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Dylan Gibson
Apr. 11, 2022
Was nice weather over the weekend so I did a little exploring. Found this nice little temple near the Sumida River called Hozoin Temple (寳蔵院) in Arakawa. I wasn't sure where exactly I was allowed to go inside the temple, and I didn't have much time anyways, so I just took a peak through the gates and snapped a photo. It was a really quaint place and apparently it has some landscape paintings and itabi tablets. From what I saw, it looked like there was a garden across the ground. Maybe a rock garden or something of the sort, I wasn't able to get a good look at it though. The area around the temple was the hunting grounds of the Tokugawa Shogunate as well it seems. Pretty amazing to imagine there was enough greenery in the area to hunt in the past. Also managed to stop by a nice udon/soba restaurant for lunch. It was called Sunaba (砂場) I believe. I ordered the kamo (duck) nanban udon and it tasted great. Haven't had duck in a while, but it's always a treat. The lady taking orders was really nice as well. Overall a great place!
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  • Japan
  • Tokyo
  • Temple
  • Gourmet
  • Udon
  • Soba
  • Spring
  • Arakawa City
Apr. 5, 2022
Photographing cherry blossoms along the Gojo River flowing through Aichi Prefecture. The shooting day was very warm and mild, and the weather was blessed. You can only enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom for a few weeks throughout the year. I am fascinated by the sight of cherry blossoms that maximize their charm in a limited time. In order to express this strength, I took this photo by looking up at the sun from the backlit side. Her figure is like a woman who is both strong and beautiful. I also want to aim to be like cherry blossoms and cherish every day and spend my strength.
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  • Nature
  • Photo Contest
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Cherry blossom viewing
  • Flowers
  • Sunny
開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
Apr. 4, 2022
【English/Japanese】 These are cherry blossoms at Shinshoin, a temple in Nishi-Hachioji. This temple was opened by the daughter of the famous warlord "Shingen Takeda". Unlike ordinary temples, it is very gorgeous with feminine decorations. Our school goes to visit it once a year. Before the visit, students learn in class about the tragic love story for which this temple was built. There are many historical buildings near the school. It can be said that Nishi-Hachioji is a very good environment for studying Japanese language. It is the cherry blossom of the temple "Shinshoin" in Nishi Hachioji. This temple was opened by the famous warlord "Daughter of Takeda Shingen". Unlike ordinary temples, there are decorations that make you feel feminine, and they are very gorgeous. At our school, we visit once a year. Before the tour, the students learn the story of the tragic love that this temple was built in class. There are many historical buildings near the school. It can be said that Nishi Hachioji is a very good environment for learning Japanese.
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  • Japan
  • Japanese-language school
  • Study abroad
  • International students
  • Tokyo
  • Hachioji
  • Temple
  • Sightseeing
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Spring
Justin Schultz
Apr. 4, 2022
Decided to go back to Gyoda again this weekend. We had such a good time last time we went we decided we wanted to check out the cherry blossoms this spring. Managed to visit some really nice places. We originally wanted to use the rental bicycles that they have in front of the station but we got there past noon and all of them were taken unfortunately. Fortunately for us, it ended up getting a bit colder later on so it actually worked out. We got lucky as there was a really convenient sightseeing bus that rolled through the station to all of the major places in the city every 45 minutes or so. We checked out the cherry blossoms at Gyoda Castle and they had the Hanachozu (花手水, pots of flowers floating in water). We were able to see a few of these throughout the city which was nice. They also had traditional umbrellas on display in a few areas around the castle which was really pretty. After Gyoda Castle we visited the Sakitama Burial Mounds which had some really beautiful views of the cherry blossoms. There was also a flock of herons flying around the area but I wasn't able to get a very good photo of any of them. Luckily we got some great photos of the cherry blossoms and the main mound and had a really enjoyable time. We also stopped by Suijo Park and there were some food stalls in the area, but we got there when everything was just about closed so we only got to see a few of the vendors. We managed to get a really tasty lemonade and a latte though. Both tasted really good. Surprisingly there were a lot of cosplayers at the park. We probably saw like 20-30 people cosplaying using the bridges and cherry blossoms in the area. On the way back to the station we managed saw this river during the bus ride and so we backtracked a little bit after getting to the station (about 5 minutes walking) and got to enjoy some really phenomenal views of the cherry blossoms along the river. There were hardly any people there as well, surprisingly. Overall it was a really awesome time!
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  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Park
  • Castles
  • Ancient burial mound/Ruins
  • Sunset
  • Saitama Prefecture
  • Photography

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