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May. 23, 2021
Tsunoshima Bridge, Yamaguchi The sea is so emerald green that I was surprised! !! A place with a strong impact that will remain firmly in the memories of traveling from a distant place. Seeing this will increase ? the voltage of your trip I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was working in the fourth wave, and I just stayed home on holidays, and when the corona calmed down, my family increased, and now I want to drive 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • Travel
  • Instagrammable
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
May. 23, 2021
Tsunoshima Bridge, Yamaguchi The sea is so emerald green that I was surprised! !! A place with a strong impact that will remain firmly in the memories of traveling from a distant place. I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was working in the fourth wave, and I just stayed home on holidays, and when the corona calmed down, my family increased, and now I want to drive 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Great view
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Instagrammable
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
松山 正之
May. 22, 2021
Horai Bridge is the longest wooden pedestrian bridge in the world. It is a wooden bridge over the Oi River in Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture. <Quoted from Shimada City website> Horai Bridge is an agricultural bridge built in 1879 (Meiji 12) to clear the Makinohara Plateau. Before the bridge was built, you had to cross the Oi River by small boat. It was dangerous to go back and forth. It is still used by farmers in the old city to manage the tea plantation on the opposite bank. In addition to playing an important role as a farm road, the Horai Bridge is a historic land improvement facility.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • Instagrammable
  • Local PR
  • Photography
  • History
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
May. 21, 2021
What an awesome photo. I actually read a small article on here about Akiyoshido Cave but I don't remember seeing this in the video. It looks like a really cool place to visit if I ever head out to Yamaguchi so I'd definitely love to check it out. I'm not sure if this is some sort of illumination event, but it looks like it has had some in the past so I'm assuming that's what this is. It's pretty crazy there's such a large limestone cave in Japan, but then again Japan does have a lot of mountains and pretty good snowfall each year so it makes sense that something like this would form. I haven't really been on a spelunking trip or anything like that. I've visited a few caves before, but nothing quite on this level. Looks like a cool first experience.
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May. 21, 2021
Yamaguchi Akiyoshidai Limestone Cave (Akiyoshido) Exit Tunnel
Akiyoshi Cave was also a masterpiece of limestone caves created by nature, but the exit was also mysterious and it was also a place where the travel voltage increased.

I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was in the fourth wave, and I was at work, and on holidays, I just stayed home and when the corona calmed down, I would like to drive for 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu again.

