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Dylan Gibson
Mar. 23, 2021
Man this is really beautiful. I never knew peach trees were this beautiful. I knew about plum trees and cherry trees of course, but these are really beautiful as well. It's so cool how the different colors and shades mix together in such a perfect way too. I wonder if they were planted to turn out like this or they just grew to be this way naturally. The river nearby is really amazing as well. It'd be a nice place to just sit and have a small picnic. I'm definitely jealous of anyone that gets to live near this area? I'd love to be able to wake up every morning during spring and see such an amazing view outside my window. I'll be going to see some cherry blossoms this weekend though so I can't complain too much!
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Hanamomo no Sato in Nagano Prefecture's Shimoina District Is a Spectacular Location Dyed in Shades of Pink! Feel the Arrival of Spring at This Paradise on Earth in Japan!

  • Cherry blossoms
  • Cherry blossom viewing
  • Nagano Prefecture
  • River
  • Spring
Dylan Gibson
Mar. 22, 2021
Wow this is amazing. I've heard of Kumano Kodo before, but this is just way too beautiful. One thing I find interesting about this is the two sides of the path; It looks as though it's 2 very different areas. The soil on the left and right looks completely different, and the tree on the left are covered in foliage, whereas the trees on the right are all stripped of their leaves. I wonder if this is some cool natural phenomenon. I'd love to go hiking here and find a nice spot by a lake and just have a picnic/barbecue for the day. I wonder if there are any lakes nearby here. I'll have to do a bit of research it seems! I love how just looking at this I can feel the history and imagine how people would have traveled down this path for their pilgrimages hundreds of years ago. Awesome!
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Mar. 21, 2021
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  • bbq
  • World Heritage
  • Spring
  • History
  • Mie Prefecture
  • Nature
Dylan Gibson
Mar. 21, 2021
Went on a walk into town to grab a bite to eat and came across this park. Had some really nice flowers. There were some pigeons hopping around as well so I took a picture of one of them? Loving spring so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more awesome sights like this. Things are becoming more and more lively, and it's really awesome to see it slowly happening. It's like everyone was in hibernation with covid and now that spring is finally upon us we're all sort of coming out of hibernation and starting to get outside again. It rained pretty badly today but with rain will come even more beautiful scenery!
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  • Spring
  • Flower garden
  • Nature
  • Tokyo

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