Video article 8:15
Enjoy Autumn Leaves and Hot Springs at Popular Sightseeing Spots in Japan's Tohoku Region! Heal in the Scenic Hot Springs of Hachimantai, a Place in Akita and Iwate Prefectures Loved by Many!
Travel Nature- 59 plays
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秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の動画について/h2> 「JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC」が公開した「JG 4K 秋田/岩手 八幡平の紅葉 Akita/Iwate Hachimantai」は、秋田・岩手の自然の景色を見られる八幡平を紹介している動画です。 八幡平の雄大な自然の中で楽しめる温泉や紅葉が紹介されています。 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平とは? 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平は、奥羽山脈北部にある山郡です。 日本百名山に選ばれている八幡平は、手軽な登山・ハイキング・トレッキングコースを楽しめる名所。 1956年には十和田八幡平国立公園に指定され、多くの観光客が訪れる人気のスポットです。 八幡平は、広い高原に火山起源の小さなピークや無数の沼、湿原が点在します。 9千~5千年前に発生した水蒸気爆発によって出来た火口に水がたまり、「めがね沼」「八幡沼」「ガマ沼」といった火山沼が形成されました。 また、八幡平は素晴らしい宿泊施設が充実しています。 「マウンテンホテル」「八幡平ハイツ」「ロイヤルホテル」などがおすすめ。 ホテルで温泉やグルメを楽しみ、充実した旅行にしましょう。 秋田・岩手の観光エリアである八幡平の人気スポット 数多くの見どころがある八幡平ですが、アスピーテラインの紅葉は外せません。 全国でも有数の美しさを誇る紅葉を堪能できます。 ゴルフを楽しみたい人には「八幡平カントリークラブ」。 日帰り登山を楽しみたい人は「八幡平山」。 鏡沼の雪解けの変わった風景を見られる「八幡平ドラゴンアイ」。 美しい花々を鑑賞したい人は「お花畑」がおすすめ。 ほかにも、「藤助森」「源太森」「見返り峠」「安比高原」「八幡平樹海ライン」「岩手山焼走り溶岩流」など見どころがたくさんあります。 秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の記事のまとめ 温泉、紅葉、登山とさまざまな魅力がある八幡平。 温泉や紅葉を楽しむのはもちろん、気軽に登れる登山はおすすめ。 八幡平登山口ルートや茶臼岳登山口ルートは初心者におすすめのルートなので、ぜひ挑戦してみてください! -
Video article 6:25
Hiraizumi" in Nishiwai-gun, Iwate Prefecture is a World Heritage Site! A condensed video of Chuson-ji, Motsu-ji and other sightseeing spots and attractions! Flowers blooming after the Great East Japan Earthquake, too!
Travel- 98 plays
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Hiraizumi" Sightseeing Spot Video Introduction This video, titled "World Heritage Site|Hiraizumi|nippon.com" (世界遺産 平泉 | nippon.com), was released by "nippon.com." It's a video showing the beautiful scenery of Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture, which became a World Heritage Site on June 26, 2011. The area including Chuson-ji Temple, where Konjikido, also a World Heritage Site, is located, is a popular spot for tourists. Hiraizumi prospered at the end of the Heian period (794-1185) thanks to the Fujiwara Clan, and many temples and ruins still remain today. The video shares the charms of Hiraizumi, a place where even the renowned Edo period (1603 to 1868) poet Matsuo Basho visited when writing The Narrow Road to the Deep North and wrote a haiku. A Closer Look at Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site in Iwate Prefecture Photo:The main hall of Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate. Hiraizumi is located in the southwestern part of Iwate Prefecture, in the town of Hiraizumi, Nishiwani. In the center of the town, there is the JR Tohoku Main Line Hiraizumi Station, which you can see from 1:51 in the video. In 2011 it became the first world cultural heritage in the Tohoku region under the title "Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land." Kinkeizan, seen from 1:47 in the video, and Kanjizaio-in Garden from 2:10, have been designated as World Heritage Sites. Motsuji Temple at 0:52 in the video, as well as Amida-do, Fuku-do, and Konjiki-do at Chuson-ji Temple are tourist spots that represent Iwate Prefecture and are visited by many tourists every year. On March 11, 2011 the area faced the Great East Japan Earthquake. As you can see from 3:05 in the video, there was a great deal of damage throughout the Tohoku region, and a tsunami