Video article 5:20
The Healing Hirayu Hot Springs of Takayama, Where Even Takeda Shingen, the Famous Feudal Lord, Relaxed for a Bath. Delicious Foods, Sightseeing, and a Mascot to Show You All the Things You Can Do in the Okuhida Hot Springs Area of Gifu Prefecture!
Local PR- 288 plays
- YouTube
Sightseeing Video Introduction of "Hirayu Onsen" in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture Today we are showing you '平湯温泉PRムービー フルバージョン 5分21秒'. This promotional video shows you Hirayu Hot Spring located in the Okuhida hot springs area in Takayama City, in snowy Gifu Prefecture. In the video, Yuyu, the mascot of the local Tourist Association, will show you around all the top spots. Yuyu falls in love with a beautiful woman in the video (at 1:30). Let’s learn about sightseeing at Hirayu hot springs, while following what happens to Yuyu’s love! Hirayu Onsen: A White Monkey Showed Takeda's Army Where It Was? Find Out the Secret History of Hirayu Onsen! Source :YouTube screenshot The Okuhida Hot Springs area of Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture is famous in Japan for its plentiful snow. This hot spring area consists of the Fukuji Hot Springs, Shinhirayu Hot Springs, Tochio Hot Springs, Shinhodaka Hot Springs and the Hirayu Hot Spring, the oldest hot spring in Okuhida. Hirayu Onsen was established in the Age of Civil War called the Sengoku Period (1467~1615). They say that the hot spring was found when a white monkey showed the exhausted Takeda Army where the hot spring was. Takeda's men recovered immediately after getting into the hot spring. Following that, Hirayu Onsen was developed into a therapeutic spa. The spring is said to be effective at treating intestinal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, nerve pain and skin disease. Having said that, the Okuhida Hot Spring area in Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture is surrounded by mountains and it used to be referred to as a "hidden world." A tunnel connecting Nagano Prefecture and Gifu Prefecture has opened in recent years, and access to the area has improved dramatically. As seen from 1:17 in the video, many coach buses from large Japanese cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Nagoya arrive at Hirayu Onsen bus terminal. The bus routes are operated by the Nohi Bus, the local bus company covering most of the Hirayu Onsen area. This area is in a convenient location, as you can visit secret hot springs, camp sites and famous Japanese tourist spots such as Matsumoto and Kamikochi. Delicious Local Delicacies! Check Out the Delicious Foods Served in the Many Inns Shown Throughout the Video Photo:Hoba Miso Making a good choice of Onsen and meals is rather important when choosing a hotel or ryokan, is it not? Please have a look at 2:36 in the video. It shows unusual, delicious Japanese foods from the Hirayu Onsen area such as softshell turtle hot pot, onsen soft-boiled eggs, and pickled steaks. In particular, Hoba Miso is a very famous Japanese food in the Okuhida Hot Springs area in Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture. It is often included in the accommodation package of ryokan inns. We'd like to recommend Nakamurakan and Okada Ryokan for those who are particular about Onsen quality and want to fully enjoy the interior of a ryokan. The rotenburo (open air bath) at Nakamurakan uses hot spring water straight from the source and you can refresh your mind and body. You can see inside Okada Ryokan using Google maps street view as well if you're interested. Even if you don't stay at one of these inns, you can still use their onsen facilities with a day pass as well! Tourist Hot Spots at Hirayu Onsen, Japan’s No. 1 Onsen Photo:Asian Black bear There are many beautiful tourist hot spots and attractions besides Onsen Ryokan and hotels at Hirayu Onsen in Okuhida Hot Springs. Here, we'll tell you about popular tourist attractions around Hirayu Onsen. Okuhida Bear Ranch (奥飛騨クマ牧場 Okuhida Kuma Bokujo) shown in the video from 3:04 keep the largest number of Asian Black Bear (ツキノワグマ Tsukinowaguma) in Japan. We recommend the Bear Fat (熊の油 