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Jan. 26, 2024
Resignation" means saying goodbye to this world. Therefore, the book written at the time of one's departure from this world is called the "Book of Resignation. 「辞世」とはこの世に別れを告げることです。 そのことから、この世の去り際に書き記した書を「辞世の書」といわれています。 Imagine that you are facing death to a female assistant staff member. The last Chinese character left to be written in this world as a calligraphy of resignation. 女性アシスタントスタッフに、死を前にしたことをイメージ。 この世に書き残された最後の漢字を辞世の書として 【Dragon】 It is considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. The dragon is also considered to be a being of wisdom and power, and a symbol of monarchs and heroes.  【龍】 豊穣や繁栄の象徴とされている。 また、龍は知恵と力を兼ね備えた存在とされ、君主や英雄の象徴とも 【Dreams】 is a Chinese character originally meaning "dark" or "not seeing well. 【夢】 とはもともと、「暗い」「よく見えない」という意味を表す漢字です。
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  • Death poem
  • Calligraphy
  • Chinese characters
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Samurai
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Osaka (City)
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • What Will You Do, Ieyasu?
  • Sanada Yukimura
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Jan. 25, 2024
【SAMURAI HONOR Staff Resignation】 - A gem of a brush that touches the transience so much that it hurts - ⚔Way⚔ Traditional Japanese "martial arts" include kendo, judo, karate, and sumo wrestling, all of which contain the word "do." "Path" is a process, a process. It can also be rephrased as a way of life. The average life expectancy of a samurai during the Sengoku period is said to be about 42 years old. The average life expectancy for men in Japan today is about 81.5 years, and for women it is 87.6 years... Compared to today's lifespan, SAMURAI had only about half the time, and they were running through an era when they didn't know what their life would be like tomorrow   In other words, "martial arts" is about finding and practicing your own way of life, along with aiming for mastery of techniques. Also, the SAMURAI who are scattered at a young age ... They say life is fleeting. It painfully reminds us of its transience in the words of our predecessors, and when I read it, it makes me think about the rest of my life.
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  • Japanese Warrior
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Japanese swords
  • Osaka Castle
  • Warring States Period
  • Samurai lord
  • Experiences
  • Armor/Helmet
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Jan. 25, 2024
〜The correct way to participate in the "Bushido ⚔ Holy Land Pilgrimage" toured by [Samurai Style], which is more than 4 times more satisfying〜 1. When you look at the places and scenery where historical characters were, you can feel their feelings and immerse yourself in the worldview of the past Warring States period. For example, by walking in the same way as the place that appeared in the scene of the battle, you will notice new elements, understand the bushido of the SAMURAI, and become more sympathetic and your push level will increase. 2. You can take a fantastic and one-of-a-kind photo movie. In SAMURAI taiga dramas and movies, beautiful views and buildings tend to be used as backgrounds in the works. The scenery that makes you feel like you are in a fantasy world is real in various parts of Japan, so take a photo with yourself dressed as SAMURAI against the background. If you like social media, fantasize about this sense of accomplishment and the desire for approval later. ( ̄ー ̄)Grinning 3. Also, if you know the history and the story of a specific SAMURAI, you will see the same scenery differently. While insisting on "let's take a picture with the same angle of view as that scene", welcome to the m(_ _)m world of delusion By the way, I'm the same as Kenshin in his land, the same Hiten Goken-ryu Mystery Tensho Ryu Sen... Since it was unreasonable, I challenged ⚔ the Nine-Headed Dragon Flash 4. You can experience the charm of the area If you deepen your understanding of the place through pilgrimage to the Holy Land, you will be able to learn about the local area and culture. It will also be an opportunity to visit unusual sightseeing spots that are not generally known. There are many pilgrimage spots in SAMURAI, from popular spots known for their tourist spots to places that do not seem to be tourist spots at first glance. Why don't you add "SAMURAI's BUSHIDO⚔ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land" to your next travel theme and sightseeing spot?
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  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Photo Contest
  • Osaka (City)
  • History
  • Japanese Warrior
  • Warring States Period
  • Calligraphy
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Osaka no Jin
  • Sanada Yukimura
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st situation
Jan. 22, 2024
We would like to express our deepest sympathies on the occasion of the recent Noto earthquake. Before I took the high school entrance exam, I also prayed from the bottom of my heart not to give up hope for those who were victims of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, whose houses were destroyed, and who were evacuated to the gymnasium of my junior high school and the houses of relatives. A light shining for the future 2024 Kobe Luminarie
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  • Photo Contest
  • Japan
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  • Great view
  • Local PR
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  • Hyogo Prefecture
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Jan. 21, 2024
オ・モ・テ・ナ・シの向上のためにスタイル研修 武士道を極める体験 SAMURAIは鍛錬・行使・身の処し方などを徹底します。 それらを生と死のあり方を通じて体験していただきます。 名誉の観念は外聞や面目などの言葉で表されるが、裏を返せばすべて「恥」を知ることである。 「恥ずかしいことをするな」「対面を汚すな」「人に笑われるぞ」武士の間では羞恥心を知ることが幼少の教育においてまずはじめに行われた。 Style training to improve OMOTE NASI Experience to master Bushido At SAMURAI, we thoroughly train, exercise, and carry ourselves. You will experience them through the ways of life and death. The concept of honor is expressed in words such as appearance and face, but on the other hand, it all comes down to knowing ``shame.'' ``Don't do anything embarrassing.'' ``Don't make your face dirty.'' ``People will laugh at you.'' Among the samurai, learning about shame was the first step in childhood education.
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  • Omotenashi
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  • Experiences
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Photo Contest
  • Warring States Period
  • Tea ceremony
  • Nishijin brocade
  • Machiya Residence Inn Buke Yashiki
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st situation
Jan. 19, 2024
Hyogo Prefecture Kobe City Oji Zoo There was a plan to demolish it suddenly due to the issue of attracting a university, but somehow I was able to see this scene due to the opposition movement of one side of the community. In the past, my parents often took me to this place, and it is also a place of memories with my wife, and now I bring my children to this place every year during the cherry blossom season and it is a place of memories with my family, so I hope to see this scene when my children grow up.
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  • Photo Contest
  • Japan
  • Sightseeing
  • Travel
  • Photography
  • Great view
  • Local PR
  • Nature
  • Photogenic
  • Instagrammable
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Jan. 17, 2024
"Every time morning comes, a samurai prepares himself to die, and in the silence of the morning, he imagines himself being struck by lightning, burned by fire, and slashed with a sword or spear. I wonder if I can remember that the outside of the front door is the world of death." ... It's ⬆ difficult as expected, but if you want to prepare for the quality ↗ of the service that satisfies the customer and the solution of the "customer's problem", you can fantasize about it as many times as you want... As many times as you want... There is only practical practice. Now that the second inbound is in full swing, there are countless stores that are running an experience business targeting foreign visitors to Japan ... However, there are almost no shops where there are staff who can interpret. Our assistant staff are all at a level where they can have daily conversations in English (some Chinese, Korean, and Sinhala are also available), so foreign visitors to Japan can receive O-Mo-Te Na-Si with peace of mind.
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  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Photo Contest
  • Wagyu
  • Japanese heart/Wabisabi
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • Budo Tourism
  • Osaka no Jin
  • Inbound
  • Great view
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • ...and 10 others

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