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Dylan Gibson
Aug. 30, 2021
Weather wasn't too bad this weekend! I managed to get a little shopping in as well. There were a few things I needed to buy and I went to Akabane for the first time in a while. I really like the layout of the area. It's really convenient and the shopping street has a bunch of stuff that you can look at. I'd like to explore the area more one of these days, but that will have to wait until after the pandemic ends I suppose. I managed to find some interesting statues around one of the shopping centers as well. I wasn't able to take a photo of all of them because people were sitting next to them, but I took a photo of one of them at least. I'll have to go back to get photos of the other 5 or 6 next time. There was one statue of a man fishing, I thought it was pretty cool. Anyways, here's the first one right outside of the entrance. A small warrior in armor holding a spear in one hand and what looks to be some sort of pagoda in the other.
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  • Japan
  • Shopping
  • Sunny
  • Tokyo
Dylan Gibson
Aug. 27, 2021
A photo I managed to take while walking today. Wasn't able to get up close unfortunately. I think it's Katori Shrine although I could be wrong on the reading of the kanji. The weather was pretty decent today, not as cloudy as usual. I'd like to go back here and see what the inner portion of the shrine is like so I guess I'll have to make another trip over here. Been keeping at my workouts. I want to buy a bench but I'm not sure where I'd even keep it lol. I'd rather workout outside if possible anyways, the outdoors in Japan is great. Even in the middle of Tokyo you can find places covered in greenery. I want to start jogging to work on my lung capacity and overall health but I really hate jogging lol. I know the track along the Arakawa River would be perfect for it too, but I'm not sure. Maybe I should get a bike since it's a really nice cycling route. Then again I'm not sure where I'd keep the bike either lol. Anyways, hope everyone is having a great Friday!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Shrine
  • Summer
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