also occurred centered around the Sanriku Coast in the Tohoku region. In June of the same year, Hiraizumi was registered as a World Heritage Site, and it became a beacon of hope for the Tohoku region, encouraging many people and supporting reconstruction efforts. After overcoming many disasters, many temples still stand today, and the sight of them gives people a feeling of hope. Enjoy Sightseeing in Hiraizumi Photo:Takkoku no Iwaya in Hiraizumi, Iwate There are many sightseeing spots in the center of Hiraizumi besides Motsuji and Chuson-ji. The ruins of Muryokoin, the Shirotoridate Ruins, and the Chojagahara Temple Ruins are important spots related to Buddhism, so we definitely recommend checking them out. There are many temples, gardens, and archaeological sites where you can feel the influence and ideals of Pure Land Buddhism. Takkoku no Iwaya is a temple in a rocky area about 10 minutes from Hiraizumi Station, which can be seen from 1:23 in the video. There are many buildings and gardens great for taking Instagram photos, and if you're planning on taking a leisurely tour of the area you'll need reserve an entire day for sightseeing. We also recommend using the Hiraizumi "Runrun" Loop Bus for sightseeing, as it's incredibly convenient. From the station, the bus will go around Motsuji Temple, Chuson-ji Temple, Muryokoin, Hiraizumi Cultural Heritage Center, the roadside station, and more. A single use is ¥150, but if you buy a day pass for ¥450 you can use it for the entire day as much as you want. Summary of Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site in Iwate Prefecture Photo:Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate This article introduced Hiraizumi, a place in Iwate Prefecture designated a World Heritage Site in 2011. Hiraizumi is a place in Iwate where you can feel the history of Japan's Tohoku region. There are also many restaurants around the station where you can enjoy delicious gourmet food. There's also "Yukyu-no-Yu" (悠久の湯平泉温泉) a hot spring in Hiraizumi about 10 minutes from the station, so consider stopping by to relax before heading home after a long day of sightseeing in the area. Watching this video before visiting Hiraizumi will help you to understand the history of not only Hiraizumi, but the history of Iwate Prefecture as a whole, and you'll be able to appreciate your trip even more. 【Official Website】World Heritage Hiraizumi|HiraizumiNavi – Hiraizumi Tourism Association https://hiraizumi.or.jp/en/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Hiraizumi-cho https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120431-Hiraizumi_cho_Nishiiwai_gun_Iwate_Prefecture_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:15
There's More to Morioka Than Just Chilled Noodles and Wanko Soba! Lots to See and Do, and Some of Japan's Top Tourist Attractions in Iwate Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 51 plays
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岩手県盛岡の観光地は魅力がたくさん こちらの動画は「webmorioka」が公開した「MORIOKA(long ver.)」です。 動画では日本の岩手県盛岡の観光スポットを様々な角度からご紹介しています。 盛岡観光で訪れるべき名所 岩手県盛岡には日本でも有数の名所が多く存在します。 石川啄木の出身地であることから「啄木詩の道」や、レンガ作りが美しい「岩手銀行赤レンガ館」、盛岡で最も古いレンガ作りの「旧石井県令邸」など多くの景勝地があります。 盛岡駅から20分ほどの場所には日本の天然記念物として指定された石割桜もあります。 樹齢は300年を超え、日本の樹木のなかでも最も有名なものの一つです。 また盛岡駅のそばにはマリオスという商業施設があり、展望室から岩手の景観を一望できる穴場のスポットです。 ホテルだけでなく、ショッピングや焼肉といったグルメもあるので、デートとしても便利でしょう。 盛岡駅からは観光地を循環するバスも定期的に運行しており、観光ルートをたどってくれるので、旅行の際には利用するのをおすすめします。 周辺には盛岡城址公園があります。 多くの自然が残り、春には桜が満開になります。 気候も穏やかなので花見には観光客が大勢訪れます。 