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Dylan Gibson
Jun. 3, 2021
Whoa, what a cool photo. Never knew you could take photos like this in Osaka. I 100% thought this was snow when I first saw it and was wondering what beach it was. I've heard Osaka has some beaches, but I wasn't expecting this. Even the sky looks foggy like on a snowy day. Quite a different contrast to the beautiful blue water and skies I'm used to seeing at Japan's beaches, but this is really cool as well. I'm curious as to what's happening in the photo as well.. Seems like an interesting place to play the drums. Or at least interesting weather to play the drums in lol. I've never really thought of Osaka as a place for its beaches, but this kind of has me interested. I guess Osaka Bay is pretty large so it makes sense for it to have some nice beaches. Gotta check them out nice time I visit!
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Jun. 2, 2021
The sea in Osaka before Kansai was declared a state of emergency due to Corona. On this day, the yellow sand was amazing, and even though it was a pure white beach, it was extra white. This is a photo of memories that I like because it seems to be another world. I want to go again, this time with the blue sky in the background...
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Kansai region
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
Dylan Gibson
Jun. 1, 2021
What an amazing view. I've only been to Chiba a few times, but never this far down south. This Cape Nojima looks really amazing though. I can imagine it's quite the view for anyone living near the water. I guess there's a lighthouse here as well, I'd like to see that, maybe take some photos. There's also an "Ocean Museum" near here as well I guess that looks pretty cool. They have some paintings, scrolls, ship ornaments and other stuff like that it seems. I wonder if you can learn about the history of fishing in the area or something. I always like seeing documents and materials that show stuff about how people lived in the past or how a certain region has changed. This photo feels so strange though, it feels like it's a deserted area almost, despite being modern looking. Just a weird feeling I guess lol. Great photo though!
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May. 31, 2021
This is a summer sunset view of Cape Nojima, the southernmost tip of the Boso Peninsula, which I visited on my first trip before getting married to my wife. It's been three years since then, but now that my son was born, it's a place that the three of us definitely want to visit next time. The dinner buffet at an old-fashioned inn called Nankaiso, which is located right next to Cape Nojima, is also one of the things I look forward to.
  • Chiba Prefecture
  • Coast/Beach/Sea
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Great view
  • Instagrammable

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