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Community Posts

Dylan Gibson
Mar. 12, 2021
I really love seeing these massive fireworks displays and this one is really incredible. Just comparing the height of the fireworks to the height of the builds in the city you can get an idea of just how large-scale this fireworks show is. I know the Minato Kobe Marine Fireworks Festival is in October but I'm hoping to see some fireworks this spring at least. I know summer is a little far off but there's definitely going to be fireworks then, that's for sure. I remember the one trip I went to Kobe I didn't get to see these amazing fireworks, but I was able to dry some delicious Kobe Beef burgers that were really just incredible. I would have liked to go to a steak restaurant but it didn't really fit our itinerary. It ended up working out though, as the burgers were great!
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しんご @shingo_camera
Sep. 25, 2020
Minatokobe Marine Fireworks Festival.
One of the three great night views in Japan
It's a night view of Kobe, but in such a situation
The fireworks that are launched are night views and fireworks.
The collaboration is very beautiful.
It was canceled in 2020, but I can't wait for next year.
  • Fireworks
  • Kobe
  • Hamburger
  • Spring
  • Summer
Dylan Gibson
Mar. 10, 2021
Today was nice and warm today, I even opened the window for a bit and let the breeze roll in. Hoping it continues like this although apparently Saturday it's supposed to rain. I'm looking forward to getting out this spring and enjoying riding some bicycles myself. The cherry blossoms should start blooming nicely in Tokyo next week so that's something nice to look forward to as well! I'll have to look for some good parks to ride in. There's a bike rental down the road from where I live and it's really cheap which is nice so hopefully I can make use of it. That or I'll just head out further into the countryside lol. Either way, looking forward to spring!
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Youko Yoshida
Mar. 10, 2021 (edited)
Cycling while watching Kawazu cherry blossoms (*ˊ ̆ˋ*). ♪:*°
#Spring#Cycling#Nagashino's Kawazu cherry blossoms
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Sunny
  • Rain
  • Cycling
  • Park

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