盛岡の自然を満喫するために散策の際は多めに時間を確保しておきましょう。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめるアクティビティ 日本の中で川下りのアクティビティが行える場所はいくつかありますが、盛岡でもボートを利用して川下りのアクティビティが楽しめます。 夏には800以上の装飾されたボートが競う大会も開催され、盛岡の一大イベントにもなっています。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめる盛岡の行事 岩手の中で盛岡は様々な行事が行われています。 特に酒買地蔵尊例大祭の神輿は日本文化の一つとして一見の価値があるので動画の1:40の中でご覧ください。 インスタ映え間違いなしです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の文化を伝える施設 岩手県盛岡の文化を伝える施設としてもりおか町家物語館があります。 こちらでは日本の伝統工芸を広めるための工房などが敷設されており、南部鉄器を始めとした様々な岩手の伝統工芸にふれる事ができ、さまざまな情報が満載です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡観光で楽しむご当地グルメ 日本のなかでも岩手エリアのご当地グルメは非常に有名です。 盛岡せんべいや「わんこそば」、盛岡冷麺など挙げればきりがありません。 特にわんこそばは日本のグルメの中でも特徴的なもので、少量のそばが入ったお椀を何十杯と食べていくエンターテインメント性に富んだ人気グルメです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の観光をもっと楽しむ 盛岡観光で訪れるイベントとして、盛岡競馬場での競馬観戦や、盛岡さんさ踊りなどもあります。 息のあった踊りは圧巻です。 8月に行われる盛岡さんさ踊りでは3000人の演奏者が同時に太鼓の演奏をして、世界一の記録となりました。 また、毎年夏のイベントとして盛岡市の花火も人気です。 1万発以上の花火が上がる景色は絶景です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市紹介まとめ 盛岡には多くのパワースポットを持つ盛岡八幡宮や五百羅漢堂がある報恩寺など、歴史ある神社仏閣がたくさんあります。 日本の神様へお参りをして盛岡観光を安全に過ごせるように祈願しましょう。 グルメやイベントが盛りだくさんの盛岡の魅力をたくさん知ってください! -
Video article 3:09
The Carpet of the Gods – Aerial Footage of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma. Experience a Sea of Clouds, Sunrise, and Brilliant Autumn Colors on the Mountain Spanning Miyagi, Iwate, and Akita Prefectures!
Nature Travel- 147 plays
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The Carpet of the Gods – Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma|The Carpet of the Gods|Amazing Aerial Footage (Shot on a Phantom 4 Pro)" (栗駒山の紅葉 神の絨毯 絶景空撮 - Autumn Foliage at Mt.Kurikoma, Aerial Footage - (shot on Phantom 4 Pro)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Straddling Miyagi, Iwate, and Akita prefectures, Mt. Kurikoma is a mountain known for its beautiful autumn leaves. Its appearance is said to resemble that of a carpet for the gods. Mt. Kurikoma is a bucket-list location, and this video shows footage of the breathtaking mountain from the sky. Be sure to check it out as you read along. The Beautiful Autumn Colors of Mt. Kurikoma Photo:Mt. Kurikoma, Miyagi Prefecture Mt. Kurikoma is a 1,626-meter-tall volcano located in the central Tohoku region of Japan. It's known for its abundance of alpine flora, and is popular not only for hiking in the fall, but also in the spring and summer. Thanks to its many deciduous trees, including primeval beech forests and maple trees, the entire mountain changes color in autumn. The summit is of course spectacular, but the mountain features excellent viewpoints for the red and yellow autumn leaves as you hike your way to the top. The mountain is crowded with hikers who come to see the beautiful autumn leaves in the fall. There are nine different hiking courses on Mt. Kurikoma, and hikers can choose the one that best suits their fitness level and experience, which is one of the reasons it's so popular. When to See the Autumn Colors on Mt. Kurikoma Photo:The Carpet of the Gods - Autumn on Mt. Kurikoma Mt. Kurikoma is usually at its best from late September to mid-October. The autumn foliage begins near the summit and gradually spreads over the entire mountain, creating what is called "The Carpet of the Gods," as seen in the video. In 2022, the autumn foliage reached Iwakagami-daira at the trailhead on October 6. The "Carpet of the Gods" is so beautiful you can't help but gasp [Video] 0:33 - Autumn Leaves and the "Carpet of