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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Sep. 25, 2023
Today, I would like to introduce a little about the characteristics of our school. Our school has some special classes other than using textbooks. Extensive... At our school, there is a reading time called "Extensive Reading". By interacting with Japanese books and enjoying them, you will naturally improve your Japanese language skills. They may also create pops about books they read extensively and post them at local libraries. Philosophical dialogue ... This is a class where students think in Japanese and make presentations in Japanese. Listening to other students' opinions broadens your horizons. Presentation competition... Present about the problems and current situation in your country. This event, which invites guests from outside and presents it once every six months, has become a major event, taking about two months to prepare. All of our faculty members have teaching experience at universities. It can be said that the biggest feature is that you can experience academic classes while at a Japanese language school. Class observation and entrance examination information are available at any time. Please feel free to contact us.
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  • Japanese-language school
  • International students
  • Life in Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Hachioji
  • School
  • Education
Dylan Gibson
Oct. 6, 2021
I tried to take a decent photo of Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower in Shinjuku, but didn't have enough to to really get up close to it unfortunately, so this building is in the way lol. I didn't realize that the tower was filled with educational facilities until now. Apparently the architects liked the cocoon shape because they felt it symbolized the nurturing of the students that would be inside of it. It's pretty interesting and a great concept in my opinion. Japan has a lot of cool architecture, both modern and historic and I love seeing them both. Hopefully next time I visit Shinjuku I'll be able to get a better view of the tower, although it might be a while lol. Either way, pretty cool place!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Architecture
  • Photography
  • Education

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