Kumanoyu) souvenir. It has been used as a medicine by hunters in the Okuhida Hot Springs area for many years and is effective for skin problems. Next up is the Shinhotaka Ropeway (新穂高ロープウェイ). There is a ropeway near Hirayu Onsen in Okuhida Hot Springs, Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture. It is the only double-decker ropeway in Japan. It is also famous for its magnificent views of autumn leaves. Its viewpoint has an elevation of 2,156 meters. The superb views of the Northern Japanese Alps from the viewpoint make for amazing photos! Share them on your Instagram or keep them for scrap-booking! Sightseeing Around Hirayu Onsen Around Hirayu Onsen, there are many more sightseeing places that aren't included in the video. They are: Hirayu Great Falls (平湯大滝 Hirayu Ootaki), Alps Highway Hirayu (アルプス街道平湯 Arupusu Kaido Hirayu) , Hirayu History Museum (平湯民俗館 Hirayu Minzokukan) , Hirayu Shrine (平湯神社 Hirayu Jinja), Mt. Yakedake (焼岳 Yakedake), Kamikochi (上高地), Mt. Norikura (乗鞍岳 Norikuradake), Goshikigahara (五色ヶ原), Shirakawago (白川郷), Hidatakayama(飛騨高山), Hida Great Limestone Cave (飛騨大鍾乳洞 Hida Daishounyudo) and Hirayu Campsite (平湯キャンプ場 Hirayu Campujo). We recommend giving these places a visit if you're planning on coming to Hirayu Onsen. There are other activities that you can try to enjoy the beautiful nature of the Hirayu Onsen area, such as Rail Mountain Bike and the Hirayu Onsen Ski Resort. While you are sightseeing, don’t forget to try the delicious local foods such, as Hida Beef (飛騨牛 Hidagyu), Hida Pork (飛騨ポーク Hida Pork) and onsen soft-boiled Egg (温泉卵 Onsen Tamago). Summary of Hirayu Onsen It's not the biggest place when compared to other famous Japanese hot spring towns, but you can definitely refresh your mind and body and enjoy a peaceful time here. That’s Hirayu Onsen of Okuhida Hot Springs in Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture. By the time you finish watching the 5-minute video, you'll want to go and see Yuyu! By the way, what happened to Yuyu’s love?? 【Official Website】Gifu Prefecture Takayama City Hall Website http://www.city.takayama.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Hirayu Onsen Tourism Association, Hirayu Onsen Ryokan Cooperative Society http://hirayuonsen.or.jp/ -
Video article 10:36
The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture Has Ties to Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, One of Japan's Most Famous Warlords. The Young Kabuki Actors Are Quite Impressive for Their Age!
Festivals & Events- 74 plays
- YouTube
日本文化を伝える長浜曳山まつりとは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga - 長浜曳山まつり」です。 今回ご紹介する動画では、日本の滋賀県長浜市で行われる長浜曳山まつりをご覧になれます。 長浜曳山まつりは長浜八幡宮の祭礼として日本文化を伝える歴史的なお祭りです。 祭礼中の行事として有名なものが日本三大山車祭としてあげられる曳山巡行です。 さらに子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧を行う子ども歌舞伎も話題になっています。 日本三大山車祭りの一つ長浜曳山まつり 日本には三代山車祭りという3つの有名な山車祭りがあり、岐阜県高山市の高山祭京都府京都市の祇園祭、そして滋賀県長浜のこちらの動画で紹介されている長浜曳山まつりです。 どの山車祭りも国の重要無形民俗文化財に登録されており、日本の祭り文化に大きな影響を与え続けていることは間違いありません。 日本の文化を後世に伝える子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりで執り行われる行事が、子ども歌舞伎です。 曳山の上で子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧をし、演技を行います。 その様子は動画の中で4:01秒から紹介されています。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの歴史 長浜曳山まつりの歴史は1574年に日本の戦国武将であった豊臣秀吉が長浜城を築城した際に、城下町で開催されていた曳山祭で曳山を作り始めたのが始まりとされています。 以後、長浜市では伝統文化・伝統芸能として曳山まつりが発展し、江戸時代の中期には今のような狂言を行っていたという記録が残されています。 長浜曳山まつりは、その後も長浜市の人々の間で受け継がれていき、昭和54年には重要無形民俗文化財の指定を受けました。 さらに昭和60年には祭りで使用する曳山とその曳山を保存する山蔵が滋賀県の有形民俗文化財として認定され、平成28年には日本各地の山・鉾・屋台行事の一つとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されました。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりの目玉は歌舞伎役者となった子どもが舞台屋台の上で狂言を演じる子ども歌舞伎です。 日本では歌舞伎と狂言は区別されますが、長浜市では5歳から12歳までの男子によって演じられます。 歌舞伎と変わらず男役と女役があり、勇ましく男役を演じる子や、つややかに振る舞う女役の子の狂言が上演されます。 また、この子ども歌舞伎を支える三役として、三味線・太夫・振付は不可欠な存在です。 現在では三役修行塾の塾生がその役目を努めていますが、かつては湖北地域で義太夫などが盛んに行われていて曳山の三役を努めていました。 日本文化を感じる長浜曳山まつり紹介まとめ 滋賀県の長浜市で歌舞伎に気軽に触れられる行事とあって多くの観光客が訪問する長浜曳山まつり紹介動画をぜひご覧になってください! 長浜曳山まつりは毎年4月中旬ごろに行われます。 -
Video article 17:15
Karakuri Hono, One of Japan's Traditional Performing Arts, Can Be Enjoyed at the Takayama Festival in Takayama, Gifu Prefecture!
