Announcing the #OnlineGoToTravel Twitter Campaign

Sep. 18, 2020

As the second phase of the "COOL JAPAN VIDEOS" release campaign, the "#OnlineGoToTravel Twitter Campaign" will run from September 18th to October 18th, 2020. Follow our official Twitter account @CoolJapanVideos, retweet the specified tweets, and 55 winners will be selected in a drawing to receive 10,000 yen in travel expenses! For more information, visit the #OnlineGoToTravel Twitter Campaign page.

Campaign Overview

Watch COOL JAPAN VIDEOS and enjoy traveling at home! Follow and retweet the official Twitter account to enter in to a prize pool of 550,000 yen!
【Campaign Period】
September 18th - October 18th, 2020
【Eligible Participants】
No age, gender or nationality requirements
【How to Participate】
Follow the official Twitter account @CoolJapanVideos and retweet the relevant tweets.