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Jun. 21, 2021
I took this photo when I went to Hokkaido for the first time before Corona. I remember at Asahiyama Zoo in December, the snow was flickering and it was cold anyway. At that time, I had just started using cameras, and because I didn't bring gloves, it was difficult for my hands to gnaw and release the shutter. I took pictures of various animals in the park, especially in such a cold and dignified and cool! It was this panther that I thought. At this time, I had just started developing, and as a result of trying various things, my eyes turned blue lol. I've only been to Hokkaido once, so I'm definitely going to go when Corona is over.
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  • AfterCorona
  • Travel
  • Animals
  • Zoo
  • Winter
  • Hokkaido Prefecture
  • Snow
  • Asahikawa
  • Sightseeing
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
May. 13, 2021
What a cool looking lizard, that blue tail is really something else. Kenroku-en is a garden that I really want to visit specifically because it has so much awesome natural scenery. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've actually seen any lizards or geckos in Japan... I haven't exactly been looking for them as much as I would have when I was a kid but I really should try to keep my eye out for some of the smaller creatures to be found in Japan. I've seen a serow really close before and thankfully haven't run into any bears while in Japan but I'd definitely like to see more wildlife as it's quite different than the wildlife where I'm from. On a side note I learned a new phrase in Japanese recently that has to do with lizards - トカゲの尻尾切り - apparently it means to evade blame by pinning it on a subordinate and abandoning them. Thought that was pretty funny lol
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May. 12, 2021
This photo was taken at Kenrokuen Garden.
When I was walking and looked down, there was a lizard, so I approached slowly and snapped.
The moment I was able to take this picture, I was glad I came to Ishikawa Prefecture!

When Corona subsides, I want to travel to various places again.
  • Japan
  • Nature
  • Ishikawa Prefecture
  • The Three Great Gardens of Japan
  • Animals
Feb. 20, 2021
With the theme of winter, I wondered what I could shoot in the Kanto region, where it doesn't snow, and the first thing that came to mind was birds. When I was looking for winter birds in the Japan, there was a bird called "Tsugumi", so I took a picture of it singing. By the way, the most important thing I tried to do in this shoot was to stand at the same level as the birds. I thought that by standing on the same line of sight, I could see the scenery as "Tsugumi" sees.
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  • Winter
  • Photography
  • Animals
  • Kanto region
  • Photo Contest
Dylan Gibson
Feb. 18, 2021
What a cute photo! I remember when I went to Akita, I don't remember the name of the flower park I'd have to look it up, but they had a small rabbit enclosure there and it was really neat getting to see them just hopping around munching on carrots and stuff. The place had some really good ice cream as well so that was a big plus. Speaking of ice cream, I just remembered the babahera ice that I had in Akita. That stuff was really good as well. It was like a sort of sherbet I think, but apparently it's only sold by old ladies which is how it got its name. I guess that's an interesting fact that I have to share today. If you're ever in Akita be sure to keep an eye out for it. I think I tried it somewhere around Lake Tazawa
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Oct. 18, 2020
Located in Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Okunoshima is said to be home to 1,000 rabbits, commonly known as "Usagi Island".
  • Japan
  • Animals
  • Flower garden
  • Ice cream
  • Akita Prefecture
Dylan Gibson
Jan. 18, 2021
Wow this is awesome. I haven't gotten to see an iguana up close in so many years. They're really amazing creatures, apparently they're an invasive species in Japan. You learn something new every day I guess. I think I went to Sunshine City like last year or something but I haven't been to the Sunshine Aquarium before unfortunately. If they have iguanas then I'd love to go see them lol. I went to an aquarium a few years ago when I visited Kyoto but it's been a while since then. I really love checking out the jellyfish too, there's so many different types and the aquariums I went to in the US never seemed to have any which seemed kind of strange. Still hoping one day I'll get to see one of the dolphin shows that I always see. I seem to always barely miss the line and the wait time until the next one is always really long. Japan has some really cool aquariums though, so I'm looking forward to when I can visit them!
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Nov. 26, 2020 (edited)
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  • Aquarium
  • Animals
  • Japan
  • Tokyo

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