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Oct. 9, 2023
Autumn in Japan... Speaking of which, I have a strong image of the mandarin flowers blooming on the far shore, and I can't forget the Kinchakuda I went to five years ago. During the Coronavirus pandemic (2 years ago), all the flowers were cut before flowering. It was unavoidable, but I watched the news with a very sad feeling. This year, the Coronavirus pandemic will return to normal after the event, so I went there because I wanted to see the bright red carpet again, but the Kinchakuda was still a masterpiece. This year Coronavirus pandemic it was crowded with many people, just like before, and it was this autumn that I realized the joy of the dawn of the Coronavirus pandemic that everyone's feelings are the same.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Instagrammable
  • Autumn
  • Photogenic
  • Flowers
Oct. 6, 2023
It was cloudy on this day, but for a moment, the light came in and the fantastic scenery spread. Every year in late September, more than 3 million red spider liliies grown by local people bloom all at once along the Yakachi River embankment for about 1.5 km, and the entire area is covered with a bright red carpet. It is named after the description written in the fairy tale "Gongitsune" that "the higan flower is blooming like a red cloth". It all started with planting red spider liliies bulbs at the suggestion of Daizo Oguri, who had played with the creator Nankichi Niimi as a child.
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  • Autumn
  • Photo Contest
  • Aichi Prefecture
  • Handa
  • Spider Lily
Oct. 2, 2023
While straddling my bicycle to go shopping, I met a nice red spider liliies on the road along the river that I entered to take a slightly different route today (* '∇'*) At the red spider liliies that is in full bloom along the Aburayama River in Noaku, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka City, I felt the beginning of autumn at the same time as the end of summer, so I hurried back to take pictures and took a photo session ?. red spider liliies has a negative image, but I have ☺️ a bright impression like a fireworks.
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  • Autumn
  • Photo Contest
  • Fukuoka Prefecture
  • Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
  • Spider Lily
  • Nature
  • Photography

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