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Jan. 29, 2024
【KOZUE】 Nishijin weaving is a high-class material that has been used for the costumes of the upper classes such as aristocrats and samurai, and it feels like a piece of wabi-sabi that tried to express the beauty of "Japanese" to the best of its ability. Wabi-sabi is a term used to describe Japanese aesthetic sensibilities, which find beauty in imperfection and simplicity. 〜[KOZUE] Introducing three products from the brand 〜 『寫眞帖』 【Nishijin Woven ×寫眞書物 (Photo Book)】A luxurious photo book using traditional craft fabric Nishijin weaving. Attention to detail is meticulous, and the album is filled with important thoughts of travel. Modern design, unique floral patterns, seasonal shades, and luxurious fabric feel. Choose the Nishijin weaving cover that matches your favorite book. JPY 4,800 "NISHIKI Nishiki" Cold and warm bottle holder carefully woven by craftsmen in Nishijin weaving. Commercialized by Nishijin weaving for carrying PET bottles. JPY 4,500 "Weir" Bringing the traditional Japanese "Nishijin weaving" to everyday life. Combining tradition, art, and functionality, this coaster item will add color to your day. JPY 1,800
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  • Nishijin brocade
  • Traditional crafts
  • Traditional technique
  • Traditional culture
  • Traditional amusement
  • Samurai
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Japanese swords
  • ...and 10 others
Nov. 22, 2022
Kintsugi is a traditional restoration technique of Japan. I've been interested in trying it for a long time, but I thought it was a technology that used lacquer and had high hurdles. This summer, the Kamakura Sculpture Museum was indebted to Enoden's "Mizutamaten" held in Kamakura. Kamakura carving experiences are held regularly, but they hold a kintsugi class once a month, so I applied without hesitation. A pulp art plate made by transferring the texture of pulped paper to clay, the lid of the teapot that my mother liked and used, the ceramic teacup that my late master bought for me because it was a little chipped and I used it carefully with glue ... Things that have been chipped or broken even if you use them carefully, and things that you want to repair when Kintsugi is made, are close to you. In the monthly class, you can learn how to make useful tools for kintsugi, so it is very informative and fun. While being impressed by the ideas of the people of the past, such as mixing lacquer and flour to glue the applied parts, I thought about the warm hearts of the ancient Japan people who cherish things. The teacher told me that this would be what would happen if I did this, but I wanted to go this far, so I was in a little hurry to work on it, and it turned out to be a sure thing, so I reflected a little. Calm down Be polite While enjoying the process of repairing While cherishing the hearts of Japan, wabi-sabi
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  • Japan
  • Traditional technique
  • Art
  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • Kamakura

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