Festivals & Events- 54 plays
- YouTube
日本が世界へと誇る伝統芸能の一つ『布袋台からくり奉納』 布袋台からくり奉納は、江戸時代から日本に伝わる伝統芸能の一つで、岐阜県高山市の飛騨高山にて毎年開催される『高山祭』で行われます。 曳山とも呼ばれている屋台から出てきた「からくり」を熟練の綱方が操る様子はまるで生きているかのよう。 まずは動画で、布袋台からくり奉納がどのようなものかご覧になってください。 高山祭って何? 布袋台からくり奉納で良く知られる高山祭とは、岐阜県高山市にて春に行われる『山王祭』と、秋に行われる『八幡祭』の2つのことを指した総称です。 まず、春の高山祭である山王祭では3台の屋台が、からくり奉納を行う屋台として曳き揃えられます。 神輿を始め獅子舞や闘鶏楽(とうけいらく)等、大行列で町を巡ります。 秋の八幡祭は、今回紹介した布袋台からくり奉納の『布袋台』がからくり奉納を行う屋台として曳き揃えられます。 春と同じく、闘鶏楽や裃姿(かみしもすがた)の大行列で町を巡ります。 高山祭の魅力は、昼に行われる布袋台からくり奉納始めだけではなく、夜の高山祭にもあります。 100個にもなる提灯を揺らしながら町を巡る様は非常に風情があり、からくり奉納を見に来た方は、ぜひ堪能して欲しい日本の和の景色です。 高山祭と布袋台からくり奉納の観光のススメ 高山祭の開催地周辺には『白川郷』と呼ばれる世界遺産にも数えられている日本屈指の観光スポットが存在します。 伝統芸能を堪能した後は、世界遺産の伝統家屋へというのも乙なものでしょう。 高山祭と白川郷の二つを回るツアーが多くあり、お得に伝統芸能と世界遺産を巡ることもできます。 当日は混雑が予想されますので、駐車場の心配などをしなくて済むツアー観光も検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? 布袋台からくり奉納と高山祭の紹介まとめ 今回紹介させて頂いている動画で見ることが出来る布袋台からくり奉納を始めとしたからくり奉納と屋台の数々、そして獅子舞や闘鶏楽等の伝統芸能。 まさに日本の『和』を余すことなく堪能することが出来る祭りとなっています。 毎年、春の山王祭と秋の八幡祭の二回行われていて、それぞれ違った良さがあります。 この記事を見て高山祭に興味を持った方は、お好きな方へ足を運んで見てはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 4:29
Breathtaking snow-covered scenic views in Hida Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture. Learn about the good old days of Japan in a town full of historical atmosphere.
