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Mar. 8, 2024
SAMURAI⚔HONOR Hinomoto Ichi Calligraphy Class ■ Lecturer: Mika ■ Career: Introduced to calligraphy from the age of 4 Hard brushes, hair brushes, fountain pens, Manyo kana are all possible. From the age of 18, she traveled the world with her mother's work. Graduated from the Faculty of Education. Japanese language teaching license, English and Korean are also available. ■ Honors: A calligraphy master who is the caretaker of a dormitory for international students on the university campus and has a very cheerful personality.
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  • Samurai
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Bushido
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Sightseeing
  • Tea ceremony
  • Osaka Castle
  • Calligraphy
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Japanese swords
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Mar. 6, 2024
【Flying Heavenly Sword Ryu ⚔ Nine-Headed Dragon Flash】 In other words, in front of my Nine-Headed Dragon Flash, your Nine-Headed Dragon Flash will not work! Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. In other words, in front of my Kutouryuusen, your Kutouryuusen is useless! #RurouniKenshin #hitenmitsurugiryu #Battoujutsu #SanadaYukimura #SAMURAI #hikoseijuro #katana #samuraisword #Rurouni Kenshin #Hiten Goken-ryu #Sword Technique #Sanada Yuki Village #SAMURAI #Seijuro Hiko #KATANA #samuraisword
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  • Samurai
  • Warring States Period
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Japanese swords
  • Bushido
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  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Osaka Castle
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Mar. 5, 2024
【外国の方のお名前を漢字で】 好きな漢字を書道として書くだけでなく、英語、フランス語等のお名前に書道マスターが漢字を当て、お客様に漢字でお名前を書いてもらうといった体験が人気です。 漢字は一文字一文字に意味があるため、名前に使われた字がどんな意味を持つのかを知るのが楽しいと評判です Foreigner's name in Kanji characters Not only writing favorite kanji characters as calligraphy, but also having a calligraphy master apply kanji characters to names in English, French, etc., and having customers write their names in kanji characters is a popular experience. Since each kanji character has its own meaning, it is popular that it is fun to learn what the characters used in the name mean!
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  • Calligraphy
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Samurai
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Bushido
  • Tea ceremony
  • Samurai lord
  • History
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
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Mar. 5, 2024
【漢字とお土産の相性は抜群】 書道マスター教室で好きな言葉や自身の名前の当て字を、それを日本ならではの扇子に書いていただきます。 それを、お土産として、世界にたった1枚のオンリーワン扇子の完成です。 Kanji and souvenirs go hand in hand. You can write your favorite word or your own name in a calligraphy master class and have it written on a uniquely Japanese fan. You will then be able to complete your one-of-a-kind fan as a souvenir!
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  • Calligraphy
  • Cherry blossom viewing
  • Omotenashi
  • Ume・Plums
  • Sanada Loophole (Osaka City)
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  • Magome-juku
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  • oosakajoukouen station
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Mar. 3, 2024
【Samurai are both literate and disciplined⚔】 兵を学ぶ者は経を治めざるべからず。 何となれば(兵)は凶器なり、逆徳なり。 用ひて以て仁義の術を済さんには、苟も経に通ずる者にあらずんば、安んぞよく然らんや。 Those who study military science must master Keigaku (the study of sutras). Only those who have mastered Keigaku can utilize the Art of War, which can be both a weapon and a vice, as an art of benevolence.
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  • Samurai
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Bushido
  • Warring States Period
  • Sightseeing
  • Tea ceremony
  • Calligraphy
  • Osaka Castle
  • Photo Contest
  • Japanese Warrior
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Feb. 24, 2024
[Honor of the Samurai in the Tea Room ⚔ of His Highness] Osaka Full Marathon break at "Mobile Chanoyu" at ε-( ́∀'*) Dust The history of the tea ceremony is about 530 years from the time of Ashikaga Yoshimasa to the present day. The year 380 until the end of Edo was the age of the samurai. The fact that ⚔ samurai have led 70% of the history of the tea ceremony His Highness's Tea House
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  • Tea ceremony
  • Marathon
  • Bushido
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Osaka no Jin
  • Photo Contest
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Feb. 21, 2024
【大阪城】日ノ本一の書道マスター教室を着物で体験 漢字には一文字一文字に意味が込められています。 外国の方のお名前も漢字にて。 またそれを扇子や掛け軸に書いてお土産にどうぞ Osaka Castle] Experience the best Japanese calligraphy master class in kimono. Each kanji character has its own meaning. You can write the name of a foreigner in Kanji characters. You can also write it on a fan or a hanging scroll as a souvenir.
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  • Calligraphy
  • Photo Contest
  • Samurai lord
  • Osaka (City)
  • History
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Pilgrimage
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • Traditional culture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
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Feb. 18, 2024
仁とは、人としての思いやり、他者への憐れみの心のこと。 “武士の情け”には、仁の精神が内在している。 他者への思いやりを忘れてはならない。 仁の精神は、人の上に立つ者の必須項目である。 Jin is the human spirit of compassion and sympathy for others. The spirit of benevolence is inherent in "samurai compassion. We must not forget compassion for others. The spirit of benevolence is essential for those who stand above others.
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  • Calligraphy
  • Osaka Castle
  • Japanese swords
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Tea ceremony
  • Photo Contest
  • Experiences
  • Sightseeing
  • Samurai lord
  • ...and 10 others
Feb. 15, 2024
An ancient style of swordsmanship that originated in the Warring States period, Hiten Goken-ryu specializes in one-on-one combat. Why don't you master the Hiten Goken-ryu, a killer sword of divine speed, which maximizes the speed of the sword, the speed of the body, and the speed of reading the opponent's movements to finish off multiple opponents simultaneously with a minimum of movement, under the supervision of Hiko Seijuro, the 66th successor of the style, and make your trip memorable? 60 min. 22,000 yen Inheritance of Hiten Goken-ryu Tensho Ryusen Professional Movie Shooting 戦国時代に端を発する古流剣術で、一対多数の斬り合いを得意とする流儀。 剣の速さ・体のこなしの速さ・相手の動きの先を読む速さを最大に活かし、最少の動きで複数の相手を同時に仕留める神速の殺人剣の飛天御剣流を第六十六代目の継承者である比古清十郎のもとで、極め、旅の思い出に残しませんか。 60分 22,000円 飛天御剣流 奥義継承 天翔龍閃 プロフェッショナルムービー撮影
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  • Experiences
  • Calligraphy
  • Samurai lord
  • Tea ceremony
  • Photo Contest
  • Osaka (City)
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Warring States Period
  • Bushido
  • Japanese Warrior
  • ...and 10 others

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