Video article 6:33
Yamagata Castle in Yamagata City, the largest castle in Tohoku, has an overwhelming presence and beauty, and is a national historic site that has been protected for over 600 years!
Travel Traditional Culture Art & Architecture- 56 plays
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Video introduction of Yamagata Castle in Yamagata City, a famous castle in Ou This video, titled "Yamagata Castle in YAMAGATA, JAPAN/The Top 100 Castles in Japan/No.10" (【山形/日本100名城】山形城 - Yamagata Castle in YAMAGATA, JAPAN/The Top 100 Castles in Japan/No.10 -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." It introduces Yamagata castle, one of Japan's Top 100 Castles. Yamagata Castle is located in Kajo, Yamagata, in the Tohoku region of Japan, and boasts the largest castle in Japan's Tohoku region. The famous Yamagata Castle, known for its absence of a castle tower, was originally built in 1356 by Shiba Kaneyori, the first generation of the Mogami clan who entered Yamagata as provincial governor. Shiba Kaneyori, also known as Mogami Kaneyori, was a military commander during Japan's Nanboku-cho period. The present castle was originally built by the 11th lords of the castle, the Mogami clan, and in 1622, Torii Tadamasa, who became the lord of the castle after the Mogami clan, built the outer citadel moats and, earthen walls, as well as the stone walls that remain today. Torii Tadamasa was a vassal of the Tokugawa family and a military commander and daimyo from the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD) to the early Edo period (1603-1700 AD). In this video, you can see the beauty of Yamagata Castle, a national historic site, some wonderful music. We hope you enjoy it! Other Names of the Famous Yamagata Castle Yamagata Castle has been selected as one of the Top 100 Castles in Japan. Yamagata Castle is also known as "Kasumi Castle" (霞城) or "Kasumiga Castle" (霞ヶ城) in Japanese. According to locals the origin of this name is said to have come from the fact that the castle was obscured by haze during the Keicho Dewa Campaign, also known as the "Sekigahara of the north." The History of Yamagata Castle and the Mogami Clan Photo:A statue of Mogami Yoshiaki on horseback at Yamagata Castle Mogami Yoshiaki, the 11th lord of Yamagata Castle during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), was granted a fief of 570,000 koku and devoted himself to the development of Yamagata Castle and the castle grounds. Mogami Yoshiaki was a descendant of the first generation of the Mogami family, "Shiba Kaneyori," who built Yamagata Castle, and was the first lord of the Yamagata Domain. You can see the brave figure of Mogami Yoshiaki atop his horse at 2:52 in the video. During the reign of Mogami Yoshiaki, the castle was expanded, with the residences of high- and middle-class vassals located in the outer region of the castle, and the residences and temples of lower-class vassals outside the castle. This was the birth of Yamagata Castle, the largest castle in Japan's Tohoku region, and the original castle town. After the death of Mogami Yoshiaki, the Yamagata domain was ruled by Torii Tadamasa, and large-scale renovations began. Due to repeated changes in the lord of the castle, the Mogami clan, which boasted 570,000 koku in the Edo period, was reduced to 50,000 koku by the end of the Edo period, and the castle fell into disrepair as it became difficult to maintain. Yamagata Castle – An Everchanging National Historic Site Photo:Otemon Gate, Yamagata Castle The Honmaru (inner citadel) and Ninomaru (outer citadel) areas of the Yamagata Castle Ruins have been developed as an urban park, and together with part of the Sanomaru area, were designated as a national historic site as Kajo Park, in 1986. At Kajo Park, the Former Saiseikan Hospital Building, which can be seen at 3:27 in the video, is preserved as an Important Cultural Property, and there's also the Yamagata Prefectural Museum, the Yamagata Museum of Art, and the Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum. The Ninomaru East Gate, Koraimon Gate, Tower Gate, Northern Turret, Tsuzuki Yagura, Otebashi Bridge, and Honmaru Ichimonji Gate, which can be seen at 4:17 in the video, are said to be comparable to the gates of Edo Castle, and restoration work is still in progress. Yamagata Castle no longer appears as it once did, a pitiful ruin of a castle. Today, Yamagata Castle is known as a famous sightseeing spot for cherry blossoms, with the iconic Someiyoshino cherry trees in full bloom, and approximately 1,500 cherry trees illuminated during the cherry blossom viewing party held in spring. The castle was selected as one of the Top 100 Historical Parks in Japan and as one of the Top 100 Castles in Japan in 2006, and castle stamps are also available. Summary of the Famous Yamagata Castle Photo:Cherry blossoms at Kajo Park, Yamagata Castle, Yamagata The historic Yamagata Castle, which has been maintained over the years by the Mogami and Torii clans and the city of Yamagata, is a famous castle that has been loved and watched over by many people. The beautiful stonewalls and moats are surrounded by a rich natural environment. The ponds reflect nature's changing expressions like a mirror, attracting visitors. In the video, you can experience Yamagata Castle up close, where you can feel the beauty of Japan's four seasons firsthand. Discover the history of Japan with the video! ◆Yamagata Castle General Information◆ 【Address】1-7, Kajo-machi, Yamagata City, Yamagata 990-0826 Japan (Administration Office) 【Access】 By train: A 10-minute walk from JR Yamagata Station By Car: About 15 minutes from the Yamagata Zao IC on the Yamagata Expressway 【Parking】Free (230 parking spaces, including 5 handicap spaces and 5 bus spaces) 【Park Hours】5 AM – 10 PM (Apr. 1 – Oct. 31), 5:30 AM – 10 PM (Nov. 1 – Mar. 31) 【Admission Fee】Free 【Closures】None 【Official Website】National Historic Site: Yamagata Castle https://www.city.yamagata-yamagata.lg.jp/kakuka/machizukuri/koen/sogo/yamagatajo/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Yamagata Castle Ruins https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023191-d1745658-Reviews-Yamagata_castle-Yamagata_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 2:13
Zao - Where Fantastic Ice Trees Stretch as Far as the Eye Can See. Referred to as "Ice Monsters" This Destination in Yamagata Prefecture Is Very Popular Among Foreign Tourists
Nature- 108 plays
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自然が生み出す絶景「蔵王の樹氷」をご紹介! 日本にはさまざまな名所があります。 その中でも幻想的な景色を楽しめる場所に旅行したいと思っている方は多いと思います。 そのような方々に、山形県の蔵王の樹氷をおすすめします。 この記事では、「Saha Entertainment TV」が公開した「[4K] 絶景蔵王の樹氷 Amazing Ice Monsters」をもとに、日本のおすすめの観光地である蔵王の樹氷の魅力や、おすすめのインスタ映えスポットの情報などを説明します。 「蔵王の樹氷」が生み出す自然の美しさ 蔵王の樹氷は、山形の蔵王連峰にある植物に雪が凍り付き、固まったものです。 東北地方の奥羽山脈(飯豊連峰、朝日連峰、月山、鳥海山など)でしか確認されておらず、とても珍しい自然美を堪能することができます。 見ごろは、1月の下旬から3月の上旬です。 この時期には樹氷のライトアップイベントも行われているので、夜の幻想的な蔵王の樹氷を楽しめます。 このように、蔵王の樹氷は他では見ることができない美しい絶景を楽しめるので、自然を楽しみたい方にはおすすめの観光地です。 「スノーモンスター」や「アイスモンスター」とよばれる蔵王の樹氷を思う存分、鑑賞しましょう。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」は幻想的な景観を楽しめる 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、幻想的な景観を楽しむことができます。 昼の太陽の光によるデイライト樹氷は、自然の光と特徴的な形の樹氷が融合して、少し変わった美しい風景を楽しむことができます。 夜のライトアップでは、色彩が鮮やかな光によって樹氷が浮かびあがり、幻想的な景色を堪能できるでしょう。 蔵王の樹氷は、昼と夜で幻想的な景色を見ることができる素晴らしい場所です。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」を見るのにおすすめのエリア 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、自然の景色を満喫できるスポットがたくさんあります。 温泉街からのれるロープウェイは、大きな窓から樹氷を見ることができるのでおすすめです。 ゆったり座りながら鑑賞できるのもポイントです。 ロープウェイの山頂駅も人気スポット。 駅から降りた瞬間に広大な樹氷が目の前に広がっています。 展望台では樹氷原を一望できるので、ぜひ訪ねてみてください! 絶景「蔵王の樹氷」のまとめ 他では見ることができない蔵王の樹氷。 ぜひ現地でアイスモンスターと呼ばれる絶景をご覧になってみてください。 その幻想的な景色と迫力を思う存分、楽しみましょう! -
Video article 3:32
Climbing the 1015 stone steps of "Hoshuzan Risshakuji Temple" in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, one is met with a spectacular view. The temple, built on a precipitous cliff, is a scenic spot where Matsuo Basho, the famous haiku poet, wrote a poem!
