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Hiroaki Okuyama
Apr. 16, 2021
Invited by the sunny weather, I visited Kajo Park in Yamagata City to see the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms were beginning to disperse. As I walked on the stone wall of the castle, I heard a dignified sound of shooting in the calm cherry blossom blizzard. The sound of arrows shooting bows and shooting at targets resonated very pleasantly. (Posted with the consent of the individual.) He was humbled that the shooting form was still a long way off. )
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  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture
  • Archery
  • Instagrammable
  • Photo Contest
Hiroaki Okuyama
Apr. 15, 2021
Karamatsu Kannondo in Yamagata City is located in the upper reaches of the Umamigasaki River, which is famous for the best imoni ceremony in the Japan. It was built in 1661 by the castle owner at that time, Prince Matsudaira Tadahiro. The main statue, Kannon-sama, is said to be the work of Kobo Daishi, and the hall is built in imitation of Kyoto Kiyomizu-dera Temple. It is said that this Kannon-sama was brought by Princess Toyomaru, who was married to charcoal-grilled rattan according to the instructions of Shimizu Kannon. Against the backdrop of the golden culture of the Oshu Fujiwara clan, there are legends of charcoal grilled rattan, the legend of the second generation Kinbai Yoshitsugu, and legends that the princess invited Minamoto no Yoshitsune, making it feel like an old tale.
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  • Spring
  • Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture
  • Instagrammable
  • Photo Contest

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