Travel- 53 plays
- YouTube
Beautiful Snowy Landscape in Hida Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan This video, titled "Snowscapes of Hida Takayama in Winter|Winter HidaTakayama|Snowscape Report - Discover Nippon" (冬の飛騨高山の雪景色 Winter HIdaTakayama 雪見便り・ディスカバーニッポン), was uploaded by "Discover Nippon." It introduces the beautiful snowscapes of Hida Takayama, Gifu, in Japan's Tokai region. As you can see in the video, Hida Takayama is a village in Gifu Prefecture covered with thick snow in winter due to its high altitude. There are many beautiful sightseeing spots in the Hida Takayama area that we recommend visiting during the snowy season. Hida Takayama, Gifu - A Town With Beautiful Scenery Photo:Hida Takayama, Gifu Prefecture There are castle towns and merchant houses in Hida Takayama and it is known as the "Little Kyoto of Hida." Clear water flows under the eaves of a row of latticed windows, and at the entrance to a sake brewery, a ball of cedar leaves called "sakebayashi" or "sugitama" is hung to signal that a new sake has been brewed. We recommend looking around Nakabashi "Sanmachi Dori" where an old townscape remains, and viewing the historical buildings, such as Takayama Jinya. From 0:33 in the video, you can see the snowy streets of Hida Takayama, Gifu and their rich historical atmosphere. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Hida Takayama, Gifu Photo:Shirakawa-go in winter, Gifu Prefecture Shirakawa-go is registered as a World Heritage Site and is famous for its Gassho-zukuri architecture. It is especially famous for its snowscapes, so definitely consider checking it out during winter. Hida Folk Village and Mukashi-banashi-no-sato are great for sightseeing as well. You can see Japanese scenery by going to Honkoji Temple and Sakurayama Hachimangu Shrine. By going to Kita Alps Ohashi Bridge and Hirayu Falls (平湯大滝, Hirayu Ootaki), you can enjoy the natural scenery of the area. During the winter months, you can enjoy an elegant time touring the city center by rickshaw, which can be seen from 1:00 in the video. In the evening, stay at a nice hot spring hotel and relax after a long day of sightseeing. Visit a Historical Festival in Hida Takayama, Gifu! Photo:Takayama Festival, Gifu The Takayama Festival is a historical festival that represents Hida Takayama. You can also see gorgeous floats at the Takayama Festival Floats Exhibition Hall. Hida Takayama's Hina Festival features beautiful hina dolls and is one of the most popular events in the area. Enjoy the Delicious Local Food of Hida Takayama, Gifu! Photo:Hoba-miso Hida Takayama is famous for hoba-miso, a local specialty of the area. It's a simple grilled dish, made with homemade miso paste and mixed with spices and wild vegetables. We recommend eating lunch while taking in the snowy, historical atmosphere of Hida Takayama. If you're looking for some fresh, seasonal foods, be sure to check out Miyagawa Asaichi, one of the three major morning markets in Japan. The delicious local sake is popular as a souvenir. Summary of Hida Takayama, Gifu Photo:Merchant Houses in Hida Takayama, Gifu Prefecture In the snowy Hida Takayama, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery created by the seasons of Japan. In the video, you can see beautiful scenery of the old Japanese townscape dyed white. If this video has you interested in Hida Takayama, we highly recommend visiting to see the actual scenery in person. 【Official Website】Hida Takayama Tourism Official Website https://www.hida.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Takayama https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298113-Takayama_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 0:53
Mt. Norikura: At an Altitude of Nearly 10,000 Feet, Boasting 60-Foot-Tall Snow Walls and Autumnal Leaves, Its a Great Place to Enjoy Nature in Every Season in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures!
