, and cherry blossoms, and even chestnuts are used for the dyes. Visitors are treated not as customers, but as fellow weavers and are encouraged to freely try out the weaving experience. The management’s motto is to allow visitors to fulfill their dreams of mastering weaving. You might now be wondering about the price of the weaving experience. At a mere 500 yen, you should definitely give it a try if you’re interested! Summary of Shiraishi Island's Weaving Experience Photo:Kasaoka City and Shiraishi Island coastline, Okayama Prefecture Shiraishi Island is a place where you can enjoy not only weaving, but also the natural sights and sounds. As shown in the video, visitors from overseas can have fun learning about Japanese traditions while taking in the beautiful scenery. You can even go for a dip in the sea! Consider making a visit to Shiraishi Island during the warm summer! -
Video article 3:41
Dojigiri - The Famous Japanese Sword Recreated With the Combined Technology of Modern Sword Masters! A Project to Recreate the Legendary Sword in Okayama, Japan!
Traditional Crafts- 282 plays
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Introducing a video of Sadanao Mikami’s Dojigiri Yasutsuna! This video, titled "Famous Swords Under the Heavens|Recreating Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Ishida Masamune! (Tsuyama Yukari’s Sword Reproduction Project Vol.1)" (天下の名刀『童子切安綱』と『石田正宗』を再現!(津山ゆかりの刀剣再現プロジェクトvol.1)), was released by "TsuyamaCityPR." In recent years, the popularity of swords has suddenly increased, especially among the younger generation in Japan. Also, beautiful Japanese katana have been attracting a lot of attention from foreign tourists to Japan. In response to such popularity, the city of Tsuyama in northern Okayama Prefecture commissioned swordsmith Sadanao Mikami to create replicas of famous swords, under a project titled "the Sword Reproduction Project." In this video, you can see the precious production process of Japanese katana forged by craftsmen. The Famous Japanese Sword, Dojigiri Yasutsuna Source :YouTube screenshot Dojigiri Yasutsuna is first on the list of the Five Greatest Swords Under the Heavens from around the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) to be called a famous sword. It's a legendary katana used to defeat the Shuten-doji. This is explained at 0:26 in the video. It's said that Dojigiri Yasutsuna was later given to Toyotomi Hideoyshi by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the Shogun of Ashikaga, and was said to be passed down from Tokugaya Ieyasu to Tokugawa Hidetada. Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Ishida Masamune, introduced in the video, are famous katana from history that were handed down to the Matsudaira Clan of the Tsuyama Domain, who followed the ways of Yuki Hideyasu, the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Presently, the national treasure Dojigiri Yasutsuna (blade length 80 cm), which is in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum, is said to have been made by Yasutsuna, a swordsmith of Houki (present-day Tottori), during the Heian Period and is characterized by its blade which looks as though it's shrouded in mist. Sadanao Mikami the Swordsmith Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Mikami Sadanao, the advisor of the All Japan Swordsmith Association, is shown at 1:10 in the video. Sadanao Mikami is a leading master swordsmith, who has created many swords. Sadanao Mikami uses Tottori’s tamahagane, which is made from iron sand, to make katana with pressed gold and pig iron. There are several techniques used to forge swords, including "makuri," "kobuse," and "sanmai gitae." You can see the forging and hitting of the heated red-hot iron from 2:04 in the video and watch as the shape of the Japanese sword is gradually completed. You can see Dojigiri Yasutsuna completed by the craftsmen from 3:41 in the video. The replica swords created by Sadanao Mikami have a reputation for being excellent katana. At the ceremony to unveil the Dojigiri Yasutsuna made by Sadanao Mikami, the sword being handed over to Mayor Taniguchi became widely talked about. Summary of Sadanao Mikami's Dojigiri Yasutsuna Source :YouTube screenshot Sadanao Mikami's katana, introduced in the video, was exhibited at the exhibition "100 Famous Swords and the Famous Sword Replica Exhibition" (天華百剣と名刀写し展) at the Tsuyama City Museum and was evaluated as a masterpiece of arts and crafts. Japanese katana, such as Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Mikazuki Munechika, are weapons that have been used for thousands of years in Japan and are now exhibited in museums as works of art. There are times when priceless katana are exhibited, so be sure to check exhibit schedules.