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Dylan Gibson
Sep. 17, 2021
Some more photos I took at Todaiji Temple. The first statue is of Vaisravana (多聞天/毘沙門天), another of the Four Heavenly Kings, holding a staff and some sort of small pagoda,. The second statue is Cintamanicakra (如意輪観音), a bodhisattva. The third photo is a (unfortunately poor quality) photo of Vairocana, the Cosmic Buddha from my understanding. The rest of the photos are models of Todaiji's Great Buddha Hall from 800 and 300 years ago, and Nandai-mon, the Great South Gate. The pagoda is, from my understanding, a replica of one of the lost pagodas that used to be located at Todaiji Temple, but I believe was burnt down? I could be wrong about that though. Then last is a photo of the heads of Virudhaka (増長天)(left), and Dhrtarastra (持国天)(right), two of the Four Heavenly Kings. Lots of cool stuff to be seen at Todaiji! Definitely recommend it. My photos don't do it justice at all.
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  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Nara Prefecture
  • Temple
  • Buddha statue
  • Photography
  • Model
Dylan Gibson
Sep. 16, 2021
I found some photos of when I visited Todaiji Temple. I took a photo of the bronze lantern out front of the temple because I thought it looked really cool, but it's pretty crazy to think that the lantern is around 1,300 years old at this point. I also took some photos of a few of the statues inside the temple, the first being Akasagarbha (虚空蔵菩薩), one of the Eight Great Bodhisattva, and the second (which took me forever to find the name of...) being Virupaksa (広目天), one of the Four Heavenly Kings. I'm not sure what Virupaksa is made of but I think this statue is made of wood, although I could be wrong. It looks like a different material from the other statues inside the temple, although it's been quite a while since I visited and I can't recall exactly. All the statues are really awesome though. I'll have to upload some more photos later!
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  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Nara Prefecture
  • Temple
  • Buddha statue
  • Lanterns
Dylan Gibson
Jun. 4, 2021
What a beautiful photo! It actually reminded me of the Takeda Castle Ruins. All of the amazing autumn foliage and the sea of clouds in the area. Dang it, now I have to come here in two different seasons lol! I already knew the cherry blossoms were amazing on Mt. Yoshino but now I have to see the autumn foliage as well and hopefully the sea of clouds along with it. I love that you can see Kinpusenji Temple as well. I guess it's a World Heritage Site and I'd love to see it. I wonder if there are any nice inns up here as well. It'd be an amazing experience to stay the night up on the mountain after sightseeing in the area with all the natural scenery and the temple and then have some kaiseki cuisine at a nearby inn... But now I'm just getting myself excited and hungry haha. I'll have to do a bit more research later!
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Nguyen Vu
Jun. 4, 2021 (edited)
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  • Nara Prefecture
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Temple
  • Kaiseki cuisine
  • Japanese inn
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 9, 2021
Tsukigase, looks like a really nice place. I looked at their local website and the natural scenery is all just as amazing as this photo makes it out to be. It looks like they have some really nice parks in the area as well. It looks like it'd be a really great place to go out on a boat on a sunny day. Also looks like it'd be a nice place to catch some fish as well, I wonder if it's allowed here? I guess there are some hot springs in the area as well. The whole area would probably make for a really nice weekend trip or even maybe you could even spend a week here in the spring and go hiking as well. I guess it's Nara so it's not too surprising that there's so much amazing stuff to see!
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Apr. 8, 2021
Scenery on the shore of Lake Tsukigase.
In the mountains, the scenery that was missing left an impression.
  • Nara Prefecture
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Fishing
  • Park
  • Great view
  • Nature
  • Bridge

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