Festivals & Events
Video article 10:36
The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture Has Ties to Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, One of Japan's Most Famous Warlords. The Young Kabuki Actors Are Quite Impressive for Their Age!
Festivals & Events- 76 plays
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日本文化を伝える長浜曳山まつりとは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga - 長浜曳山まつり」です。 今回ご紹介する動画では、日本の滋賀県長浜市で行われる長浜曳山まつりをご覧になれます。 長浜曳山まつりは長浜八幡宮の祭礼として日本文化を伝える歴史的なお祭りです。 祭礼中の行事として有名なものが日本三大山車祭としてあげられる曳山巡行です。 さらに子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧を行う子ども歌舞伎も話題になっています。 日本三大山車祭りの一つ長浜曳山まつり 日本には三代山車祭りという3つの有名な山車祭りがあり、岐阜県高山市の高山祭京都府京都市の祇園祭、そして滋賀県長浜のこちらの動画で紹介されている長浜曳山まつりです。 どの山車祭りも国の重要無形民俗文化財に登録されており、日本の祭り文化に大きな影響を与え続けていることは間違いありません。 日本の文化を後世に伝える子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりで執り行われる行事が、子ども歌舞伎です。 曳山の上で子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧をし、演技を行います。 その様子は動画の中で4:01秒から紹介されています。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの歴史 長浜曳山まつりの歴史は1574年に日本の戦国武将であった豊臣秀吉が長浜城を築城した際に、城下町で開催されていた曳山祭で曳山を作り始めたのが始まりとされています。 以後、長浜市では伝統文化・伝統芸能として曳山まつりが発展し、江戸時代の中期には今のような狂言を行っていたという記録が残されています。 長浜曳山まつりは、その後も長浜市の人々の間で受け継がれていき、昭和54年には重要無形民俗文化財の指定を受けました。 さらに昭和60年には祭りで使用する曳山とその曳山を保存する山蔵が滋賀県の有形民俗文化財として認定され、平成28年には日本各地の山・鉾・屋台行事の一つとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されました。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりの目玉は歌舞伎役者となった子どもが舞台屋台の上で狂言を演じる子ども歌舞伎です。 日本では歌舞伎と狂言は区別されますが、長浜市では5歳から12歳までの男子によって演じられます。 歌舞伎と変わらず男役と女役があり、勇ましく男役を演じる子や、つややかに振る舞う女役の子の狂言が上演されます。 また、この子ども歌舞伎を支える三役として、三味線・太夫・振付は不可欠な存在です。 現在では三役修行塾の塾生がその役目を努めていますが、かつては湖北地域で義太夫などが盛んに行われていて曳山の三役を努めていました。 日本文化を感じる長浜曳山まつり紹介まとめ 滋賀県の長浜市で歌舞伎に気軽に触れられる行事とあって多くの観光客が訪問する長浜曳山まつり紹介動画をぜひご覧になってください! 長浜曳山まつりは毎年4月中旬ごろに行われます。 -
Video article 4:01
Video featuring the charm of the Setsubun Festival at Taga Taisha Shrine in Inukami-gun, Shiga Prefecture! Let's purify the bad luck of the year with bean-throwing before the first day of spring! The Oniyarai ritual is very powerful!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 115 plays
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Video introduction of Setsubun Festival at Taga Taisha Shrine, Inukami-gun, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. This video, titled "Good Sign 12th Broadcast: The Taga Taisha Shrine Setsubun Festival" (Good Sign 第12回放送 多賀大社節分祭), was uploaded by "Good Sign." The Setsubun Festival is held every February at Taga Taisha Shrine in Taga, Shiga, in Japan's Kansai region. This article will introduce "Oni no Mai" (鬼の舞, Dance of Demons) and the throwing of lucky beans and rice cakes. Setsubun is an essential event in Japanese culture. Through the Setsubun Festival at Taga Taisha Shrine, visitors can learn the meaning of Setsubun's bean-throwing custom. Check out this 4-minute video showing the charms of Taga Taisha Shrine's Setsubun Festival. What Is Setsubun? The Traditional Japanese Event and When It's Celebrated Photo:Setsubun oni masks and mamemaki Setsubun means "division of the seasons," and refers to the day before the first day of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Since the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), the day before "Risshun" (立春, the first day of spring) has been called Setsubun. In the old calendar, Setsubun fell on New Year's Eve, which was meant to drive away evil spirits and welcome in a good year before the New Year. Mamemaki (豆まき) is a ritual in which an oni (Japanese ogre demon) appears and people throw beans at it while shouting "Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外福は内, Demons out, luck in!). It's a popular event at kindergartens and nursery schools in Japan. It's also customary for Japanese families to eat "ehomaki," a thick sushi roll commonly made with 7 types of ingredients inside, representing the 7 Lucky Gods. It's believed that it's best to sit facing the lucky direction for the year (the direction of the god Toshitoku, who is in charge of the year's blessings), and sit