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Hiroaki Okuyama
Apr. 23, 2021
Aomori, Akita Lake Towada and the Hakkoda mountain range From the Hagitoge Observatory on the Akita Prefecture side, this is a view of Lake Towada and the Hakkoda mountain range in Aomori Prefecture. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom here and there, or petals are scattered, but the area around Lake Towada is still early spring. The snow on the shoulder of the road is drifting cold air. On a sunny day, the blue sky and the blue surface of the lake made the whiteness of the remaining snow of the peaks of Mt. Hakkoda vivid.
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  • Spring
  • Instagrammable
  • Akita Prefecture
  • Aomori Prefecture
  • Photo Contest
Hiroaki Okuyama
Apr. 23, 2021
Iwate Prefecture Gose Dam cherry blossom trees I went out to photograph the cherry blossoms of Koiwai Farm with Mt. Iwate in the background, but unfortunately the cherry blossoms had just blossomed, and Mt. Iwate did not appear due to the temperature difference between the mountains and the sky. I stopped by because the row of cherry blossom trees at Gosho Dam that I passed by was splendid. It was impressive that the cherry blossom grove seemed to shine in the sunlight shining through the clouds.
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  • Spring
  • Iwate Prefecture
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Instagrammable
  • Photo Contest

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