I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible.
Please save as many lives as possible.
I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
  • Limestone cave
  • Akiyoshido Cave
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • Nature
May. 21, 2021
Tsunoshima Bridge, Yamaguchi The sea is so emerald green that I was surprised! !! A place with a strong impact that will remain firmly in the memories of traveling from a distant place. I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was working in the fourth wave, and I just stayed home on holidays, and when the corona calmed down, my family increased, and now I want to drive 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • Travel
  • Photography
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
May. 21, 2021
Yamaguchi Akiyoshidai Limestone Cave (Akiyoshido) Exit Tunnel Akiyoshi Cave was also a masterpiece of limestone caves created by nature, but the exit was also mysterious and it was also a place where the travel voltage increased. I went to the photo 6 years ago, but due to the new coronavirus, I was in the fourth wave, and I was at work, and on holidays, I just stayed home and when the corona calmed down, I would like to drive for 12 hours with my family of four and travel to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kyushu again. I pray that the corona will settle down as soon as possible. Please save as many lives as possible. I hope that medical professionals can return to normal as soon as possible.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Travel
  • Instagrammable
  • Great view
  • Photography
  • Yamaguchi Prefecture
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
May. 20, 2021
Beautiful view, looks like Mt. Yoshino if I'm not mistaken? Either way, I totally agree. Can't wait for corona to be over so I can finally take my mask off and walk around and smell the fresh air. During the spring when the cherry blossoms were in bloom I was walking on a street with cherry blossoms and took my mask off for a second (no one was around) and I realized it was the first time I'd had my mask off outside all spring. Smelling the cherry blossoms was amazing, just a full year of wearing a mask and you nearly forget what nature smells like. Hopefully, come spring next year I'll be able to walk outside and smell the cherry blossoms and whatever else is blooming in the area. I'd love to be able to go traveling again just like normal and be able to take in not just the sights and sounds, but the smells as well. Until then, just gotta keep hanging in there! Edit: This is Takami no Sato, not Mt. Yoshino. I was mistaken. They look very similar though!
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May. 19, 2021
The sight of the mountains dyed pink with drooping cherry blossoms in full bloom is a masterpiece.
After Corona, I want to take off my mask and breathe in the fresh mountain air as much as possible.
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Spring
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Cherry blossom viewing
May. 19, 2021
This is a photo taken from the deck of a ship heading to Gunkanjima when I visited it about two years ago. It was a place that I had been wanting to visit for a long time because it was used as a movie location, so I remember taking this photo with great excitement. At this time, the sky was clear and the sun was strong, and the dark blue sea sparkled in the reflection of the sunlight. The castella ice cream I ate on the return boat is also a memory. When Corona settles down, I would like to visit again.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Kyushu region
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
May. 19, 2021
What an incredible photo, the coloring of the floats goes perfectly with the sunset and the clouds. What an awesome looking festival. I've never heard about Murakami Taisai, but it looks like it's about 400 years old now and some of the floats created 200 years ago are still used even today. I've never actually visited Niigata but it looks like a fun place. Just inconveniently placed I guess lol. Seeing cool photos like this though really makes me want to visit. This festival is in early July as well, so not too far off. Might be cool to visit and get some of the festival food I've been missing out on. Can always make yakisoba at home but it just never really hits the same as some made at a yatai!
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May. 18, 2021
Intangible Cultural Property Murakami Grand Festival
I want ♫ to see this festival with a lot of people again.
  • Japan
  • Travel
  • Niigata Prefecture
  • Chubu region
  • Festival
  • Food stall/Over-the-counter sale
  • Mikoshi/Dashi
  • Shrine
May. 18, 2021
? Triangle Miyakojima Miyako Island, Okinawa ? Miyakojima ? !!! It is such a beautiful island that even I, who live in Okinawa, will growl. I'm speechless in agony. From the famous spot called Triangulation Although shooting Passing through the forest next to the road, Just through the grass A precipice ? that only two people can really stand The current Miyako is While there are many grandparents and grandmothers, medical care is not in place, and Corona has been brought in by tourists quite a bit, so let's ❤️ put up with photos for now! It's the season when a lot of sea turtles are swimming, and ? I hope Corona will end soon!
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  • AfterCorona
  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Remote island
  • Online GoTo Travel
  • Instagrammable
  • Great view
  • Nature
  • Sightseeing
  • Japan
  • Summer
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
May. 18, 2021
I totally overlooked this the other day. Didn't see it at all. What an awesome bridge. Horai Bridge in Shimada, Shizuoka. Apparently the longest wooden walking bridge and even recorded in The Guinness Book of World Records. Amazing that it was built in 1879 but it can still hold so many people and is in such good shape. I wonder if it gets regular maintenance done. That newer looking segment partway through would have me think so. According to a quote in the original post taken from the Shimada City Homepage, the bridge was for agricultural use to cultivate the Makinohara Plateau which lays on the other side. Previously the people would have to cross by boat which was apparently dangerous. Looks like a really nice place to visit and the bridge has some history as well. Cool stuff!
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松山 正之
May. 14, 2021 (edited)
Horai Bridge is the longest wooden pedestrian bridge in the world.
It is a wooden bridge over the Oi River in Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