Art & Architecture Travel- 454 plays
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Hoshuzan Risshakuji Temple, Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Risshaku-ji Temple Temple 4K - Risshaku-ji in Yamagata" (宝珠山立石寺 4K - Risshaku-ji in Yamagata), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." It explores Risshaku-ji Temple, a National Site of Scenic Beauty in Yamagata Prefecture, Tohoku, Japan. Risshaku-ji Temple in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture is an ancient temple opened by a monk in 860 A.D. It is one of the most famous temples in Japan's Tohoku region. It is most famous as the temple that Matsuo Basho made a haiku poem about, in his poetry book "Oku no Hosomichi." The poem goes like this- Deep silence the shrill of cicadas seeps into the rocks The temple suffered damage from fire several times between the Kamakura Period (1185~1333) and Muromachi Period (1336~1573). In the Edo Period (1603~1868), the temple was given a territory of 1,420 koku by the government and rebuilt the temple buildings. The temple currently owns a land of 330,000 tsubo where around 30 various sized buildings are built. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Yamagata Prefecture. Built on top of the tall steep stone cliff, Risshaku-ji Temple lays within the beautiful natural landscape of Zao Quasi-National Park. Here you can enjoy the beautiful seasonal views and elegance of nature. Yamagata Prefecture proudly boasts the temple as a National Site of Scenic Beauty in Japan. The video captures the beautiful Risshaku-ji Temple in stunning 4K quality. The sound of the piano adds to the beauty of Risshaku-ji Temple. The "Four Temple Pilgrimage" of Yamagata Prefecture Photo:Spring scenery at Risshaku-ji Temple Risshaku-ji Temple is spiritually associated with Hiraizumi Chuson Temple (平泉中尊寺 Hiraizumi Chusonji), Moutsu Temple (毛越寺 Moutsuji), and Matsushima Zuigan Temple (松島瑞巌寺 Matsushima Zuiganji), and the pilgrimage route to visit the four temples has become a popular tourist activity in Yamagata. There are many spots along the route that are great for taking Instagram pictures as well. Your trip isn't complete until you've collected a shuin stamp from all four temples! Making a trip to all four temples is sure to be an unforgettable experience. The Pilgrimage Route for Risshaku-ji Temple Photo:Yamadera (Yamagata Prefecture) The recommended route to visit Risshaku-ji Templeis shown below. 1. Start of the trail:Start here. The pilgrimage to Risshaku-ji Temple is more like climbing a mountain. (0:48 in the video) ↓ 2. Konpon Chudo Hall (根本中堂 Konponchudo) ↓ 3. Basho Mound (芭蕉塚 Bashozuka) ↓ 4. Treasure House (宝物殿 Takaramonoden) ↓ 5. Mountain Gate (山門 Sanmon) ↓ 6. Cicada Mound (せみ塚 Semizuka) ↓ 7. Nio Gate (仁王門 Niomon) ↓ 8. Inner Sanctuary (奥の院 Okunoin) (1:22 in the video) ↓ 9. Three-storied Pagoda (三重の小塔 Mieno kotou) ↓ 10. Kaizan Hall (開山堂 Kaizando), Nokei Hall (納経堂 Nokeido) (1:31 in the video) ↓ 11. Godai Hall (五大堂 Godaido) The route takes around 1.5 hours to complete, and you have to climb up 1,050 stone steps! From the start of the trail to the peak, you'll only walk up the steps. You won’t need special attire, just normal clothes and shoes are fine. You can complete a pilgrimage and get some light mountain climbing in at the same time! Take your time enjoying the history and culture of Risshaku-ji Temple. Other halls include Shoso Hall (性相院, Shosoin), Kinjo Hall (金乗院, Kinjoin), Chusei Hall (中性院, Chuseiin), and Kazo Hall (華蔵院, Kazoin). You can check the official website to see the map showing the exact locations of each hall. Tourist Attractions and Dining at Risshaku-ji Temple Photo:konjac at Risshaku-ji Temple The most famous dishes at the ancient Risshaku-ji Temple area are wild vegetable dishes and Japanese Soba - buckwheat noodle. The temple is well-known for being a mountain temple surrounded by the steep cliffs and magnificent mountain views. You can taste delicious Japanese dishes using wild vegetables grown on the mountain. Access to Risshaku-ji Temple in Yamagata prefecture Train:30 minutes by bus or taxi from JR Yamagata Station Car:15 minutes from the Yamagata Expressway Air:30 minutes from Yamagata Airport Risshaku-ji Temple is on top of a very steep cliff. There is a free car park for visitors. However, it is very small, so we recommend that you use public transport when possible. Hotels Around Risshaku-ji Temple If you're visiting Risshaku-ji Temple for a pilgrimage or sightseeing, we recommend staying at a hotel near JR Yamagata Station or JR Yamadera Station on the JR Senzan Line. Summary of the Serene Risshaku-ji Temple in Yamagata Prefecture Photo:Jizo statue Risshaku-ji Temple in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture has been connected with Hie Shrine (日枝神社 Hie Jinja) by Shinbutsu-shugo. It is now completely merged with Risshaku-ji Temple, and In May every year, they have an event called the Sanno Festival. The Harsh climate of Yamagata brings the seasonal beauty of nature- cherry blossoms and plum trees in spring, fresh greenery in summer, beautiful autumnal foliage in fall, and snowy scenery in winter. It's a place where you can enjoy the natural landscape of Japan and majestic views year round. The views from Risshaku-ji Temple are shown at 1:57 in the video. With an elevation difference of approximately 160m, the view from Risshaku-ji Temple on top of the steep cliffs is something special. The video also shows the solemn atmosphere of the mountain temple and the beautiful changes that each season brings. Be sure to check it out if you haven't yet! ◆Risshaku-ji Temple◆ 【Address】4456-1 Yamadera, Yamagata, 999-3301 【Access】30 minutes from Yamagata by car 【Parking】Available. 10 free spaces 【Telephone No.】023-695-2843 【Official website】Risshaku-ji Temple https://www.rissyakuji.jp/