the Gods" on Mt. Kurikoma The entire mountain is truly a photogenic sight during the autumn, leading to crowds every year. When the autumn leaves are in season, the trailhead parking lot fills up quickly, creating traffic jams. For a limited time on weekends and holidays, an bus runs between Kurikoma-Kogen Station and the Iwakagami-daira trailhead, so visitors may want to consider using this service. Hiking on Mt. Kurikoma – Great for Beginners! Photo:Hiking on Mt. Kurikoma in autumn, Miyagi Prefecture Mt. Kurikoma has many well-maintained hiking trails. All trails can be enjoyed on a day trip, making it a pleasantly accessible hiking destination. Among the nine mountain trails, the Chuo Course and Higashi Kurikoma Course, which start from the Iwakagami-daira trailhead, are recommended for beginners. The Chuo Course, in particular, is the shortest trail (about 3 km) and it takes about 2 hours on average to hike it. It's recommended for beginners and families. The Sukawa Course from Sukawa Kogen Onsen is another trail suitable for beginners, but please note that it is currently partially closed due to high concentrations of volcanic gases (please check the latest news of the Iwate Prefecture official website). You can see what the hiking trails look like in the video as well. [Video] 1:39 - Mt. Kurikoma Hiking Trails Hot Springs Near Mt. Kurikoma; a Great Way to Relax After Hiking & Enjoying the Autumn Leaves Photo:Oyasu Valley in Autumn Next, we'll introduce some nearby sightseeing spots you can enjoy after viewing the autumn leaves at Mt. Kurikoma. There are several hot springs around Mt. Kurikoma where you can relax after a nice day of hiking: Sukawa Kogen Onsen (Ichinoseki, Iwate), Sukawa Kurikoma Sanso (Ogatsu, Akita), Shinyu Onsen Kurikomaso (Kurihara, Miyagi), Oyasukyo Onsen (Yuzawa, Akita), and Doroyu Onsen (Yuzawa, Akita). In addition to overnight stays, day-trip hot spring visits are also available, so consider stopping by one of these hot springs after a drive. Please keep in mind that traffic jams can occur and parking lots may be full during fall when the autumn leaves are in season. In addition, there will be sections where cars are restricted as well, so be sure to check hot springs' website for up-to-date information. In addition to the hot springs, other popular tourist attractions include the Kurikoma Foothills Geopark Visitor Center, Fukayama Pasture, and the some of the local restaurants. Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Kurikoma Mt. Kurikoma, one of Japan's "Top 100 Mountains for Flowers," is a popular tourist attraction for viewing both the fresh greenery of summer and autumn leaves in the fall, as well as alpine flowers and grasses throughout the year. If you're visiting from far away, we recommend staying at a hot spring hotel after hiking the mountain and enjoying delicious sake and local cuisine from Japan's Tohoku region! It's also a wonderful way to enjoy the autumn leaves. In the video, you can see the sunrise over a sea of clouds, as well as splendid views of the autumn leaves. [Video] 0:00 - Sunrise Over a Sea of Clouds on Mt. Kurikoma Mt. Kurikoma is called the "Carpet of the Gods" because of its spectacular views. We invite you to visit Mt. Kurikoma and experience its beauty for yourself! 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Kurikoma https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023415-d1386243-Reviews-Mt_Kurikoma-Kurihara_Miyagi_Prefecture_Tohoku.html