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Dylan Gibson
Mar. 26, 2021
This place looks really cool. I don't get to see much on Ehime Prefecture but I know it has places like Dogo Onsen. This Lake Okubi looks interesting though, the pictures makes it look like there's just a tall drop off on the other side lol. Hopefully that isn't the case though; might be a little dangerous otherwise? I love the perspective of this photo though. The cherry blossoms and the fog just sort of rolling through the mountains in the backdrop, looks really beautiful. I wonder if there are in koi in the pond or something like that. I guess I'll have to check it out for myself!
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Mar. 26, 2021
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  • Ehime Prefecture
  • Sightseeing
  • Ponds
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Spring
  • Nature
Dylan Gibson
Mar. 25, 2021
Wow, what an amazing photo. It so cool to see different angles like this. Back in America the orientation of the stars is different and it makes two very different skies (I think I prefer this angle more personally). This Myoko Sunshine Land looks interesting though. Might be a fun place to go on a date. Or if you have kids obviously it'd be great for that. Niigata is just a little outside of day travel distance though so I'd love to visit here, but it'd be in the future definitely. Maybe I can get a decent camera and try to start taking some pictures like this, although I doubt I'd be able to snap anything this good lol
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青山 昇
Mar. 24, 2021
It is an ♬ old amusement park called Myoko Sunshine Land in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture.
It is ♬ a collaboration between the Milky Way ? and the Ferris wheel ? that can only be taken at this time of year.
  • Milky Way
  • Theme park
  • Niigata Prefecture
  • Spring
  • Space

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