quietly while eating. It's also customary to eat as many beans as one's age plus 1. Setsubun is often thought to be held on February 3, but in some years is held on the 2nd or 4th because Risshun (the first day of spring) sometimes changes. The God of Taga Taisha Shrine Photo:Taga Taisha Shrine, Shiga Prefecture Taga Taisha Shrine is the largest shrine in Shiga Prefecture, and is known as Otaga-san. There are two sayings, "Oise Mairaba, Otaga e Maire" (If you visit Ise, visit Otaga), and "Oise, Otaga no Ko Degozaru" (I am Ise, child of Taga). The second saying is derived from the fact that Taga Taisha Shrine is dedicated to Izanagi and Izanami, the parents of Amaterasu, the deity of Ise Jingu, giving the shrines a parent-child relationship. Taga Taisha Shrine is also believed to be the god of longevity and marriage, and a protector against evil. Visitors to the shrine can enjoy seasonal scenery, such as beautiful weeping cherry blossoms in spring and the autumn leaves of Okushoin Garden, which is associated with Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Taga Taisha Shrine is also a tourist attraction with many other points of interest, such as a sacred tree called Sanbonsugi located on the site where Izanagi is said to have descended from the heavens, Jumyoseki (the Stone of Longevity), a white stone on which you can write your prayers and offer to the shrine, and Otaga-jakushi, a replica of a ladle made for Empress Gensho when she was ill. Oni Dances & Bean and Rice Cake Throwing – Highlights of Taga Taisha Shrine's Setsubun Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The highlight of the Setsubun Festival is the "Oni no Mai" dance by the Shimane Prefecture Inbara Kagura Troupe. Three oni (demons) appear accompanied by the sound of taiko drums and flutes. They glare at the audience with frightening expressions as they perform the dance, creating a powerful scene! [Video] 1:51 - Oni no Mai The two priests gradually drive the demons to the edge of the corridor and exterminate them while scattering beans and shouting "Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi" (Demons out, luck in!). This is a ritual to drive away evil spirits that bring bad luck. After the demons are gone, beans and rice cakes are thrown from the stage by participants who share the same zodiac sign as the current year. [Video] 3:00 - Lucky Beans and Lucky Rice Cakes Being Thrown Zodiac Signs + Lucky Bean and Rice Cake Throwing: A Once-In-A-Lifetime Experience! The lucky bean and rice cake throwing experience is for participants who share the same zodiac sign as the current year that will also turn 60 in that year. It's a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience. An orientation session is held in advance. The application deadline is mid-December of the previous year. The service fee to participate is as follows 32,000 yen for one person, 42,000 yen for couples. A prayer fee, group dinner, group photo, and souvenirs such as fans are also included. ※Details based on the 2021 event. If you have family members who will celebrate their 60th birthday, maybe gift them with the chance to participate! Summary of Taga Taisha Shrine's Setsubun Festival Taga Taisha Shrine is a 10-minute walk from Taga Taisha-mae Station on the Ohmi Railway. Shiga Prefecture boasts a variety of tourist attractions, including Taga Taisha Shrine, Hikone Castle, and more. If you're planning a trip in February, be sure to add a Setsubun Festival to your itinerary! -
Video article 4:00
Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko - Experience Hino, Shiga, Decorated With Adorable Hina Dolls! Introducing the Hinamatsuri Event Held in a Town That Will Transport You Back to Japan’s Showa Period!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 126 plays
