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Feb. 23, 2024
【武士の誉れ】✕【俥天力】 新世界は通天閣で人力車観光ガイドをサービスとしています俥天力さんに挨拶?… だけでなく色々とお願いしてきました。 『武道を興さんとならば、先ず恥の一字より興すべし』 我々は、本来行うべき仕事以上に、名を上げることができる行いはない… 経済的な事情で内職をしたり農業にいそしんだりしても、武士であれば、武士として何ができるかを考えるべきだという意味らしく、早速、俥天力 様にコラボ撮影をお願いしてきました? 忙しいときにご迷惑をおかけして、かたじけない。 ⚔侍は走らない。 走ってはならない。 いかにも悠々として歩く。 侍が走る時は、一大事が起きた時だけだ ⚔侍は常に両手をあけている。 いつでも抜刀できるように。 通常、荷物は持たない。 荷物がある場合には、従者に持たせる。 馬に積む。 どちらもいない場合は #人力車 に乗る⚔ 俥天力 Samurai Honor Honor of the Samurai✕Jinrikisha Tenriki I went to Shinsekai to say hello? to Jikisha Tenriki, a rickshaw tour guide service in Tsutenkaku, and also to ask him for some help. If you want to start a martial art, you must first start with a word of shame. It seems to mean that we should think about what we can do as a warrior, even if we are doing domestic work or farming for economic reasons. I apologize for the inconvenience at this busy time. ⚔Samurai do not run. Do not run. They walk in a very leisurely manner. The only time a ⚔samurai runs is when something big is happening. ⚔The Samurai always keep their hands open. ⚔Samurai always keep their hands open so that they can draw their swords at any time. They usually carry no baggage. If they have luggage, they have their attendants carry it. If there is luggage, it is carried by a follower or loaded on a horse. If neither is available, they ride in a #jinrikisha⚔. jinrikisha tenriki Samurai Honor
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  • Rickshaw
  • Cherry blossom viewing rickshaw
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
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  • Bushido
  • Warring States Period
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Feb. 21, 2024
【大阪城】日ノ本一の書道マスター教室を着物で体験 漢字には一文字一文字に意味が込められています。 外国の方のお名前も漢字にて。 またそれを扇子や掛け軸に書いてお土産にどうぞ Osaka Castle] Experience the best Japanese calligraphy master class in kimono. Each kanji character has its own meaning. You can write the name of a foreigner in Kanji characters. You can also write it on a fan or a hanging scroll as a souvenir.
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  • Calligraphy
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  • Samurai lord
  • Osaka (City)
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Feb. 18, 2024
仁とは、人としての思いやり、他者への憐れみの心のこと。 “武士の情け”には、仁の精神が内在している。 他者への思いやりを忘れてはならない。 仁の精神は、人の上に立つ者の必須項目である。 Jin is the human spirit of compassion and sympathy for others. The spirit of benevolence is inherent in "samurai compassion. We must not forget compassion for others. The spirit of benevolence is essential for those who stand above others.
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  • Calligraphy
  • Osaka Castle
  • Japanese swords
  • Osaka Prefecture
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Feb. 15, 2024
An ancient style of swordsmanship that originated in the Warring States period, Hiten Goken-ryu specializes in one-on-one combat. Why don't you master the Hiten Goken-ryu, a killer sword of divine speed, which maximizes the speed of the sword, the speed of the body, and the speed of reading the opponent's movements to finish off multiple opponents simultaneously with a minimum of movement, under the supervision of Hiko Seijuro, the 66th successor of the style, and make your trip memorable? 60 min. 22,000 yen Inheritance of Hiten Goken-ryu Tensho Ryusen Professional Movie Shooting 戦国時代に端を発する古流剣術で、一対多数の斬り合いを得意とする流儀。 剣の速さ・体のこなしの速さ・相手の動きの先を読む速さを最大に活かし、最少の動きで複数の相手を同時に仕留める神速の殺人剣の飛天御剣流を第六十六代目の継承者である比古清十郎のもとで、極め、旅の思い出に残しませんか。 60分 22,000円 飛天御剣流 奥義継承 天翔龍閃 プロフェッショナルムービー撮影
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  • Experiences
  • Calligraphy
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  • Warring States Period
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Feb. 11, 2024
"Bushido is found in death." Experience the life and death of a samurai in SAMURAI Calligraphy. Samurai calligraphy (calligraphy of resignation) is a calligraphy in which a samurai looks back on his life when he foresees his death and writes his last words on earth with a brush. In the Warring States Period, before the last great battle of the war, the battle of Osaka, SAMURAI foresaw his death, looked back on his life so far, and left one last character on the world's largest calligraphy paper. “武士道とは死ぬこととみつけたり” 侍の生と死のあり方をSAMURAI書道で体験します。 SAMURAI書道(辞世の書)とは、侍が死を予見したときにこれまでの人生を振り返り、この世での最後の文字として筆で書き残すもの。 戦国時代、最後の大戦である大坂の陣という戦を前に、SAMURAIは死を予見して、これまでの人生を振り返り、世界最大の書道紙に最後のひと文字を残しましょう。
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  • Calligraphy
  • Chinese characters
  • Death poem
  • Tea ceremony
  • Japanese swords
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  • Samurai lord
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Feb. 5, 2024
【In admiration of the first foreigner who became a Samurai】 Have you ever heard of a samurai named "Yasuke"? About 440 years ago, Yasuke became a vassal under Oda Nobunaga and was later granted samurai status. What is surprising is that he was an exotic man of African origin. Yasuke left his mark on the pages of Japanese history as "the first foreigner to become a samurai.
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  • Samurai lord
  • Bushido
  • Sightseeing
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Osaka (City)
  • Photo Contest
  • Osaka Castle
  • Japanese swords
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Japanese Warrior
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