<Quoted from Shimada City website>
Horai Bridge is an agricultural bridge built in 1879 (Meiji 12) to clear the Makinohara Plateau. Before the bridge was built, you had to cross the Oi River by small boat.
It was dangerous to go back and forth.
It is still used by farmers in the old city to manage the tea plantation on the opposite bank. In addition to playing an important role as a farm road, the Horai Bridge is a historic land improvement facility.
  • Japan
  • Bridge
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • Agriculture
  • History
  • Shizuoka Prefecture
Dylan Gibson
May. 17, 2021
Such a picturesque rock garden, I can't even imagine how relaxing it would be to just sit down somewhere nice in the garden on a quiet day and enjoy lunch or some tea. Mibudera is another temple I need to add to my list for the next time I visit Kyoto I suppose. I wonder if there are any koi in the pond at all. I never knew that this temple was the headquarters of the Shinsengumi either, that's some pretty cool history. I guess that explains why they have such a nice rock garden though. I'd like to explore this place a bit, I guess there's a graveyard dedicated to members of the Shinsengumi here as well. Sounds like a really interesting place to visit. Of course it's Kyoto too, so that's to be expected
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May. 16, 2021
After the heavy rain, I want to see the garden of Mibudera again, where water accumulated in the pond and sparkled!
I want to go to Kyoto!
  • Japan
  • Temple
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • Japanese garden
  • Travel
  • Sightseeing
  • History
松山 正之
May. 14, 2021
Horai Bridge is the longest wooden pedestrian bridge in the world. It is a wooden bridge over the Oi River in Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture. <Quoted from Shimada City website> Horai Bridge is an agricultural bridge built in 1879 (Meiji 12) to clear the Makinohara Plateau. Before the bridge was built, you had to cross the Oi River by small boat. It was dangerous to go back and forth. It is still used by farmers in the old city to manage the tea plantation on the opposite bank. In addition to playing an important role as a farm road, the Horai Bridge is a historic land improvement facility.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Local PR
  • Travel
  • History
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
May. 13, 2021
What a cool looking lizard, that blue tail is really something else. Kenroku-en is a garden that I really want to visit specifically because it has so much awesome natural scenery. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've actually seen any lizards or geckos in Japan... I haven't exactly been looking for them as much as I would have when I was a kid but I really should try to keep my eye out for some of the smaller creatures to be found in Japan. I've seen a serow really close before and thankfully haven't run into any bears while in Japan but I'd definitely like to see more wildlife as it's quite different than the wildlife where I'm from. On a side note I learned a new phrase in Japanese recently that has to do with lizards - トカゲの尻尾切り - apparently it means to evade blame by pinning it on a subordinate and abandoning them. Thought that was pretty funny lol
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May. 12, 2021
This photo was taken at Kenrokuen Garden.
When I was walking and looked down, there was a lizard, so I approached slowly and snapped.
The moment I was able to take this picture, I was glad I came to Ishikawa Prefecture!

When Corona subsides, I want to travel to various places again.
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Ishikawa Prefecture
  • The Three Great Gardens of Japan
  • Animals
May. 13, 2021
Koedogawagoe Walk Japanese candle HAZE Be healed by candlelight It's not about things to give Lighting time Japanese candles bought as memories Seasonal Japanese candle "See you tomorrow" I want to visit again after corona Japanese candle HAZE "See you tomorrow." Instead of saying goodbye, the word "see you tomorrow" is a wish for a reunion. The time when all mankind communicates with each other True peace comes. “See you tomorrow” Not to mean “good-bye” but a word that looks forward to a “reunion.” When we exchange the words “See you tomorrow” between all mankind, this is when true peace comes.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Japan
  • Saitama Prefecture
  • Kawagoe
  • Traditional culture
  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • Souvenir
  • Photography
  • Bucketlist
  • Instagrammable
  • ...and 1 others
Dylan Gibson
May. 12, 2021
This looks like a really cool place to visit in Yamanashi if you're heading over to Mt. Fuji or the five lakes. Apparently this place (Saiko Iyashi no Sato Nenba) was destroyed by a landslide caused by a typhoon in the 60s but was rebuilt some 40 years later. Looks like there's a bunch of stuff to do as well: museums, galleries, craft making experiences, etc. I'm curious as to whether or not the thatched roofs are constructed the same way as the Gassho-zukuri roofs of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama, as they look very similar. I bet it'd look really nice in the winter when it snows and there's also cherry blossoms in the area so that'd be nice for visiting in the spring. Looks fun!
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松山 正之
May. 8, 2021
Lined with thatched-roof houses overlooking Mt. Fuji, a World Heritage Site
"West Lake Healing Village".

There is no doubt that you will be healed by the original scenery of the Japan.
  • Thatched roof
  • Mt. Fuji
  • Spring
  • Travel
  • Japan
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Museum
  • Yamanashi Prefecture

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