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Dylan Gibson
Oct. 12, 2021
A photo I took a little while back while on a small boat ride through Tokyo. This photo was of Ishikawajima Park, a small riverside park that looks like it'd be a nice place to relax and have some lunch with a friend or date or just get some fresh air. I'd like to come back and visit the area when I have some time and see what else is in the park, as well as take a look at the surrounding buildings and what they might have in the area as far as restaurants and shopping, etc. It's really nice that Tokyo seems to be returning to a relatively normal state and I'm seeing more people out and about and infection numbers don't seem to be on the rise currently. Hopefully this trend continues and I can start going out more and visiting all of the eateries and stuff I've been missing out on over the last year and a half!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Ship/Boat
  • River
  • Chuo City
  • Park
山川 さおり
Sep. 11, 2021
This is the autumn foliage scenery of Koankyo in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture. This is a canyon formed by the deep erosion of both banks of the Minase River over many years. When you go down the stairs of the rocks, there is a promenade at the end of which there is a "large spout" where hot water and steam of 98°C are gushing out violently. Fresh green in spring, autumn leaves. And in winter, you can enjoy the large icicles "shigakko" that descend into the canyon. This photo was taken overlooking the autumn foliage scenery from Kawarayu Bridge.
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  • Autumn
  • Autumn leaves
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • Instagrammable
  • Photogenic
  • Tohoku region
  • River
  • ...and 1 others
山川 さおり
Sep. 11, 2021
This is the autumn foliage scenery of the Kinhana Valley in Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture. Xiangbang Valley is one of the 100 Japan Scenic Spots, and is a valley of about 2 km that was formed by the erosion of limestone by the Sunatetsu River. Cliffs about 100 meters high stand on both banks, and the flow of the mountain stream is very quiet. On the boat descent, the boatman skillfully maneuvers the boat with a single rod and tells you "Geibi Oiwake". Of course, the autumn leaves are splendid, but when the wisteria flowers bloom in the season of fresh greenery, they are also quaint and emotional.
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  • Autumn
  • Autumn leaves
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Great view
  • Instagrammable
  • Photogenic
  • Tohoku region
  • River
  • Sightseeing
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 9, 2021
Another photo that I took earlier this summer in Kumagaya. I've noticed Japan has a lot of interesting statues, many of which are naked lol. I'm not 100% sure what the text on the plaque says for this photo either (I'm really bad at reading anything but standard fonts) but I think it's "花園の歌" or "A Song in a Flower Garden" or something to that effect. I thought it was a rather peculiar statue to see in Japan. I wonder if it has some other cultural influences behind it. Either way, I thought it was nice that I was able to get a photo of it with the koinobori and the canal in the background. I'm curious to see if there are other statues or works by this artist, so I'll have to see if I can read the name at the bottom and look it up later.
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  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Summer
  • River
  • Art
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 26, 2021
Lots of awesome photos being posted today. It's kind of making me jealous with how beautiful they all are. I went for a walk today and took a picture somewhere along the Arakawa River. I'll have to try and walk it all the way to Kitasenju someday lol. That or maybe take it all the way to Chichibu in Saitama. I know it's a really long river. I don't think I could make it that far though sadly. Kind of disappointed that summer is basically over already but at the same time I'm excited for the autumn colors this fall. Hopefully I can get out and visit some temples and shrines out in the countryside or something. I saw some photos like that mostly in Kyoto but I'm sure there are some places nearby Tokyo or in the Kanto region in general where I can see some nice scenery. If not then I'll just have to go somewhere and find it!
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  • River
  • Tokyo
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Japan
  • Autumn leaves
  • Walk
  • Temple
  • Shrine
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 19, 2021
Was pretty nice weather outside today, felt good to be outside for a bit. Finally got to work out again, wasn't able to since I had to wait after getting my first shot of the vaccine. Trying to eat a bit healthier lately, avoiding sweets and stuff like that. The convenience stores in Japan are really amazing for having pretty tasty salads and even different varieties. Wouldn't be able to find that at most convenience stores in America. I've been trying to do some meal planning but I need some more recipes so I'm not just eating the same thing though. Not being able to go outside much this year was a little rougher on my body than I would have imagined. Managed to put on a couple pounds lol. Gotta get back in shape before winter, though, the heat helps with weight loss which is nice. The weather is supposed to be pretty decent this weekend too, so hopefully that doesn't change. Would like to go to the river and have a picnic or something like that. That's all for today I guess. Here's a photo of a station I took a few days ago. Thought it looked kind of neat with all the wires and everything. Would probably be better with a nicer camera though lol
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  • Summer
  • Convenience store
  • River
  • Picnic
  • Sunny
  • Exercise
  • Photo Contest
Toshikun stone
Jul. 16, 2021
Summer twilight Thunder had been rumbling violently since early afternoon today. But these days, you might be able to see the sunset at times like this! I started to think, and I went to my usual place after 6 o'clock (^-^) Then, as expected, even the clouds were dyed red! !! Next time, I'm dying to take a picture of the surface of the water (^-^)(^-^)(^-^) Shooting date 2021.7 Shooting location Kochi Monobe River estuary Camera:SONY α7c Lens:TAMRON 17-28mm F/2.8 Di III RXD
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  • Summer
  • Sunset
  • River
  • Kochi Prefecture
  • Reflection
  • Photo Contest

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