COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Official Release!

Sep. 15, 2020

We are pleased to announce the domestic release of "COOL JAPANVIDEOS," a social video curation website that collects videos focused on the appeals of Japan, on September 16, 2020.
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is equipped with a real time translation feature, which eliminates the language barrier between Japanese speakers and people from all over the world who don't speak Japanese, allowing for smooth communication!
The Japanese version was released today, and an English version is scheduled to release in November, followed by Chinese and Korean versions in 2021.


COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social video curation website that gathers videos that convey the charm of Japan, to share them with people from all over the world who are interested in the land of the rising sun!
For people in Japan, it's a tool to help them rediscover the charms of Japan, and for people overseas who don't know much about Japan, it's a tool to discover Japan through videos and the articles/explanations accompanying them in an easy-to-understand manner.


There are many famous tourist spots in Japan that everyone knows about, as well as those that only a handful of people know about.
Those outside of Japan have no way of obtaining information about anything besides the most famous places in Japan (i.e. anything not listed in a guidebook), so we decided to seize the opportunity to share all of Japan's hidden beauty with the rest of the world.
Until now, there have been no dedicated video curation sites that use video to introduce the appeal of Japan, and because there are so many videos uploaded on major video sharing websites, it's difficult to find the videos you're looking for, and because many videos are uploaded from those outside of Japan, there are cases where some of the information is also inaccurate.
In addition, there are many very appealing videos produced by local governments and regional tourism associations to promote certain regions, but these videos are often overlooked.
This is where COOL JAPAN VIDEOS comes in. By selecting videos that are full of Japan's charm and contain accurate information about Japan, those living in Japan can use it as a tool to rediscover Japan, and users around the world can use to it watch cool, informative videos about Japan, and through this, we hope to spark their interest in the country and all it has to offer.

We hope you enjoy all of the videos, packed with the charms of Japan, that COOL JAPAN VIDEOS has to offer!