Nature Travel- 204 plays
- Vimeo
Norikura-dake" in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures, Introduction of mountain climbing video This video, titled “Mt. Norikura in one minute” (乗鞍岳登山を一分でまとめてみました。), was created by “odenkuuuuuuun.” It introduces Mt. Norikura, a part of the Hida Mountains, or Northern Alps. Mt. Norikura is one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and stretches through Nagano Prefecture’s Matsumoto City to Gifu Prefecture’s Takayama City. The video summarizes "odenkuuuuuuun's" climb of Mt. Norikura in September. Although the video is only 54 seconds long, it’s brimming with the allure of Mt. Norikura. Matsumoto Prefecture・Gifu Prefecture’s Mt. Norikura Photo:Summit of Mt. Norikura Mt. Norikura is a complex volcano encompassing 7 lakes and 8 plains. The highest of its 23 peaks is Kengamine Peak, at a height of 10,000 feet. The mountain was chosen as one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and its popularity extends to foreign visitors as well. Its most recent eruption is said to be the Mt. Ebisu eruption over 2000 years ago. The mountain lies in the Hida Mountains. At the top of the mountain is the Norikura Shrine (乗鞍神宮, Norikura jingu), which has been a place of worship since long ago. This can be seen from 0:47 in the video. In the Shinshu Province, the mountain is also known as “Asahidake,” due to it being the first mountain touched by the light of the morning sun. (朝日, Asahi "Morning sun," 岳, dake "Mountain/Peak"). The starting point of the trail is Tatami-daira, which is 8,800 feet above sea level, and it takes about 1.5 hours to reach the summit, depending on which trail you take, making it an easy climb even for beginners. However, at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the weather can be quite unpredictable, and the temperature is low year round, so you'll need to wear warm clothes. Mt. Norikura’s popular trekking courses include the route from Tatamidaira to Kodamadake to Kengamine (approximately one and a half hours), and the route from the Norikura Kogen highlands to the peak of Mt. Norikura (approximately five hours and forty minutes). There are hiking courses available as well. Behind Tatamidaira is a national park where alpine flora and fauna are blooming, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful sight of the flower gardens while strolling around the lake or through the promenade. Autumn at Mt. Norikura provides stunning views of autumn leaves. The peak viewing period is from mid-September to early October. During the summer season, July to September, buses begin operating early in the morning, enabling visitors to be able to enjoy the sunrise from the 10,000 ft. tall mountain peak. It's great for taking pictures. Be sure to post them on your Instagram! On Mt. Norikura, there are a few mountain huts, so climbs with overnight stays are also possible. Many of these huts are fully-equipped with facilities such as baths, so visitors can feel as if they're resting at a hotel or ryokan. For the sake of nature preservation, access to Mt. Norikura by personal vehicles is limited, so you will need to use a tourist bus, shuttle bus, or taxi to get there. As the entrance of private cars is prohibited, of course, the usage of the Tsurugaike Parking Lot is not permitted. Visitors can head to Mt. Norikura from the Honokidaira Bus Terminal or the Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal. The bus terminals can be found at Hirayu Onsen of the Okuhida Onsen Village. Roads leading to Mt. Norikura include the Norikura Skyline (乗鞍スカイライン, Norikura sukairain) from Gifu Prefecture, as well as the Norikura Eco Line from Nagano Prefecture. Travelling on road bikes or bicycles is also possible. Cycling events are held as well, such as the “Mountain Cycling in Norikura,” and the “Norikura Skyline・Cycling Hill Climb. Sightseeing Around Mt. Norikura Photo:Mt. Norikura Snow Wall Norikura Kogen highland’s Norikura Skyline is open from mid-May to mid-June, visitors can view the snow wall "Yuki no Kairo" (雪の回廊, yuki no kairo) as well. At its highest, the snow wall can reach up to 60 feet, towering over the Norikura Skyline. Visitors can even walk amongst this magnificent sight. As seen from 0:17, snow remains on Mt. Norikura even in September, and summer skiing, where visitors climb the mountain on their own and ski at the peak, is also possible. Of course, in winter, ski resorts are opened as well, and visitors can enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Mt. Norikura also boasts the 50-meter “Sanbon Falls (三本滝, Sanbon-daki), which is counted among "Japan’s top 100 waterfalls." It has been a place of worship since olden times, and it is said that ascetics come to practice discipline at this waterfall. The “Starry Sky Observation Event” at Tatamidaira is also popular. Visitors can gaze up at the night sky full of stars while listening to the guide’s explanation of the sights. Summary of Mt. Norikura What'd you think of this article about Mt. Norikura? From the video, you can see the mountain from the view of a mountain climber, but you don't need to be a mountain climber to enjoy the natural beauty of Mt. Norikura. Although only 54 seconds long, the video is full of the sights and sounds of Mt. Norikura, so definitely check it out! 【Official Website】Mt. Norikura, Norikura Skyline Official Site https://norikuradake.jp/en.html 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Norikura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d2318270-Reviews-Mt_Norikura-Chubu.html