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Community Posts

May. 22, 2021
Tsunoshima Bridge, Yamaguchi The sea is so emerald green that I was surprised! !! A place with a strong impact that will remain firmly in the memories of traveling from a distant place. I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was working in the fourth wave, and I just stayed home on holidays, and when the corona calmed down, my family increased, and now I want to drive 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Great view
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Instagrammable
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
May. 21, 2021
What an awesome photo. I actually read a small article on here about Akiyoshido Cave but I don't remember seeing this in the video. It looks like a really cool place to visit if I ever head out to Yamaguchi so I'd definitely love to check it out. I'm not sure if this is some sort of illumination event, but it looks like it has had some in the past so I'm assuming that's what this is. It's pretty crazy there's such a large limestone cave in Japan, but then again Japan does have a lot of mountains and pretty good snowfall each year so it makes sense that something like this would form. I haven't really been on a spelunking trip or anything like that. I've visited a few caves before, but nothing quite on this level. Looks like a cool first experience.
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May. 20, 2021
Yamaguchi Akiyoshidai Limestone Cave (Akiyoshido) Exit Tunnel
Akiyoshi Cave was also a masterpiece of limestone caves created by nature, but the exit was also mysterious and it was also a place where the travel voltage increased.

I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was in the fourth wave, and I was at work, and on holidays, I just stayed home and when the corona calmed down, I would like to drive for 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu again.

I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible.
Please save as many lives as possible.
I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
  • Limestone cave
  • Akiyoshido Cave
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • Nature
May. 20, 2021
Tsunoshima Bridge, Yamaguchi The sea is so emerald green that I was surprised! !! A place with a strong impact that will remain firmly in the memories of traveling from a distant place. I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was working in the fourth wave, and I just stayed home on holidays, and when the corona calmed down, my family increased, and now I want to drive 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • Travel
  • Photography
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
May. 20, 2021
Yamaguchi Akiyoshidai Limestone Cave (Akiyoshido) Exit Tunnel Akiyoshi Cave was also a masterpiece of limestone caves created by nature, but the exit was also mysterious and it was also a place where the travel voltage increased. I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was in the fourth wave, and I was at work, and on holidays, I just stayed home and when the corona calmed down, I would like to drive for 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu again. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Travel
  • Instagrammable
  • Great view
  • Photography
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
Apr. 22, 2021
Gorgeous photo! I want to visit the Tottori Sand Dunes so badly. There was a photo of them going around the internet a while back with the covered in snow. It's such a strange concept to me having snow on sand. I, and probably most people as well, generally associate sand dunes and deserts with hot weather so it's really sort of fantastical. I've still never actually experienced that in person, and I lived relatively close to a beach most my life. It always got cold there but didn't snow much, or if it did I just wasn't going anywhere near it I suppose lol. The San'in Region is supposed to be full of really amazing natural scenery though so it seems like it'd be a cool place to visit during the summer or even for golden week or something.
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Apr. 21, 2021
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  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Tottori Prefecture
  • Sand dunes
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Snow
  • Spring
  • Summer

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