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Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko in Hino, Shiga This video, titled "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue" (Good Sign 第14回放送「日野」ひな祭り紀行), was uploaded by "Good Sign." It introduces Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri event in Hino, Shiga, located in Japan's Kansai region. Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko is an annual event held from early February to early March, from Okubo in southeastern Shiga, to the shopping arcade and merchant residences of Murai and Nishioji. The cityscape of Hino has a nostalgic atmosphere reminiscent of Japan's Showa Period. Hina dolls are displayed along the streets and in merchant houses. There are also special viewing windows called "sajiki-mado" (桟敷窓) with which you can enjoy dolls that are on display. This can be seen from 1:00 in the video. Check out the video to see what kind of event "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" is. Hinamatsuri - A Traditional Japanese Event Photo:Hinamatsuri Hinamatsuri is an event celebrated on March 3rd, traditionally known as "Momo no Sekku" (the Peach Festival) to wish for the healthy growth of girls by decorating hina dolls with peach-blossoms, serving hina-arare (sweet rice cakes), and Japanese sweets, and preparing food such as chirashizushi, a type of bright and colorful sushi. Hina dolls generally consist of a male and female doll (Dairibina, 内裏雛), three or five court ladies (Kanjo, 官女), five musicians (gonin bayashi, 五人囃子), two ministers (Daijin, 大臣), and the protectors (Shicho, 仕丁). The history of Hinamatsuri dates back to before the Edo period (1603-1868). Nowadays, Hinamatsuri is a popular event for girls, where hina dolls are decorated and chirashizushi, sweets, and cakes are prepared. Also, during the event, children sing “Ureshii Hinamatsuri” (Happy Hinamatsuri), which can be seen at the end of the video. What is "Hino Hinamatsuri Travel Guide"? "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" started in 2008 with the aim of making Hino livelier, says Minoru Nakata, the organizer of the event, shown at 1:12 in the video. In the past, hina dolls were brought back by merchants of Hino for their daughters when they went out on business. Hino was a plain town where women and children generally stayed in the home. Now, there are more than 150 places, including the Omi Hino Merchant Museum (近江日野商人館), Omi Hino Merchant Furusato Hall (近江日野商人ふるさと館), Hino Machikado Kanno (日野まちかど感応館), and Umamioka Watamuki Shrine (馬見岡綿向神社), as well as merchant houses with sajiki windows, private homes, and store counters decorated with hina dolls, attracting tourists to Hino. Take the bus bound for Kitabataguchi (北畑口) from JR Omihachiman Station (JR近江八幡駅) or Omi Railway Hino Station (近江鉄道日野駅), and get off at Okubo Nishi (大窪西) or the Mukaimachi (向町) bus stop. There is also a parking for those driving. You can also enjoy specialties, such as Omi Hino Beef, pickled vegetables from Hino, and Hino Udon. What are the dates and highlights of the "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" 2024? The 2024 Hino Doll Festival Kikyuki will be held from February 11th to March 10th.The highlights include a number of historical dolls that can be seen from the pier window, as well as a word of the dolls displayed on the bamboo tube, and hina mikuji.It might be interesting to look at the dolls decorated with tasteful streets from a rickshaw. A handwritten picture map showing the highlights of each of the West and East venues can be found on the website of Hino Hinamatsuri Kikyuki executive committee caretaker Takashi Nakata, so please make sure to prepare it before going out. Summary of Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri Event in Hino, Shiga In this article, we introduced "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" along with the video "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue." You can get a good idea of what Hino looks like during the event. In addition to old hina dolls, cute origami dolls made by kindergarteners can also be seen in the video. If you're headed over to Shiga Prefecture, consider dropping by "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko"!