[COOL JAPAN VIDEOS] Now Available in Chinese and Korean

Aug. 9, 2023

COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Released in Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) and Korean

COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, which was released in Japanese on September 16, 2020 and in English on November 24, 2020, has now been released in Chinese (traditional and simplified) and Korean on August 10, 2023.

【Simplified Chinese】https://cooljapan-videos.com/cn

【Traditional Chinese】https://cooljapan-videos.com/tw


After the Chinese government banned group travelers to Japan in 2020, with the spread of the novel coronavirus, they have finally announced the end of the ban on group travel after roughly three and a half years on the same day we released the Chinese language version of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS.

We are honored to be able to release the Chinese version of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS on the same day that such a major announcement was made. We're looking forward to sharing the charms of Japan to Chinese and Taiwanese people looking to learn more about the country.

~COOL JAPAN VIDEOS in Chinese and Korean & Tourism to Japan~

The newly released Chinese and Korean versions of the site can be used to attract inbound customers.

COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a new platform for promoting the charms of Japan and can be used to learn more about Japan before visiting.

Nowadays, websites and social networking services are often chosen as a means of gathering information before traveling abroad.

COOL JAPAN VIDEOS features more than 2,000 video articles accompanied by original articles written by affiliated writers. Native speakers of English, Chinese (traditional and simplified), and Korean are in charge of translations, so that foreign visitors to Japan can obtain information about Japan visually and in writing without any sense of discomfort.

In addition, each article has links to Wikipedia, TripAdvisor, official websites, and Google Maps, as well as information about facilities, etc., so that users can easily find the information they're looking for.

A New Dedicated Social Networking Service to Promote the Charms of Japan

Companies and local governments focused on inbound demand can promote their products and services to both domestic tourists as well as tourists from China, Taiwan, and South Korea, in addition to tourists from English-speaking countries, free of charge.

The service's inbound social networking functionality is extremely cost-effective in terms of inbound promotion, as simply posting in Japanese is all that is required to reach out to inbound tourists.

※Currently, approximately 60 local governments, tourism associations, and tourism federations throughout Japan have joined the service.

We invite all local governments, tourism associations, and tourism federations in Japan, as well as companies considering marketing their products and services to tourists visiting Japan, to take advantage of this opportunity.
