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The LemonEE
Feb. 29, 2024
Nestled along the banks of the Arashiyama River in Kyoto, a scene unfolds that whispers of Japan's timeless beauty and rich heritage. Here, where the past meets the present, the leaves of the trees sway in the breeze and gently cascade onto the water's surface like delicate memories. The river, a silent witness to centuries gone by, reflects the vibrant hues of the foliage and the graceful curves of the ancient bridge of Togetsu-kyo. This photograph is not just a snapshot in time but a promise to preserve these views of Japan's serene landscapes for the future, ensuring that the essence of this magical place endures for generations to come..
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  • Photo Contest
  • Great view
  • Nature
  • Kyoto Prefecture
  • River
  • Instagrammable
  • Japan
Feb. 23, 2024
[Honor of the Samurai in the Tea Room ⚔ of His Highness] Osaka Full Marathon break at "Mobile Chanoyu" at ε-( ́∀'*) Dust The history of the tea ceremony is about 530 years from the time of Ashikaga Yoshimasa to the present day. The year 380 until the end of Edo was the age of the samurai. The fact that ⚔ samurai have led 70% of the history of the tea ceremony His Highness's Tea House
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  • Tea ceremony
  • Marathon
  • Bushido
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • Osaka no Jin
  • Photo Contest
  • Sightseeing
  • Calligraphy
  • Japanese Warrior
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Feb. 23, 2024
【武士の誉れ】✕【俥天力】 新世界は通天閣で人力車観光ガイドをサービスとしています俥天力さんに挨拶?… だけでなく色々とお願いしてきました。 『武道を興さんとならば、先ず恥の一字より興すべし』 我々は、本来行うべき仕事以上に、名を上げることができる行いはない… 経済的な事情で内職をしたり農業にいそしんだりしても、武士であれば、武士として何ができるかを考えるべきだという意味らしく、早速、俥天力 様にコラボ撮影をお願いしてきました? 忙しいときにご迷惑をおかけして、かたじけない。 ⚔侍は走らない。 走ってはならない。 いかにも悠々として歩く。 侍が走る時は、一大事が起きた時だけだ ⚔侍は常に両手をあけている。 いつでも抜刀できるように。 通常、荷物は持たない。 荷物がある場合には、従者に持たせる。 馬に積む。 どちらもいない場合は #人力車 に乗る⚔ 俥天力 Samurai Honor Honor of the Samurai✕Jinrikisha Tenriki I went to Shinsekai to say hello? to Jikisha Tenriki, a rickshaw tour guide service in Tsutenkaku, and also to ask him for some help. If you want to start a martial art, you must first start with a word of shame. It seems to mean that we should think about what we can do as a warrior, even if we are doing domestic work or farming for economic reasons. I apologize for the inconvenience at this busy time. ⚔Samurai do not run. Do not run. They walk in a very leisurely manner. The only time a ⚔samurai runs is when something big is happening. ⚔The Samurai always keep their hands open. ⚔Samurai always keep their hands open so that they can draw their swords at any time. They usually carry no baggage. If they have luggage, they have their attendants carry it. If there is luggage, it is carried by a follower or loaded on a horse. If neither is available, they ride in a #jinrikisha⚔. jinrikisha tenriki Samurai Honor
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  • Rickshaw
  • Cherry blossom viewing rickshaw
  • Iaido/Battō-jutsu/Swordsmanship
  • Japanese swords
  • Bushido
  • Warring States Period
  • Armor/Helmet
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Samurai lord
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Feb. 22, 2024
It is a Buddha enshrined on the summit of Mt. Shakagatake (1799m) in the Omine mountain range in Nara Prefecture. This statue of Buddha was carried to the summit in 1924 (Taisho 13) by Mr. Masayuki Okada, commonly known as "Oniga", a powerful man of Omine. In honor of his great achievement, the pedestal of the statue of Buddha is inscribed with the words, "Masayuki Okada is the one who carried it alone." When you walk along the Omine Trail, I would like you to take a look.
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  • Nara Prefecture
  • World Cultural Heritage
  • Great view
Feb. 21, 2024
【大阪城】日ノ本一の書道マスター教室を着物で体験 漢字には一文字一文字に意味が込められています。 外国の方のお名前も漢字にて。 またそれを扇子や掛け軸に書いてお土産にどうぞ Osaka Castle] Experience the best Japanese calligraphy master class in kimono. Each kanji character has its own meaning. You can write the name of a foreigner in Kanji characters. You can also write it on a fan or a hanging scroll as a souvenir.
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  • Calligraphy
  • Photo Contest
  • Samurai lord
  • Osaka (City)
  • History
  • Osaka Prefecture
  • Pilgrimage
  • Samurai Road (Nagano Prefecture/Gifu Prefecture)
  • Traditional culture
  • Experience tourism (new tourism)
  • ...and 10 others

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